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The President

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Posts posted by The President

  1. Raiders,
    Quick update for the weekend fishos. Get out there, directly south of Browns. 6 -10km. Birds diving everywhere and yellow fin busting up all over the place. Dark coloured skirts / feathers (zookers) purples and blues. Multiple hook ups on jellybean size 3-6kg, landed 9 and three hook ups on larger fish landed one at 35kg. All this in about 2.5 hrs after fishing the mountain for gems. Perfect conditions in the afternoon left them biting and busting up. Photos to be uploaded later.


  2. Flaties were taken on cuttle fish strips found floating. More durable than the caught slimies. At times one cuttle strip was reused to catch several fish.

    Duck egg slimies were very thick covering the sounder entirely from top to bottom. Start at 35m depth from Jibbon and sound North zig zagging.

  3. Hi raiders,

    Went out Saturday afternoon from the Hacking, conditions were very pleasant. After a bit of searching found masses of small slimies and flathead underneath. As the flathead started coming on board it was interesting to notice that most had whole slimies either in their mouths or guts. Free swimming flathead were also seen following up hooked flathead all the way to the boat. Water depth was around 40 metres. Left them biting.



  4. Hi Raiders,

    Just wanting to know if Gummy Sharks are often targetted in the Bay. I fished Sunday and landed two of similar size and lost a third which had double the pulling power and could not be stopped. I was using 20lb braid and 60lb leader, got reefed with the third. I was using live and fresh squid caught that morning. All fish were hooked within 30 minutes of the tide change. How common are Gummy sharks in the bay and how big / heavy do they get. By the way very nice eating with no bones at all.

    Cheers, the Pres.


  5. Last week of holidays so didn't want to waste an afternoon at home. With the Southerly blowing I decided to explore some new squid grounds around Kurnell which would offer some protection from the wind. Scouted and fished from 5.30pm - 8pm and found a productive area around two metres deep. No visible kelp beds but rock ledges with that string bean grass and sandy bottom. Ended up with about a dozen candy size squid and lost a few more with cut off candles on the jig several times.

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    Now waiting for those large kings to take up residence in the bay.

  6. Nice going Andy, pitty you couldn't find any reds that could win you a trophy :-). As always you returned with a feed, that keeps the Mrs happy. Have you tried those octopus/lucanus jigs on marwong? They absolutely smash em.

    You'll be chasing the marlin soon enough.

    The President.

  7. Buddy, you can't go wrong with trolling two Rapala CD-9 (red head colour) lures along the coast line. Anywhere from 10 - 30 metres away from the cliffs. Have one about 10m behind the boat one about 20m. Nice and easy no tangles and keep trolling a lttle when you get a strike, lots of times it will become a double. Bonito, kings, samon, tailor, stripe tuna and many others.

    Good luck.

  8. Hi ashisnotherman,

    I've fished the bay on five occasions during August and caught some seriously big squid compared to my summer efforts. My count was 2, 3, 4, 8 and 0. On all occasions most sqiud were up around the kilo with two being much bigger, nearly two kilo each. I found about 4.30pm to be the peak time, didn't matter if it was high tide or low. I tried many jiggs but found the size 3 in either orange or pink (shimano sephia) to outcatch my other jigs. Violent jerks then sink time.

    Cheers The President.

  9. Grey nurse you’re not alone, I put in two hours on Wednesday around Bare Island for zip. I returned again yesterday put in another two hours for nothing. I had a break went to the local shop had something to eat and returned to fish the hour before dusk. I landed two thumpers in five casts. Hard going put persistence paid off.

    The President.

  10. Nice little seesion, I would have thrown in a much smaller jig. A size 2 or smaller 1.8. It's worked for me in the past. Maybe they sence it's an easier meal and less effort to catch being smaller.

    Cheers the President.

  11. Also went out Saturday 2/6 12 to Browns, counted about 20 boats. In 7 drifts we ended up with 10 blue eye between 8kg - 15kg. Wind picked up about 12pm and couldn't hold the bottom, left as the weather started to turn. Back at the boat ramp at 1.30pm when the rain arrived. Cleaned the fish and spoke to some others who had a quiet day at Browns. Here's a photo prior to our last drift that raised another three.

    Cheers the President.

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  12. Went to Browns on Saturday 19/5/12. It was little windy in the morning with a 1m -1.5m swell, it settled for a beautiful afternoon with flat seas and little wind. Even with a large parashute sea anchor from a 6.4 hardtop we were drifting at 2.5knts but could hold the bottom with 1kg sinkers. Current was running South. Caught 5 blue eye between 1pm - 3pm.

    Cheers The President.

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  13. Congratulations on an amazing achievement, not only did you get the dream fish on your terms but achieved it again the next day this time you were a little better prepared. The bait and marlin must of been holding there. Just out of curiosity - roughly where and what temp was the whater. Many boats I know fished this weekend without much success on marlin. Water was green and 21 at 12 mile early Sunday and out wide at Browns was 23.8with lots of birds working the area. Many boats followed and worked around the birds for zip. Much appreciated.

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