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Posts posted by Rah

  1. 13 hours ago, flatheadluke said:

    We've kegged brews before. Comes down to personal preference but I like beer that's had a secondary fermentation in a glass bottle with a second dose of priming sugar. It's like champagne, method champagnois will produce much finer bubbles and better taste that method traditionelle. I also like sharing home brew at friends BBQ s etc and bottles are more portable. Is a pain in the rear end though sanitising bottles and always the risk of exploding bottles if you bottle too early!!

    Yeah I know what you mean with the secondary fermentation. 


    I can pour from the keg to bottles if I want to take some with me. :)

  2. On 04/07/2017 at 7:29 PM, swano said:

    Hey Tara, Congrats on your first Jewie. Pressure was really on with Stewies recent run of success, but you smashed it.

    Especially after just watching the video, and he's made you hold his phone (TWICE) while you were tight on your first Jew.:lol:, Beats fishing off the bank waving to him as he motors past.

    Good on ya.           Deano.

    Tell me about it Deano. He would have been spewing if it got off. Haha. 

    On 04/07/2017 at 8:09 PM, mrsswordfisherman said:

    Go girl power Rah

    Plenty of people lining up to go on Swordies Cooks Tours. 

    Next time I will get out of bed and join you, too tired this morning. We can make him net our jewies and feed us and pour coffee. I will get the go pro happening too heh heh. 

    Good work Tara glad you caught the Jewfish today!


    Yeah definitely come next time Donna. 

    And the go pro would make it much easier to get the fish aboard. Haha


    On 04/07/2017 at 7:29 PM, swano said:


    On 04/07/2017 at 7:29 PM, swano said:


    On 04/07/2017 at 6:08 PM, JohnDory said:


  3. 14 minutes ago, JohnDory said:


    I find your report a little hard to believe!!

    Did you tie the blade on Stewies line as I didn't think he owned one. 

    Nice Jew.


    Haha JD who knows what's in the bottomless tackle box of his. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Regan said:

    nice jew there Rah

    seems everyone that goes out with swordie catches theyre first jew, good on you swordie


    He is good. That's for sure. But don't tell him that. Haha. 

  5. 2 hours ago, swordfisherman said:

    Well who's a lucky girl !!! Well done Tara you are now defrocked regards Stewy 

    Still cheering. :)

    1 hour ago, Scratchie said:

    Awesome Tara! Definitely one to remember and I could hear (the master of the cooks) swordies tuition from here! 

    cheers scratchie!!!

    The master was good. He makes a good net man. Haha

    1 hour ago, Wellzy94 said:

    Good on you, Tara!

    That puts Swordies Cook's Jewfish Charters on 4 from 4, holding that 100% success rate! 



    That's right Wellzy, time for him to catch a few. 

    52 minutes ago, big Neil said:

    Well done Tara and coach Swordy...very nice fish! BN

    Cheers Neil. Still smiling. 

    25 minutes ago, ARC H said:

    well done nice jewie 

    wish i could get a jew when i feel like it like swordie

    Wouldn't we all mate. :)



    G'day Raiders,

    Today is a good day. It was Jewie day, and Swordy strikes again.

    It was set that everything was to align, the call was made to meet at the cooks early, but not to early. On the water a little after 6, and it wasn't toooo cold.


    Cruised up to the bridge and start flicking the sp's for no joy, so over to the other bridge to see if there are any fish to snap up the plastic.

    Both Stewy and I had a few hits but couldn't connect to anything until i landed my PB taylor and next cast... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


    Stewy motored out from the bridge and after a short tusel my first jewie was in the boat, going about 80cm :banana: lots of cheers, woohoos and high fives followed before she was released to swim off to hopefully make some baby jewfish.

    After that there was no more taylor so no more jewies, but i was super stoked to even get one after quite a few trips with nothing but missed hookups.


    Drifted down stream for a while flicking little prawns around for 0 until Stewy changed to a small blade and first cast he was onto a monster bream. More cheers.


    That was it for the day and home before lunch and in time to do some work.


    Thanks again Stewy for helping me get my first Jew on Swordies Cooks Charters.


    Pics to follow




  7. 27 minutes ago, dogbox said:

    I used to make home brew, the best I ever made was an Indian pail ale. I stopped because of the effort and I always had people helping me drink it.

    I still have 12 bottles of a dark ale I made call Bock, i opened one few years back the taste had changed but it was better than I remember. They would be 14 years old now don't know if there any good now any ideas?




    I'm not sure on 14 years. Was always my understanding that as there is little to no preservatives, can go off quick. In saying that, the bloke at my local homebrew shop was telling me about someone who has kegged beer that is almost 10 years old and they are planning on drinking it. Also that a keg that has been carbonated can least well over 2 years just being stored.


    Give it a go, what's the worst that can happen? ha ha

  8. 4 minutes ago, Wellzy94 said:

    Hey Tara,

    If you're doing homebrew and want to try something completely different, try making a mead!

    Neil's mention of honey made me think of bringing it up. A mate of mine does homebrew and breaks up the beer with a mead every so often. I'm a huge fan, it's a bit sweeter than beer but also tends to be a bit stronger.

    This site here has some cool recipes!





    Cheers Mate, will have a bit of a looksee. :)



  9. Thanks Neil,


    That dark ale with the honey sounds pretty darn good. I would make some more for sure. I might have to invest in a few more kegs for storage. ha ha


    If anyone has some great recipes that they want to share, feel free.


  10. 51 minutes ago, Croydon said:

    Hi Rah,

    Kegging is the only way to go I reckon.  Hell of a lot less stuffing around and generally full proof......  How are you sealing the wert while it's fermenting?  Is it possible something got into it during the process?  Possibly got a bad can of Cerveza??  I'd just chalk ti up to bad luck and brew another..........  Good luck with it.



    I think you might be right Dave. 


    I just use the fermenters you get from homebrew shops. 

    Might be a weird infection. Will use the one I did the pale in for the pilsner and give the other a very thorough clean and hope for the best. 

    Might head to the brew shop and get some extra hops and do a hop bomb. Have heard that can fix some taste issues. Cheers 

  11. Cheers Luke. 


    No issues with bottles here as I only keg. :)


    Yep got the temp stable as can be at 16

    Bloke at the brew shop says that's perfect for the lager yeast 

    Will give the filter water a go for the pilsner that's waiting to be brewed. 


  12. G day raiders. 


    Are there any home brew gurus in the house?

    After some advice on an undrinkable Mexican cerveza.

    Have just kegged a pale ale which is probably the best one that I have ever done and very tasty!!! and a Mexican cerveza that is undrinkable. It tastes watered down and a very strong chemical taste that I can only describe as kinda like sanitizer.
     Now I don't think it is sanitizer I can taste as I made both brews at the same time. Cleaned all the gear at the same time and used Milton tablets that are generally used to sterilize baby bottles etc. 

    Had a taste before kegging and I think the taste is getting worse. 

    Any ideas? I have extensively googled but can't find an answer. 

    They were both kit beers and all instructions were followed correctly. 

    Any advice would be awesome. 


  13. Keep at it Neil, they have got to show up eventually right? Iv had a few donuts while trying to find some productive water in the illawarra since moving. But have the next week and a half off work so ill hit it hard. :)




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