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Everything posted by Nolongeramember

  1. I'm not convinced fluoro is any less visible than normal mono line. When I put them side by side in the fish tank it don't look any less visible to me. I believe my own eyes more than any marketing technical mumbo haha. I still use it though for the abrasion resistance on my lighter lines. Another thought to add is I reckon even if the line was a true 100% invisible under water, fish will still sense it's presence anyway.
  2. You can use a little less initial drag if your only expecting average fish. You can always add more drag with your hand on the spool during a fight if you need. Actually, this is a good method to use and is the way I do it as you can adjust your drag in an instant during a fight which will help with your pulled hooks. Always have a mental picture in your head as to where in the water column a hooked fish is during the fight. If you know its very near the bottom then its hand on the spool and don't give it an inch. If you have pumped it up a couple, then let it take some if it wants to, remembering that the bottom is near and getting your hand back on that spool again. If the fish is near the top, even a large size, and your in 30m of water I'll unscrew the drag as a 'safety' and if he wants to pull then fine. If I feel a hooked fish is another average size, I'll back the drag off soon as possible. There is no need to pull them all the way to the boat without letting them have their way on their biggest lunges. I've never heard to not alter your drag during a fight but I do it all the time with almost every fish I hook and I reckon its a part of landing a fish with the most success. Not just kings either, but anything. Another option is to slow down your jigging method. That may help not pulling hooks.
  3. Get the prop off and a torch in there and see if you can trace back the leak to the source. check the gear oil level while your at it.
  4. Could possibly also be just 2 stroke oil residue out of the exhaust and nothing to worry about at all. It looks like it to me in the picture but I could be wrong without seeing it in person.
  5. Hi. I don't use snell's as I've tested them on scales and found them to be weak knots. Kind of a waste of heavy leader when you could get the same strength with a lighter leader and a better knot.
  6. What's the problems with wing nuts over normal nuts? Never heard this before.
  7. I check willyweather the night before leaving in the morning and its pretty much correct for the whole day every time. The further away the prediction, the less accurate it is.
  8. I'm the odd one here by the look of it. Just my opinion of course, but I actually prefer Willyweather over Seabreeze or BOM. I often compare what the forecast was for the day to what actually happened on their recorded wind speeds and find Willyweather generally most accurate. Other features I like about Willyweather over the others is you can get your forecasts on specific locations such as North Head for example. Also their predictions are updated more frequently which is important. Sometimes every 1.5 - 2 hours but it varies. Forget making concrete plans 5 days in advance by relying on the forecast of any of these. You will get the general idea but it usually always changes by the time the day comes around.
  9. Hi. Glad you sorted it out. You may find if you attach your ear muffs and pay careful attention to get them in the correct position over the intake holes it may work as I suggested earlier. I normally use the bucket to flush as well. But when at the ramp or away from home I find it more convenient to use ear muffs. Its good to learn to use them on your engine if you ever need to. Regarding Inox, its up to you whether you use it or not but you will not clean your engine by spraying in on there. I know some people like to spray it on their engines but I don't for a few reasons. It will make the entire surface permanently oily and everything that contacts it will stick to it. It can penetrate areas that are supposed to be sealed and make them not sealed anymore. Hoses under pressure can blow off etc.
  10. Hi. I'm not a fan of either of these reels but I think the Rarenium is the better of the 2. Check the gear ratios and what you want out of your new reel...
  11. I check for spin before I clip the line on. Hold the rod tip down to the water. I use offset hooks and the method I described above and no spinning.
  12. Why is it a big no no? I'm not saying its ok or not just asking. Although, my Suzuki and other engines I've seen have an opening at the rear of the engine. I mean, if it was sealed how would the engine get air? My engine has taken water inside the cowling from this opening as it splashed up over the rear of the boat while reversing. This left the engine with salt crystals on the surface so I lightly rinsed them off with fresh water making sure to avoid the air intake. If the engine is capable of being splashed with saltwater I was thinking it cant be worse to rinse it off.
  13. Reading over your description of events I would say it is something simple like your ear muffs need to be readjusted over the intake hole or something. I don't think you wrecked the impellor just by rinsing the top of the engine lol, and you said you had just ran the engine before and it was pumping water ok.
  14. That's how I do it and they don't spin as long as I pin the top hook right on centre. If it spins take note of the direction and you can try moving the top hook slightly to counteract the spin.
  15. Sounds like something other than kings were taking your baits. I only use 1 hook on the nose and it hooks up kings fine. My thinking is 2 hooks and extra line is not needed and is less appealing.
  16. Your chain is not the problem. Its all in the technique used that determines the hold. Before lowering your anchor, hold the chain just above it and make sure the ring and whatever else is all in the same position you want it to be when the anchor is set at the bottom. Lower the anchor with slight tension on the rope so it stays in the correct position until it hits the bottom. The way anchors work, the more rope you let out the stronger the hold. Think about the angle the rope is pulling on the anchor as its on the bottom. With not much more rope out than the water depth, you are basically pulling the anchor straight up. Let out heaps...
  17. Hahaha.... And then its back to the top picture again after fishing.
  18. I gave a stranded bloke a tow back to the ramp once after he had asked me. Strained my engine and gave up 1 hour of my fishing time as well to do so. Not that I would have accepted it, but he never offered me anything. I think next time Ill tell em' to call up the marine rescue and Im going fishing ....
  19. "15 plus squid most trips" Geez mate, your doing pretty good....
  20. Nice Jewy Ethan. Maybe Ill see you out there one day....
  21. Great report... With a little more research and experience Im sure you can easily change the 'rare' to regular capture. Kingies too... Good job...
  22. Just saying if you ever want to repair, modify or add something you will need to paint it cold gal or whatever.... Yeah you will need to wash it off with turps.
  23. Hey Paikea I was considering using some of this stuff on some vulnerable areas on the trailer. Then I thought what if I need to repair and paint a section somewhere for any reason. It would be a nightmare....
  24. Ive properly tested hundreds of knots over the years. The blood knot is a good knot to join mono to mono but not so strong when joining braided line.
  25. My trailer is made from C- Channel rather than hollow steel sections. I don't know why they don't make all trailers like that.
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