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Posts posted by tasksta

  1. Ill say it again thats a horse bream mate!

    How far up the river?

    Drummoyne ramp is my local and i love fishing the area to catch and release big bream. Im reluctant to go up the river as its very shallow there in places around FTB.

    I get some crackas around the structure on goat island.

  2. Yup i second this, have caught kings there too.

    I would have a livie, a whole fresh squid and a ganged pillie out if you can.

    Good luck!

    P.S. Kings in smiths creek last few weeks.

  3. Hey Bart

    He was using long thin strips or half heads.

    I used to use them whole but am convinced a strip or head is just as tempting and also less wasteful.

    We were using box squid in the same method and that was going off but the big ones ONLY took the fresh stuff.

    This is all Common knowledge i know but amazing to see the 'laws' in practice.

    Also tried dropping to 15lb leader but got busted first bite! I bought a new symetre 4000 and it needs a service after the last rat sessions. We were getting triple hook ups.

    Ill PM you some details :)

  4. Sounds like a fun sesh, good work.

    We have been smashing the rats around Pittwater lately, I mean non stop two hours before tide.

    Have learnt a lot and yes the lighter gear always screams off first, we fish 15lb braid and 30lb leader.

    The rumours are true with fresh bait though.

    Guy pulls up next to me with fresh caught squid and lands three at 70+ within the hour!

  5. HI Mate,

    Not very deep bud, around the 30m to 40m mark, hard reef.

    Yeh I feel your pain, we have plenty of those RAT session and they can be painful!

    Got no advice for your mate but to just stick at it till that RED LETTER DAY shows up!


    Cheers Butch.

    I will never complian catching rats but sure is nice to actually take some home.

    You want to see the look on my old mans face when i told him we had to keep throwing them back!

    Very very nice hoodies mate, keep it up.

  6. I rate the new symetre highly. Just bought the combo from bee see eff with graphite 6kg rod for 150 absolute bargain.

    Landed a heap of rats on the weekend with drag screaming all morning without issue.

    That said if u can afford a stradic and trion that is alao a very very tasty combo i couldnt afford.

  7. Wow have to say i disagree on both fronts.

    Firstly The laws are there for a very good reason, if your so desperate for a feed maybe you should go to the fishmarkets.

    Secondly im just back from pittwater and had a great day. We lost count of rat kings, caught a hammerhead, bonito, three huge bream a soapie and some small trevs. Also the yakkas were in swarms.

    Thirdly if your catching 80 small fish, i would suggest to move or swap technique by number ten.

  8. Im also keen but can share experience from this morning.

    Im at the basin and its like coffee here, even silver fox wrigglers can only be seen for two inches.

    one undersize flatty for three hours work aint promising for a consistent performer like the basin.

    Will keep you posted im here all week.

  9. Yes all good thanks.

    When i bought the boat i got a few old canvas sheets thrown in, i pulled them out last night. Would you believe there was a custom made cover that simply snapped on!

    Boat is bone dry still.

  10. Hey all

    Finally made it to the basin. :)

    Private jetty is fairly shallow, its high tide and roughly 80cm deep.

    How shallow is too shallow to moor/drive/position boat safely?

    Its pissing rain so will wait to check out low tide.


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