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Posts posted by Breambucket

  1. I bet the water would of been really cold that far up cowan!

    Great catch. I have had a large flattie follow up a smaller one i have caught a few times, it happened fishing stgeorges basin and my mate quickly chucked his newley rigged plastic over the side and landed the fish :1yikes:


  2. Fantastic work mate! I cant wait to get into the snapper on plastics :thumbup: but ill be in a boat i think.

    Were you out near botany heads? I bet it would of been scary seing that 2m shark! And a shame about loosing the big one! and your right its so much better if you see the fish that does you rather than not knowing at all



  3. i like my 10ft ugly stick rod and i use a 2500 stradic.

    Very light set up and has adjustable reel seats (slides) on the rod which make it nice to change up to suit your needs

    And my old mans one is an angler advantage 12ft rod which would also handle some nice pigs if we ever get into some :)

    Im only new to it but for the price they feel great for me

  4. Thanks for the kind words guys!


    Thanks for the tips mate. I am always buyin bargin bin plastics and trying them out, thats how i found out about the berkley hawgs :biggrin2: and i do always try to mix it up a little as well especially if my favorites are not working well. But saying that i deffently have alot more to learn as winter has really stuff'd me up lol

    I really do like fishing solo the only problem i get is that the boat drifts differently than when there is more weight in the front from the extra person and i tend to spin in circles :ranting2: oh well

    Haha and i always send a pic of the first fish i get, the earlyer the better :)


  5. Had a late flick this morning(late being 7am) at Claire Point Woolwich, only had a couple of enquiries with the wrigglers & gulp grubs and nothing with the blades. Only managed this flatty towards leaving time as per usual , it was a cranky little fella , it hit the wriggler with a few head shakes and a little run. Used 1/8 jig as the current was very present this morn.

    Here are a couple of pics.



    Cheers tangled1


    Good work buddy! it seems like a hard place to fish land based with plastics but sayin that i only seen the area last weekend :)

    If i ever see you on the shore jump in my boat!


  6. Hey guys!

    After seeing all the great reports in sydney recently i decided to give it a go saturday morning launching from woolwich.

    My work mate pulled out at the last moment so it was a solo session and not knowing the area at all it started off pretty slowly, Im not used to or comfortable fishing really anything over 10-11m and i didnt have the right jig heads for that depth, its amazing how deep some areas are in there!

    But i found some shallower water in balls point bay where i landed my first fish


    Moved closer to some boats in around 5m of water and instantly had hits landed 2 nice bream in a row then lost another one a little bigger at the boat then they all went shy in that area, all fish here were foul hooked like the first bream pic it was really weird :wacko:



    The wind really started to howl so i moved into the lane cove river but it was really hard going i couldnt stay close to the mored boats which is where i got most of the fish bit still ended up with another nice bream and a few other under sized bream, whiting and flatties



    The wind got too strong and not knowing the area i decided to head home but i was pretty pleased with the results for the first time out there :)

    Cant wait to get back out there saturday arvo! Funny thing was that all fish came off plastics and not blades like stewy had such great luck with i even had the same colours too but oh well thats fishin i guess

    Thanks for reading guys


  7. If you head along the shoreline towards apple tree bay there are some rock platforms that it is deep in front of them, burley up and try peeled hawksbury river prawns and light sinkers bream and leather jackets shouldnt be hard to find

    Also there are black fish around the same shore line so if you can find some decent weed maybe that will be the go


  8. Hey guys

    Headed out to Botany Friday arvo for a quick session befor we headed off the the Saints v tigers game, GO THE SAINTS!!!

    Anyways after the last few weeks of being really slow i wasnt expecting much at all but was pleasantly surprised and found a few fish, Took a work mate who's idea of fishing is sitting down soaking a bait with one hand and a joint in the other! lol well non of that stuff on my boat i hate the smell so i made him work for the fish all arvo :biggrin2:

    Found a few Trevs with brock landing his first fish on plastics and putting up a good fight


    Tryed a new drift and had a classic flattie hit a big "THUD" Then for a split second i thought its a snag but after a second or so i felt the head shakes and i knew i was on to a good fish! still using the 4lb leader i got the big girl up to the boat and started to try guide her into the net and she did a right turn just befor the net and with a couple of head shakes i watched as the fish slowly disappeared back down into the water :ranting2:

    I dare say it was around the 75-80cm mark and definitely beat my pb of 70cm but oh well thats the way it goes i guess

    We ended up keeping 2 trevs around 33-34cm and one flattie close to 50cm for brocks family and threw alot more just legal trevs and 1 bream back


    Good fun for around 3hrs and sorry about the shitty pics we were in a rush to make it to the game



    Oh plastics used were all either 3 inch minnows for me and 2icn berkley worms for brock

  9. Breambucket nice salmon considering the condition, well done on landing it too on the 3lb line. an October comp would be great, if it wasn't just before the HSC exams. going to miss a lot of fishing trips in the coming months :(

    The HSC can wait cant it? :)

    We might have to do 2 of them to fit you in


  10. Pete - a friendly competition in September or October might be a good option...I increased my topwater lure collection to cope with the bust offs. Through July and August I am going to chase the Jewies and EPs in the mid - upper Georges and the fabled 'big bream' in the upper reaches of the Woronora River. This will require some finesse fishing :thumbup:

    I have been told of a few places up the Georges that some "experts" fish that regularly produce 80cm + jewies on the light gear :biggrin2: so ill be giving that a go soon too!

    October sounds great that will give me a month of practicing my top water technique :)


  11. Breambucket - 10min fight on 3 pound gear must have been great fun. Did it take a blade, grub or flick bait?

    Didn't see you guys at the social. Maybe at the Botany Bay social - right on home turf!

    It was great fun and nerve racking at the same time :)

    When the fish jumped first i actually couldnt see any detail as i had the sun in my eyes and it didnt fight like a tailor so i was more worried about not knowing what it was rather than landing it!

    Stil great fun and most of the fish i have been catching recently i have been using 3 inch minnows with 1.5g heads

    I couldnt attend the social :( i was getting my sisters house ready for a new kitchen most of the weekend (i double booked)

    Maybe we could have a friendly comp between a couple of us when it starts to warm up? a mixed bag one sounds good... might be able to spy on basscatcher when he is using the top water gear :tease:



  12. Breambucket - I decided to try the Bay on Monday as I had the day off work. I fish dawn until midday in Wooloware Bay and Taren Point for a 65cm flattie and lots of small bream and tailor. I found my SPs were continually bitten off by the small tailor and reverted to a MF40 to catch the large flattie in about 6ft of water in Wooloware Bay. I also lost a large fish (and a blade :1badmood:) against a pylon on the Taren Point Road bridge.

    Good work on the 65cm flattie :thumbup:

    Im still goin to try wooloware and towra most time's i go out to see if i can form some sort of pattern but will be trying alot of other areas in

    between like yarra bay and the run ways ect ect

    ill also make a move into the Georges too as i havnt really fished it befor

    I defiantly have to sort out getting an electric as i want to start fishing close into structure. and im goin to try straight througn fluro with hidden weights to see if i can tempt some of the fish out.

    A lot of things are new to me again now as i have not fished winter with plastics so i just guess its a learning curve :)


  13. Hey guys

    I was disappointed that i couldn't go to the social today after double booking the day and i forgot that i had to help tile my sisters house befor next weekend as she is getting a new kitchen installed :thumbdown: and by the sounds of it the day was a total success and a few nice fish landed too

    So....... i hit botany on Saturday with one of my mates to make up the the wasted day.

    The last few time's i have been out there it has started to slow down alot i guess its just seasonal but today it was like a ghost town with hardly any hits at all.

    Fished a hell of alot of area's for little luck but just off towra i had a solid hit then i thought i lost the fish :ranting2: slowly retrieve and it has another go and whack it goes for a massive run and out of the water she comes a nice salmon in around 2m, Fishing light with 3lb main line and 4lb leader it took me around 10 min to land it and it felt and look bigger than it seamed at the time but still good non the less :biggrin2:


    Not my biggest by a long shot (75cm) but the first on a lure and this time on light gear compared to the 20lb i used to use off the beach

    also landed a 30cm hood squid and a small flattie and that was it!!!

    Oh well I'm going to try lane cove next Friday for something a little different then a bream comp down the basin so im pretty pumped :thumbup:

    Cheers guys

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