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Everything posted by cameldownunder

  1. I used to fish for trouts in Switzerland in a good size river. Worms on the ground did well (on overcast/rainy days) or this spinners They are also from Switzerland. But if you can find similar. Interesting thing is the blade, which isn't round. I also caught a lot of other Fish with this one
  2. Good And? Do you have to be a Pro? Guess an excuse to fish 3 days in a row, like this one, comes only very rarely. during the day and the night some Or is it a 3 day without sleep fishing session ? Might have to take my sleeping bag with me and connect the carp alarm to the rod.
  3. Maybe it is one of those tournaments, that costs life of many fishes !? And it is not a fair tournament? That's why I ask. Looks decent from what i do read (Breams only measured if alive, and at the end released)
  4. Is it allowed to talk about this tournament? Has anyone of you been there? Is it fun?
  5. Wow I am impressed To use the Iphone to connect to this site while fishing !! I think it needs some realtime forums, so if an online fishing raider spots a bait ball , he can message it to all the other Raiders. Maybe there should be a Raider-Twitter group, so we all would meet in the harbour
  6. Hi fellow Raiders My plans to go out on the boat Saturday, got put on hold: My son's swimming lesson (important because he's coming on the boat with me, and yes he always wears a life west) Then wanted to replace my Jockey wheel, and went to the shop in Lane Cove, but the person there had no interest in my person and boating needs, so I left everything on the counter and decided to go to Cammeray (another day). Now on Sunday, prepared the Boat, drove to Pittwater, Drop the boat (With Son) Cruised over to Killcare to pick up Wifey, and then went (after a swim) to pittwater. Being quite windy, anchored in quite waters, burlied up, and we all had a cast. That's when things got annoying: We had Waterskiers passing left and right at about 10 meters away, at full trottle, despite it being a no wash zone, their wash making our boat go up and down. Wifey got upset, and we had to leave to keep the peace in the family. It really doesnt matter where I put the anchor, I always have people that Speed pas me, at 10 meters or less, at full trottle. (I did the exam not long ago, and I remember being it 30M)
  7. Congratulation to your GF to get out there with you, and for the catch. Congrats to you for your "catch" too
  8. Sorry for your loss, will check their bellies ..... if I ever manage to get one. I was once fishing with floaters for Taylors. The floater went down, I hooked and for a second I felt the weight. Then I lost hook, trace, swivel and of course the floater. Till I realised they had a nibble at the GOLDEN swivel !!!! Changed the Swivel to a black one, and since then no more problems.
  9. My favourite spot was Wellington Road, East Lindifeld, then walk down the track, once on the main track turn left (upstream) about 700m, you can descend to a nice place, with a big rock. Nice and quiet. BUT Havent called anything there (went 4 times with my 5Y Old) -maybe because it was winter- on a sunny day probs gets very hot and there are no toilets.
  10. Beautiful, nice Photo too. I am wondering: If you have such a fish on the line, is he dragging you and the Yak all over the place ??
  11. Maybe hitting the Sydney Harbour on Saturday afternoon. After Junior's swim classes. Then off to the HULKMANIA in the evening And wind depending, back on the water.
  12. Hi I am looking to buy the same Sounder. You probably have done a lot of research in regards of where to buy. Could you PM me whereabout I should go?
  13. Shy question: Do you attach the lure straight on the line, or do you put a swivel in between ?
  14. It vibrates only in low RMPs. I take onboard the suggestions of going to repair it. I already can hear the Toll device going Beep Beep Beep all the time!!! OR when I will be more sure and save with the boat handling I will have replaced it. Anyone knowing where I should go (Sydney North)? Where i wont get charged a fortune? Also someone that chooses the right size and type for the boat. That's the last major thing i have to fix on the boat. Then it just needs one of those FAT sounders. .... Oh I wish i could go out on the boat, instead of sitting in the office !!!
  15. Hi Raiders I have a question about the propeller of my boat. The situation first: It has 2 dents and one end is slighly bent . The dents were there when I bought if (second hand) and the bending of the propeller was an accident on the ramp (forgot to get the outboard up) But the boat seems to perform quite well despite this "errors" Would it make a big difference if I would buy a new one? Where should I go to get it replaced? I have little Know How about props and engines.
  16. Nice girl! A Hell of a Sounder. A bit dangerous, I would just stare at that thing, and not watch where I´m going.
  17. My Girl: Quintrex Sport 475. 2003 Model. With a 60HP 4 stroke. Picture taken at Roseville Boat Ramp, after a not so successfull day.
  18. Hi I have bought a boat about 2 month ago, and she does not have a name yet. Not in the papers, not on the boat. Now I am thinking of naming her. Q1: Do I have to check with some authority if the name exists, or am I free in my choice? Q2: Is there an etiquette in naming the boat, like no use of certain words, or summoning things? Can imagine names not welcome are: Tsunami, TidalWave Are things like: Lucky catch, Lucky dip, Fortuna, etc... allowed? Q3: Is there a Formal/Superstitious ritual to perform (Sacrifice of Goats/Henns)
  19. If you're on land, it should not work. At least mine doesn't! Try to find out what model it is Pic search on google with keyword Forumo and then comparing picture. This might lead to the right model And then search in google again with Forumo <model> and manual, and you might be able to find the manual. good luck.
  20. Something similar happened to me: I was surprised how good the sounder did work, even at 20knots, but then when i passed over a obvious shallow place the sounder still showed 20M. I Realised I had left the sounder on DEMO MODE ON !!! Probably when selling the boat they demonstrated the FishFinder in DEMO MODE !!!! On another instance the sounder showed me a school of fish, under the boat. It resulted to be a swarm of Jelly Fishes. Had to set the sensitivity.
  21. We went out on Sunday too. A bit late I admit (was about 7:30 when the boat touched water) We were hit by the wind when passing the spit. Not much of activity. We managed to land 2 Flatheads, 1 bream and one Snapper. Also when I was land based (mostly Clifton Gardens) I had nothing to report on windy days. I think it has something to do with the air pressure that drops, causing wind, and fish not biting. When I was land based my theory was to go to fish the second good day after rainy days
  22. Hi all I am new on the fishraider and new on the water. I have a 475 bowrider witha 60HP 4 stroke. At the moment just cruising up and down the harbour. Isn't there a ramp, close to long reef? Is it that you get the Yakkas before, that you get out through the harbour?
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