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Posts posted by Breambucket

  1. Well done Breambucket - good to see Woolooware is still fishing ok. I have been offline for three weeks as I have been in the US for work and am keen to hit Woolooware Bay, Taren Point and the Cooks River this weekend. Whilst in the US I spent some time shopping at Bass Pro....what a difference in prices, in fact most tackle is less than half the price we pay :ranting2: I picked up a few US version of blades at $3 - $6 each and am keen to see if they work on Aussie fish :biggrin2: Additionally I bought some hard bodies (ie Rappala count downs and minnows) that I also want to test.

    Have you tried Taren Point for Bream in the last couple of weeks?

    PS your head does look big in that last photo :1yikes:

    Hahahah yeah i think i was leaning towards the camera a little bit and i always try pulling a the same face the fish is pulling :1prop:

    Yeah mate i have not had that much luck on the bream in the last few weeks, like i have caught alot around the 30cm mark but only a couple of plus 35cm fish and dropped one at the boat that i thought would of gone close to doin my pb in but thats fishin i guess.

    Saying that i have been trying new techniques and experimenting with all types of plastics and still getting plenty of action and a few nice whiting mixed in with the flatties and bream. and have landed 4 plus 60cm flatties in the last 4 outings which is deffently a bonus when the bream are not on.

    Most of the fish seem to be in the 9-5ft range in woolooware and the water is cold at 14deg! and when you go more shallow there seams to be alot of small plastic tail nipping tailor :ranting2:

    Ill be out there Sunday morning with my old man to try get him his first big flattie as he has been jealous with the pics i have been showing him :yahoo: so if i see you on the water ill come and say hi!

    Oh and yeah how cheap is it! i have a mate whos in canada at the moment so im going to get him to send us a few things back soon :)



  2. Hey guys!

    Fished the bay Saturday arvo with a few mates, the weather was not the most comfortable but we still persisted.

    Started off in Woolooware is was a little slow and we dropped a few good fish i guess it was just one of those days, still managed to get a nice bream on one of my vibes


    My mate chicken got a decent flattie on a squidgy fish in drop bear which he says thinks is the "gun colour" for them :biggrin2:


    We started to head back to the ramp at around 430 but decided to have a quick flick in kogarah bay which was a great move!

    A few cast in and i hooked up to a solid flattie and it gave me a nice work out on my new fireblood reel.

    After a few nervous moments on 4lb leader i finally boated a nice 67cm fish and after a few pics was released to fight another day.



    I always seem to get the bigger flatties on my gear ment for bream always with lighter leaders and smaller plastics this time a berkley bulky hawg. Not that i mind too much as its alot of fun :yahoo:

    Cheers guys


  3. Great work mate! its hard goin in there if you dont know your stuff!!!

    They look healthy too :biggrin2:

    I tried there for a couple of hours last wednesday but could only manage a few little trumpiter and a small flattie and an almost legal reddie at the mouth but i deffentley need a electric to be able to get right into structure

  4. Thanks for the replys guys!

    The southern side is defiently more diverse and a prettier place to fish thats for sure!


    I have not had too much chance to play with different colours just stuck to natural looking darker colours which seem to be working in the areas i have been fishing, Black with a little orange on the belly is deffently the best so far.

    Oh and keep a look out in the mail in the next few days too mate :biggrin2:


  5. Hey guys went for a mid week session with my brother in law after finally moving up to Sydney and having some time off

    Started at woolooware bay and things were slow after only a few missed hits and after a couple of location changes we finally found some fish. Most were legal size and a couple going around 30cm but they were hitting the blades i have made like steam trains!

    Here is one with my home made blade in its gob :biggrin2:


    The tide stopped so we headed out into the main channel and landed 2 keeper whiting and 2 nice sized flatties within 20 min then it went off again.

    I have seen a few reports about the cooks river and the northern side of the bay and have never really fished it so headed that way. We didn't have much luck and i dont know any spots around there at all but it was still interesting to see some of the structure around those parts. Other than a trevally of around 36cm and a few small trumpiter i think we wasted prime time that we could of spent in the southern side of the bay and got caught up in the heavy winds and rain which made things a little uncomfortable and hairy at times but we were alright.

    Back into woolooware and the wind was still strong which made it really difficult to control the drift and i dont have an electric bow mount yet but still managed to pull up this nice bream which again smashed a plastic ment for a flattie but its a very welcomed by-catch :thumbup:


    All in all it was a nice day and released all bream just keeping 3 flatties and 2 whiting for beer battered fillets that night :beersmile:

    Oh and i landed this nice flattie that went 62cm on sunday. i didnt have the time all week to post a report so ill chuck it in here


    Cheers guys


  6. Welcome gg85 and thanks for sharing your catch. Are those squidgy pro range wrigglers you're using with S-Factor?

    I've just started to fish the Towra area and tried the area around the yellow beacon/marker last Sunday and managed only one trevally and a few pinkies on 2" gulp grubs in about 3-4m depth. Am I in the right area or should I be further out in deeper water, further south west towards the elephants trunk and pelican point or south east towards Quibray Bay? Any tips would be appreciated

    My tip with towra would be to go straight past it at the moment and go into woolooware bay :) that has defiantly the most productive for me and i have landed a few nice flatties and bream

    Oh and timestamp great report!

    i am yet to try the cooks but will be in the near future


  7. Hi stippy, you've got yourself a Rock Cale mate. They can be a bloody pest at times!!! But I'm pretty sure the spines aren't dangerous....they'v never hurt me.

    i dont think its a cale dont they have a more pronounced bump on the head and more of a parrot beak type of mouth?

    caught a few while goin for blackies and they normally bleed everywhere too

  8. well done pete,some great fish landed which is pretty much expected from you from the form you'v been in lately. :biggrin2: top effort.& glad your sis had a good day out with you & got into some fish too.glad to see your blades are producing the goods for you,id love to try em out.is that one of your painted blades in the trevs gob???if so,looks the goods mate.top work & keep em coming.

    cheers johnny. :beersmile:

    Yeah that's one of the blades i painted Friday night with black spray paint and my aunts nail polish it got the majority of fish both outings

    ill let you know soon about the blade


  9. Hey guys a couple of quick reports from over the weekend

    St Georges Basin on the Skeeter.....

    Fished with my uncle Neil who fishes the southern bream series comps with The Iceman on saturday morning. We hit the mud hole to try find some of the big reds that have been around that area recently but other that 2 mangled hooks from 2 nice fish (post pics soon) it was a very slow start for me. Neil landed atleast 8 or so legal fish befor i even had a hit but i finally got into the groove and the action started. I ended up landing 7 bream (30-39cm) and a nice flattie 5 of the bream and the flattie taken on the new blades i have made so i was glad they worked. Apparently it was a real slow day and i was deffently out done by my uncle but still had a great day and also landed the biggest bream going 39cm so i had braging rights :yahoo:

    Kept a few fish for niels neighbours and a couple of old blokes from work.

    Action shot i didnt knew it was so blury lol


    Better shot of bigger fish


    Botany racks......

    Finally convinced my lovely sister Taryn to come out on the water with me to try some plastics. It was a hard day with the wind but still managed to get her her first fish on lures and she ended up with 2 keepers one on one of the blades i made too :thumbup:



    I landed a very sorry flattie who slamed my blade but buy the pics you can see the size of his head compaired to his body, im not sure if he had been hit by a boat in his time or attacked by something as he had a massive lump on his back and a crooked spine so i let him live another day. 173gol.jpg

    I got heaps of small flatties and bream and landed a nice trev too so it was a great day out on the water


    Thanks guys


  10. Which area were you fishing?

    I was in a stone coloured Hobie Pro Angler kayak.

    I hit the water at about 5:30 and fished the mouth before making my way to the flats.

    I wish I went to the flats earlier as the bream were really biting on blades but the wind got too

    strong to stay there so I made my way back to the moored boats.

    Got busted off by two nice fish and dropped a few more but I still managed a nice feed.


    How did you go?

    We drifted the racks started from the drums that are there and the 4 poles if you know what im saying

    Just about to post a report too

  11. Fishing St Georges Basin saturday with my uncle in his skeeter :1prop: and chase some of the nice snapper that are around

    Goin up to lake Mac sunday to Measure up a carport for my Nanna and have a little fish while im there

    Monday Takin my boat out to bobbin head to try teach ny sister the fine art of lures!

    Not much sleep happening but plenty of fishing :thumbup:


  12. yea, nah im not complaining you couldnt ask for better weather. Im just wondering whats the best tide to fish on in the bay. Run in or out?


    as long as the water is moving one way or another the fish will be active in most spots


  13. Pete - well done, those are a pair of nice lizards :1yikes: . The ZX30s just keep pulling the fish for you.

    The large flatties lying close to the oyster leases are fun aren't they :thumbup: . Woolooware Bay is my favourite place at the moment, with consistent catches of bream and flatties.

    Thanks mate!

    Hit the same area again this morning with the old man on the run up tide this time. Caught a hell of alot of just under sized flatties around 25 odd between us most coming on squidgy fish profile just slow rolling or burn and kill method, Still ended up with a feed but nothing too big but still plenty of action and a lot of fun

    Whiting 28-31cm, flatties 40cm, bream 27-30cm and the trev. oh and no love for the zx :wacko:

    Rather than starting a new thread ill post it up here



  14. Just be careful when you tie your leader on as the braid is very fine

    ive lost a few fish from not tieing it properly and having the braid slip through the mono

    if fish are stupid then i have no hope for myself with the amount of money i throw at them


    What type of knot are you doing mate?

    A double uni or even an albright knot shouldnt slip through, i think i have only had my leader knot fail once or twice and i think that was because of being a couple of sessions old

  15. Hey guys

    Hit woolooware bay this arvo with a good mate chicken (pete) to see if we could also fing some of the flatties that have been around the area recently.

    It didnt take long befor we got into some action with a couple of small flatties then a massive hit on my zx30 right near an oyster lease. This fish gave me real stick, after a few hairy moments on 5lb leader and having to maneuver the boat away from the leases we finally netted this nice ^61cm flattie

    121bd6t.jpg and


    Around 15 min later chicken gets another solid hit and gets some stick too! after a decent fight he lands a nice flattie himsefl!

    Chicken says "get the brag mat out it looks more impressive" and after a heated argument :biggrin2: we call his fish for 62cm, 1cm bigger than mine! but he was alot fatter so i gave it to him



    Everything went quiet for a while and after a location change i managed to pick up a nice plate sized (48cm) model for chickens dinner


    It was a great arvo out even with a few quiet moments

    Cant wait to hit the bay tommrrow with my old man


  16. We drifted with the breeze (using the minn kota to control the drift) from about 100m (5ft deep) out to about 400m off Towra (9ft deep). The little reddies were sitting in 6 - 8ft of water. We were deliberately trying to mimick your style but were not sucessful. It may have been due to the runout tide.

    All of our lizards are coming from Woolooware Bay, however last year we had great succes with the Lizards off Towra (mainly on the incoming tide in 5 - 8ft of water using SP across the sand banks between the weed banks).

    Its normally ok on the run out if you start closer to the point and drift the way you did, the bigger fish seem to be closer in but i suppose its all got to do with the day. i think alot of the fish also push back off the refuge zone on the run out to get anything that gets dragged out of there in the tidal flow

    I have had alot of success in even deeper water around 12ft which seems to also bring the trevally on

    Anyways its a bit of food for thought when i take my old man out on sunday

    Still you guys did have a cracker session!


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