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Posts posted by kantong

  1. My son wanted to finish the last of the school holidays fishing. So we went out looking for squid in Port Hacking last Friday night. The water was super clear and weather not too cold and very little wind. We managed to catch 2 cuttlefish, a new species for my son. Mission accomplished so we called it a night.PXL_20230714_114539521.thumb.jpg.0fae7d3869440c2d6f245ae9787e9b07.jpg

    We returned on Saturday night, but came home empty. That's fishing!

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  2. Love this topic. I caught my first fish (whiting) with my dad when I was a youngster and have been hooked ever since.

    2 favourite forms of fishing is the float fishing and down rigging.

    Float fishing - The anticipation of the "down" is just thrilling! Interestingly I have caught more bass on a float than I have luderick! I haven't quite figured out luderick yet, and it's still a work in progress.

    Down-rigging - Similar to float fishing, the anticipation of the rod buckling over is just dopamine hit every angler is searching for! I remember going down-rigging for kings and you can see the marks on the sounder and the next thing you know, the rod goes off and it's the sound every angler lovess zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 

    The thrill and anticipation of it all, is worth the early morning rises, cold, wind and rain.

    Those sunrises/sunsets over the water never get old. 

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