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Everything posted by bassboy888

  1. Basscatcher and I have one, and while fishing for bass there have been some interesting things seen on the sounder. Last trip (in september, without the aussie mod) we saw while it was switched on an increase in fish activity on the sounder with schools moving through and moving up the water column. Most boats in the ABT have them as no one likes being left behind! I think they do work but with all things fishing nothing is a guaranteed fish catcher!
  2. Hey Leo, I use 4lb braid on all my spin gear no worries for bass. I find the longer more accurate casts you can do the better success. leader wise 8lb and 10lb fluoro for divers and spinnerbaits and 10lb mono for surface lures. If you want a few lure suggestions, tiemco soft shell cicadas are my favourite along with the rest of their cicada range!
  3. WOOO well done roberta, some superb bass in there. Good to see the trusty soft shell cicada getting a run. Its my favourite surface lure for wild bass! Bassin in the kayaks is a whole new element of fun, dragging you around and into the snags. Its sad news on the rod though, my condolences.
  4. Nice work poddy, I have been doing some exploring myself but none of that quality. In the past 2 weeks I have seen 4 red bellies, this bust bashing is not for the feint hearted! Don't the bass love those soft shells. My all time favorite surface lure for bass, they also make some great hard cicadas and small pencil lures that are worth lookin at. Keep up the hard bush bashing work!
  5. Thanks Dean. The fishing though was unfortunately slow, probably didn't help that I couldn't get the arvo session and the group of guys I was with weren't as keen. The gorge is an awesome place. I would recommend Any die hard bass-o to get up there! Good luck on your trip hopefully you get some bigguns
  6. Well done mate, have often driven over that and thought "there's gotta be bass in there" just proves bass are always caught in the strangest places!
  7. Well done mate, prime bass homes there. Solid fish and a great way to spend a morning
  8. Go Michelle! I reckon it would work in the salt on Jews/flatty too! They are similar but as we all know bass can be temperamental little buggers. Especially with all that pressure during a comp
  9. Wow, talk about fishing ability! a bit of natural instinct there.
  10. Roberta: I saw a photo of him with the bets/blade combo before I went on the trip and it was the inspiration for the technique. I fished a few of the comps this year and looking at doing all the southern bass rounds next year (ABT and BETS) Yea PMAK I found Hanks wil cousin, she was a beauty!
  11. Roberta: I saw a photo of him with the bets/blade combo before I went on the trip and it was the inspiration for the technique. I fished a few of the comps this year and looking at doing all the southern bass rounds next year (ABT and BETS) Yea PMAK I found Hanks wil cousin, she was a beauty!
  12. thanks for the replies guys! Hodgey, I'd only ust recently seen the blade/ betts spin combo and thought why not try it. Im glad i did now, just another technique for the arsenal
  13. What a weekend, Just spent 4 days at the gorge. managed 8 fish with 3 over 40cm and one of which was a 50cm. Instead of the detailed report of which I cant get the beauty of the gorge check out this video I made of the trip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR79CUTv37Q
  14. Love your work mate, lake St Clair can get pretty hairy with the winds, to brave them and get a few in yak is a fair effort. That sunday session would have been amazing lots of bigger bass on surface.... does it get any better!
  15. Nice work up at glenbawn! The wind sure does howl, good to see you laughing at the tent though. Not so bad when you're getting good bass!
  16. Good to see ya getting a few poddy, have been doing all surface bass fishing for almost a month now..... cant stop, I think i have a problem. I just dont want to give it up
  17. I think so, there's been some cracker reports from the lower sections..... It can only get better as they move up!
  18. Looks like a trip down south has to happen! Congrats on finding hank..... Multiple times. That EP is an absolute beast too. Did you pinch yourself at the end of that day? Looks like a dream to me haha. As for the local I was out on Sunday and fished surface all day for 6 bass (mate got 5) one over 30cm and 4 lost over 30cm.
  19. Good to hear Dave, looking forward to these reports from walking the banks! Dodging browns and red bellies between surface strikes really keeps the heart rate up!
  20. Trout stalker: unfortunately we started bass fishing at the same time. He just cottoned on to them a lot quicker then I did. Roberta: I think I posted this when you started back on the water again. So I dare say you were too excited haha. The winds can be horrible there, the trip before this I had waves coming over the back of the boat as I was waiting to retrieve it. DWAG: get the surface lures ready and TN50s/60s ready, that's what I heard was working. I'm sure there will be some red hot action up there as the water is a little warmer and it's feeding season. The boat is extremely comfortable too. PMAK: don't worry about being woken up to fish If your son is an addict like I became it won't be long until he does. These bass trips would be a lot like your yellowbelly trips. It's about the company and location. Fish are the bonus.
  21. It's the difference in the eyes and slight colour difference. They both light up under uv and work really well.
  22. I don't know why you would be dissapointed with fish only taking surface lures..... I wish it was like that all the time.... Some good bass there, would have been heaps of fun.
  23. That's a unit of a yellow belly. It would have gone hard for the your youngest, wouldn't help with the addiction at all
  24. That's insane catching a fish like that on such light leader! The fish gods were smiling down on you that day. I would be giving the reel a top service after that workout.
  25. Well done on the bass! Today was a great day for them weather wise. Now all everyone needs is some rain
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