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Posts posted by Breambucket

  1. Cheers guys

    Well they are made from 304 stainless steel and in 3 pieces welded so yeah i can weld pretty thin crap :biggrin2: , i was thinking of using lead for the weight part and it would of been alot easyer to make and to get it looking all 3D but after looking at some fisheries articles i thought the more Eco friendly the better.

    With the 304 it still has real good corrosion resistance but its still not marine grade 316 so if you loose one it will break down after a while.


    Yeah for sure ill send a few down in a couple of weeks when i get them sorted, they will look alot better when they have been laser cut as i did that one by hand with a 5 inch grinder and linisher :yahoo: so the lines will be alot smoother and more life like. i bought some powder paint so it will hopefully look semi professional

    anyways guys another poor quality pic from me


  2. Thanks for all the kind words guys!

    I actually didnt know weather to keep using it or not as it was the only one of that style that i made, if i had lost it i would of been so pissed lol but im glad i stuck to it.

    i would of been happy with just a hit considering the conditions. once i have got them sorted out ill give a couple to you guys to test for your self's

    We have a laser cutter at work so i could have 50 bodys cut in no time just got to find all the snaps and rings and hooks at a good price.


    Im still not sure on weight as of yet but ill find out soon. but they are alot lighter than the damiki's in the same sort of length

    Thanks again guys


  3. Hey guys

    Went out to botany both saturday and sunday arvo's for a couple of hours each time just to try some new areas and kill some time

    Saturday was really slow fished wide off the the last of the groins for not too much action, i did land a few trevs and 1 keeper bream on the last cast but other than pickers and another bust off on a popper there was no love at all and the wind was so annoying!all fish were released that day so sorry no pics :(

    Sunday almost didnt happen and when we arrived at the boat ramp i reluctantly launched as it was windy as hell. Finally made our way past captian cook bridge but the wind swell made it difficult to keep dry so we just driffted in between dolls point and the bridge. Spent about an hour chucking different colour plastics for one keeper bream for my mate (and his fisrt on lures) :biggrin2:

    For the life of me i couldnt catch a thing so i decided to test out a vibe i have been making at work and things all changed :thumbup: fisrt cast and a small bream hits the lure so a quick pic and back in, then 2 nice sized bream in a row! Not a bad way to see if it works and i didnt even get the chance to paint the lure the usual colours that has worked for me in the past in botany.

    got into a couple more smaller bream and a nice whiting that i dropped at the boat then a found a few squid which was a welcomed supprise

    Caught one more keeper bream then called it quits cause the constant chop finally got to my mate

    Not a bad result for my new invention and after loosing so much brand name ones it should work out alot cheaper for now on :thumbup: Its i think 42mm and very light the fish range from 28-31cm

    First on the new lure


    End result


    Thanks for reading guys

  4. Managed to hit the water on Saturday morning around 6 am...

    Shot over to the runsways and trolled some divers up to Mole PT whilst casting some Halco roosters at the large boys for a random King should they want to play....No kings to speak of, but did manage half a dozen Bonnie's, great fun on light gear...all returned to grow a little larger for next time.

    Were we planning on anchoring at Mole Pt to soak a squid and chuck some placcy's for a king, but it was standing room only, so a quick change of plans saw us chucking stealth prawns and 3' Shrimp for flaty's over near Kurnel. Must have boated about 15 to 20 flathead all a little short one end....there were so many little ones around....

    Coyote did manage a 28cm flounder on plastic and we switch baited some placcy's for a couple of squid that took a liking to our placcys so they were a nice suprise for a future king or jew session.

    Did throw some poppers around for a breambo but no real interest either.

    Back to the ramp by 9.30 am....quick sesh but fun nonetheless even if we did boat a few we'd probably have let em go for another day.

    Bad luck not gettin any keepers mate but its always good trying a few places and atleast landing a few fish.

    I seem to get all my decent flatties on stuff ment for bream around that area lol its always the way


  5. thats really good on lures

    what jigheads weights were you using and at what depth?


    Hey mate i was using the squidgy 2gram 1/0 jig heads

    They are good for anything from say 2-7m of water maybe a little light for the deeper stuff but it seems to get more hits for myself, i only started using them in the deeper water because i couldnt for the life of me find the 3gram 1/0 jigs so just give it a little more time to drop and you will be fine

    thanks again guys for the kind words


  6. What a great session, there is nothing better than a hot top water bite...what type of fish busted off your poppers? Was it tailor or large flatties?

    Haha it was a pretty slow day compaired to a few weeks ago!

    Yeah im 100% sure one of the fish who took the poppers was a bream it actually breached and i could see how tall the body was and tail but the others i was not too sure of

    Still great fun



  7. Went out again with the apprentice from work again who after the first time i took him out has not left me alone for nearly 2 weeks buggin me to take him out again!

    Started off first at kernell to start with and within half an hour i had a trifector of bream 32cm whiting 39cm and a flattie 52cm


    Went to Towra to try a few poppers and the apprentice started to complain about there being no fish in such shallow water 3-4ft i told him to be patient and after a few min he landed a 50cm flattie of his own (not in pic) :thumbup: , i started using poppers and after a little getting used to i got 3 hits for 3 lost poppers :1badmood: but the site of a 35cm bream commin half the way out of the water to hit the lure was worth it :biggrin2: i was only using 5lb leader and didnt have anything stronger on me and i didnt want to loose my new pencils in the same fashion so i stuck to the plastics again


    Ended up taking 3 bream 2 flatties and one whiting home for the old bloke from work who i bought the boat from and another old bloke from work who was suppose to come out with me but had family things to do

    Ended up releasing about 10 other bream that were legal and alot of smaller fish mostley on 3 inch gulps in any colour i chucked at them

    Oh thanks to Roberta and Mako for the top water tips and ill make sure next time im out ill deffently bring some heavyer leader :yahoo:

    Thanks guys


  8. Hi there.

    I am fishing at Ben Chifley Dam and really only have saltwater type soft plastics and want to know some good options to catch some fish lol.

    I did catch a tiny (15cm) red fin on a 65mm powerbait minnow (hot pink) but I think these are less than ideal. as it was one fish and the trout didn't even care about it when I had it right infront of its mouth.

    PS: I am new to the whole fishing thing, so be gentle.



    I'm not an expert on fresh water fishing and have only caught a few bass with plastics but you cant go past something that is natural looking, berkley do have a wide range so try see what type of bait fish are in the system and mimic them in colour, also try different retrieve as sometimes fish will take a really aggressively presented lure and other times they like something a bit more slower which would suit a paddle tail type plastic.

    Oh and go as light as possible in jig head thats something i have only just lernt but it has improved my catch rate by heaps

    Good luck


  9. Great report mate i have been following your reports for a little while and its actually helped me out with trying new places and stuff so cheers

    I really want to try some top water fishing around the bay i just never get around to it always too bizzy in other places :biggrin2:



  10. Hey guys

    Fished botany with a young apprentice from work on friday arvo to teach him how to use lures and just general tipps, he's been on my back for ages to take him out especially since my good luck recently and well i didnt disappoint him!

    I have been trying to make a conscious effort to try a new area every time i fish the bay so we started off smack bang right in the middle and set up a real nice drift. I say to the young bloke "whats the bet i get a fish with the first cast!" well befor we had time to come up with a deal i get a solid hit and land a nice flattie :thumbup:

    Within the next half an hour i managed another 3 fish into the keeper tank when all of the sudden :1badmood: the wind changed from a slight nor-east-er to strong westerly storm so we moved over to kurnell to ride it out.

    Fished the groins for a little while then when the weather calmed down headed to the sticks and were straight back into it :1prop:

    I was trying out a blade i made at work which landed us the biggest bream of the day then 5 cast later i get a big hit and its all gone!

    Anyways after a bit of teaching and a few lost flatties on the surface being too keen to get the fish in Robbie the apprentice got his first keeper with a nice flattie

    Anyways took home 8 fish to feed his and my family and released prob about half of that to fight another day


    Sunday arvo

    I was bored again and called a good mate chicken (Pete) to see if he was keen for a fish, with family things to do and a rod that flew out of the boat on the m5 (rack raider bream rod) whoops!! we only had just over two hours to fish.

    After telling chicken about the first fish on the first cast story i was on again with the first cast! it had decent weight but the hooks pulled so it was not to be

    Next cast then i was on again! and that was the theme for the short time we were out

    We normally dont take alot of fish home especially if we cant eat them fresh but we decided to give a few away to some of the old blokes from work and they were more than pleased

    Anyways here is the pic


    Thanks for reading my long post hopefully ill be able to post a report soon on somewhere other than botany :)

    Oh most fish were caught on berkley 3inch minnows in a variety of colours but got a few on blades and other brand plastics

  11. Hey guys

    Headed out to botany sunday arvo with a small break in the weather and after spending all weekend inside i had to get out!

    The wind for the most part was blowing a gale but i still did alright considering the conditions, Tried the sticks first nothin much happening there other than a few just off legal baby snapper (29-28cm) which might be a good sign in months to come.

    Worked my way over to the groins and instantly found fish caught about 5 trevally in a row (kept 2 for a bloke at work) and once i got away from them i actually had a hard time landing a few bream. They were very picky and were only taking the sp's on the down which is new to me as i have only been targeting them/bein able to catch :1prop: with lures for a couple of months and every other time the fish have been super aggressive.

    I ended up landing around 5 legal bream kept 2 for the table and lost one decent sized one as well as my go to lure at the moment (zx30) on a bodge self netting job :1badmood:

    Amongst all of this i also landed my pb whiting on a lure! i have caught a few of the beach at south west rocks with beach worms that were into the 50cm club but it was a welcomed surprised to see it surface

    Most fish were taken on 3 inch Gulps best colour by far was peppered prawn



    Sorry for the crappy pics it was with my phone again


  12. Hey guys ive been a long time reader first time poster

    Headded out to botany last sunday to see what i could find, originally i was planing to enter the southern bream comp but after breaking a spring on my trailor and issues with trying to get my boat assessed for insurance purposes i didnt have enough time to get everything sorted.

    Decided to go out and fish a couple of new areas to me to see how i would of gone in the tough conditions and mannaged this..... 2ecp4e9.jpg (sorry for the poor quality)

    She or he went 43 to the tip and was landed using a zx30 5lb leader and 4lb fire line around the weed patches just down from kernell, also landed a few decent trevs a couple of small flatties and a few more legal bream but all fish were returned to fight another day.

    Its a new pb for me and not bad considering i have only been lure fishing for around 5 months or so so im happy with my progress :1prop:

    bumped into Iceman and Neil kelly (my uncle) who won the comp and boy did they do well in such bad conditions, i thought i was goin well untill i seen some of there catch :wacko:

    Not a bad day out after all will be posting more reports soon


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