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Posts posted by Rah

  1. 9 minutes ago, Fab1 said:

    That's fantastic news Tara.Obviously the neighbour is far from being intelligent.

    Always good to hear when some one gets their belongings back as it doesn't happen often enough.


    Thanks Fab. Hasn't been there the whole time. The grass wasn't dead enough. Not sure how long though. Will have to ask the neighbours next time they are moving the cows. No house there. 

    So happy. Not too much gear lost to sitting in rain water thankfully. 

    And now have new yak rod and extra gear. 

    Gotta look on the bright side of life. Haha 


    Dad went for a walk over to the bloke next doors property and sitting there was my kayak and all my gear. Rod and all. Tackle bag has definitely been gone through but most things appear to be there. 


    Thank you to all the raiders that were keeping an eye out for it. 



  3. G'day Raiders,

    Been back on the water at first light the last 2 mornings to chase some bass, and the bass gods have smiled on me with some great fish. 

    Yesterday I managed to land 12 fish with 3 big girls throwing the hooks yak side. Biggest matching my PB from the other week.

    The brother in law was keen to get his first bass on a lure so he joined me this morning. The Creek is to skinny to fish side by side in the yaks so with a few quick pointers and a stern warning that if he looses my lure to a bad cast into the tree he owes me 30 bucks I set him off in front so he couple hopefully get one hooked up. 

    It only took about 10 minutes  (and a couple of lure retrievals from low branches) for him to have his first bass on a surface lure yak side. In the next 30 minuteshe had landed another 2 and it was time for him to head off back home. He was cheering and couple believe how much fun it was. 

    I had no plans for the morning so I headed further down the Creek to see if I couldn't temp some fish myself. 5 minutes later and I had my first for the morning. 

    Saw a very fishing looking spot up under some lantana that I knew had to hold some fish. As soon as the lure hit the water there was an explosion on the surface and my cicada was smashed.

    A great fight followed before I could get her in the yak,she was a big fish and before I could get myself organised there was some flipping around and she was back in the water. Luckily with the lure still in her gob. So I fight her again, and back in the yak. I was better prepared and got the measure on her and a new PB ofor just under 40cm. Yahhhhhh!!!!! 

    Quick snap and she was back in the water. 

    Landed another 3 for the morning, but they couldn't match the new PB. 

    Great couple of mornings but looking forward to not waking at 5am tomorrow. :)




  4. Merry Christmas Raiders.


    Broke in the new kayak, Rod and reel this afternoon with a nice little bass while the rest of the family had a Christmas afternoon snooze. 

    Was great to wet a line and even better to land a fish. 

    Hopefully get a few more over the next week. 






  5. Merry Christmas Raiders.


    Broke in the new kayak, Rod and reel this afternoon with a nice little bass while the rest of the family had a Christmas afternoon snooze. 

    Was great to wet a line and even better to land a fish. 

    Hopefully get a few more over the next week. 






  6. G'day Raiders,


    It's time to look for a new yak after mine grew legs and wandered off last week.

    I've been tossing up between the Scorpio terminator 10 or 12 and the dragon hunter.

    I had the terminator 10 and was very happy with it, but not sure i want to buy the exact same one again. Although there isn't much of a difference in the 12. Slightly longer and a little heavier, and the dragon is again a little longer than the 12 and a bit heavier again but has an extra hatch with dry bags.


    Does any one own or has used the terminator 12 or the dragon hunter?

    Or does anyone see any pros and cons for these? 


    Just the thought of not having my yak at the moment is making me slightly depressed. :05:




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