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Posts posted by tasksta

  1. Hi all

    Heading out for another Thursday arvo sesh after work weather permitting.

    As these sessions only last a few hours i like to have a plan.

    With this in mind we plan to fish sow and pigs on the incoming tide.

    Common sesne would suggest to anchor up on the west side and fish of the back towrad the reef.

    Plan is simple, light gear, burley hard, soak a few baits and flick a few plastics

    Looking at Navionics map attached it shows two sepaerate areas as sow and pigs.

    My questions are:

    Are they both sow and pigs?

    If not which one is which?

    Which one will fish better and why?

    Any tips that can be offered will be appreciated.

    I fish the harbour each week but its a bloody big place and yet to give this area a solid crack.

    I have spent (wasted) a lot of time chasing kings this season so will be nice to get back to basics.

    Happy to compare notes.




  2. Great report.

    We hooked our first two weeks ago and lost it after almost two hours, but still cant beat the feeling and shock of finally hooking up and seeing it breach!

    For the record i have caught exactly zero legal kings this season....

  3. Awesome haul mate, must have been a hoot.

    I can relate to "those" days but every dog gets his day sooner or later!

    I had a big w combo for three years before I bought "good gear", caught heaps of fish from yakkas to kings and never failed me.

    Nice work.

  4. The harbour is peobably safest in the morning with minimal traffic and no ferries.. Just keep your lights on, your eyes on the water and sounder on if you have one.

    Kings yet to appear inside in consistent numbers but they are there if you look for them. Never caught one at sow and pigs so also interested in tips.



  5. This my friend, is why I go fishing!!!

    You have one of those days every now and then and it makes all of those early mornings, cold and wet days, lost tackle, hook pulls, reefed leaders, failed knots, squidless sessions, wet iphones, angry girlfriends, 35 knot winds worth every single second!!!! I feel like I caught that fish. Only a fisherman understands. Wrapped for you.


  6. I dont use sunscreen and Im off to the Doc's to get the melanomas' cut off my back, cos Im really smart and take my shirt off all the time....Ill be using it from now on and bugger the consequences

    Good luck at the doc mate

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