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The President

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Posts posted by The President

  1. Hi All,

    Can any one tell me a safe place on the Central Coast to catch squid with the kids

    Somewhere safe would be good

    Cheers The Gib Eno :biggrin2:


    Any of the public wharfs around the rip bridge or Empire Bay. You can find the wharfs in the street directory.Try as the tide is coming inn an just before dusk. I've caught squid throughout that area.

    Good luck.

  2. Fellow Raiders here's a quick report.

    Went chasing Kings on Tuesday 5/1/10 outside Sydney Harbour heads. This time with a mate who knows a little more than me. Armed with fresh squid and live yakkas found some thick schools of fish. Landed 5 and lost a couple more. All around 87 - 92 cm. Many thanks to Dave and Suufor a great day.

    The President.


  3. Framedtrash, I figured why not place a single hook on the bottom as well. I'm new to the jigging scene but in the past I've caught some fish with heavy splice jigs with the a bottom being a treble. I used two solid split rings and a straight live bait hook without a kink. Worked a treat this time. My only concern is it may cause me snagging on the bottom.

  4. Fellow Raiders,

    I read the various posts every couple of days and get a feel of where the action is. I read 'Spongy's' report on the 20/12/09 where he stated Kings where at 'The Colours'. Decided yeah lets try there.

    Lazy start, put the boat in at Rose Bay 7am, quick run to my 'Yakka' ground, lots of lovely small 'finger size' Yakka's. The weather dark, overcast with drizzle. Swell was about 1.5m with a modest Southerly 15knts. Get to The Colours make a few drifts to find the reef's peaks. Four on board, three fishing with live yakkas and I opting to jig. Outfit was a 7' Saltiga Allrounder (rod) matched with a Saltiga Game 3500 reel, spooled with 20lb braid, 60lb leader and 270g jig.

    Couple of drops and I'm on, a small bonito. Later used for bottom bait. A couple more drops and something hits the jig on the way down. Solid first run, with definate weight behind it. Line peeling of the reel, I'm thinking bottom must be getting close, I'm going to get reefed very soon. It's now or never, so I use my hand to add drag and manage to turn the fish. Start to pump and wind like crazy, the fishing is coming up. Get to see the fish about 5m under the boat, nice Kingy. Estimating around the 1m mark. Slacken off the drag a little, fish goes down about 30m.

    Spend the next 20m in a stand off, I can't turn the fish and I won't let it go down any further down. We decide to start the boat and drive around and try an opposite angle. I make some progress but can't get the fish up enough to see it again. We spend the next 20 minutes driving the boat around the fish trying to raise it. I felt like I was fighting a giant tuna. Finally, after nearly an hour the fish slowly comes to the surface about 10m away from the boat. We see it was foul hooked with the bottom jig hook stuck in it's side. Figured that's why I couldn't turn it and it felt like pulling a bucket full of water. Anyway, fish is netted and is our biggest King thus far. 105cm and 8kg. Fished for another two hours for zip.

    The president.

    Crew: Doggus, Butch and Billboa


  5. Dogus I c u share the same name as one of my crew members. As for Butch he certainly is a peculiar individual. He's called 'The Butcher' because of his bodgy fishing techniques. But as usual after we have bagged him out all day he ends up catching something decent. Whith the name dogus u would fit right into our fishing gang. Maybe c u out for fish.

    The President.

  6. Well done Dan, great fish. I went to browns on Sunday, fished the South West side of the mountain drifting from 380m to 440m with electric reels. Caught a dozen blue eye, all were between 2-3kg. That's the size I've been catching the past month. Just curious which part of the mountain did you score such good sized fish. Are you using large baits ? Was thinking of not going out there for a few weeks but your catch has me eager again.

    Many thanks The President.

  7. Thanks for the encouragement Raiders.

    Salmon Hunter, I fished well last season for the Kings at long reef catching plenty . Have not seen one in my last two trips out there. Hopefully in the next month or two they will arrive in plague proportions.

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