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The President

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Posts posted by The President

  1. First time poster,

    Enjoy reading this site, prior to choosing my fishing location for last Sunday (19/10/09) I read the blog about snapper at Long Reef, so off I went with two mates (Butch & Dog). 5.30am start, moderate rain, arrived at Rose Bay boat ramp where the rain totally stopped. Straight to location 1 (45m depth), after about an hours fishing only one flathead. Moved closer inn, water depth 22m. Started burley trail, bread and pilchards. Fishing both the bottom and all water colum with soft plastics. Tally after three hours, 2 x 1kg snapper, 3 x bluters, 1 x 1kg marwong, 1 x previous flathead,lots and lots of pike and seargent bakers. Decided to clean the fish and return to boat ramp. Flicked out my outfit, 5 inch pink shinner jerk shad on 7g squidgy fish head, 10lb braid,15lb black magic fluro carbon leader. Flicked it out as far as I could and left the bail arm open on my little 2500 stella. Started to clean the fish, 10 minutes into it, my rod slowly starts to bend, then buckles over with line racing. Pick up the rod and close the bail arm, no need to strike as line kept sreaming off. Intial run about 25m,could feel the weight and slowly turned the fish and worked it back. The fish had two more decent runs before it came to the boat beaten. Weight,just under 4kg and measured 65cm. There out there- go get em. post-11722-1256163088_thumb.jpgpost-11722-1256162825_thumb.jpgpost-11722-1256162974_thumb.jpg

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