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Posts posted by Rah

  1. 2 hours ago, TheFoosh said:

    I'll be down the coast after Xmas if you wanna hit the Shoalhaven?

    Would be good to learn from someone who knows the area!

    I wouldn't say i know the area that well, but always happy to go for a fish. :)



  2. 20 hours ago, big Neil said:

    Thanks Tara. Read of the theft of your gear Tara. Some real low lives around...opportunistic bastards. Hope you are able to claim insurance and replace your precious gear. Better still that they catch the lowlife and give them heaps. Sad, BN

    Thanks Neil,


    On the plus side i spend nearly a grand replacing tackle, rod and reel yesterday and that was fun. I will hopefully only be a grand out of pocket once the insurance comes through.




  3. 16 minutes ago, flatheadluke said:

    Hi Tara,

    Were the photos you published recently taken with a smartphone? If so do you share your location with your camera?

    The thieves might have seen your photos on fishraider and used the geo tag embedded into the photo to find out where you live. 

    Suggest running a report showing all those who visited your report and providing the list to police. They might be able to narrow that list down to people who live within 20kms of you and also those who have a criminal record.

    I'm not sure. I'll check though. thanks for the tip. 

  4. G'day Raiders,


    Last night lowlife scum came onto my folks property and stole my kayak with ALL my gear in Berry NSW.


    Have reported to the police but would appreciate if anyone sees my stuff trying to be flogged anywhere to let me know.


    Orange camouflage kayak with rudder, scorpion stickers on the bow.

    Daiwa gen black wicked weasel rod 2-4kg

    Daiwa lexa2500 reel with white braid

    Daiwa brown canvas shoulder bag full of all my gear, plastics, lip grips, jig heads, knives ect. 

    Plano hard body tackle tray full of HB's.

    If anyone sees anything I'd appreciate it if you let me know. I know it's a long shot and hopefully will be covered by insurance as it's all worth over 2500 bucks.




  5. 49 minutes ago, hawkesbass said:

    Very nice couple of sessions.

    Bass get lure shy when targeted consistantly.

    Try different secrions of the creek each trip giving the water you worked the day before a rest and find new snags/weedbeds too flick.

    Cheers Hawkesbass. 

    I thought it might have been something like this. Unfortunately the next stretch of Creek is a hundred metres yak drag away so I wasn't really feeling it this morning, but have got it all ready to go for first light in the morning. the next stretch is much larger so I'm hoping there will be some good snags down there  waiting for me. 




  6. 1 hour ago, dynabolt said:

    Wow! Incredibly productive sessions! 

    Cheers. hopefully get a few more before I head home. 


    50 minutes ago, flatheadluke said:

    Well done Tara very nice sized Bass

    Love catching bass.


    37 minutes ago, Mike89 said:

    Some nice flatties there and a couple of real beautiful bass in those photos!

    Looks like a real nice area you are fishing.

    Really is a great place to fish. the Creek joins up the the Shoalhaven eventually. heaps of wild life around at the moment too. ducks, water dragons and water rats about everywhere.

    Always fun when a water dragon wants your lure and follows it back to the yak. ha ha 

  7. G'day Raiders,

    I've been lucky enough to go fishing every morning since Thursday while down the coast.

    5am start each day. 

    Thursday headed down to my favourite flattie spot on the Shoalhaven river. first cast and I was on to my first fish of the morning. cheering. couple more casts and I was on again. Then it completely went dead while there was a jelly fish invasion. Only 1 more undersize flattie for the morning.


    Decided it was time to drag the yak out of hiding now that it's warmed up in the mornings to hit the Creek that runs through our property. 

    I haven't managed to get any bass this season so it was great to have the reel screaming again with some solid bass coming aboard. Managed to match my PB of 35cm on the second morning to get an upgrade to 37cm only a couple of casts later. There is nothing like seeing a big bass smash a surface lure only 10 metres from you.

    Once the surface action stopped I switched to a small spinner, which only seems to be producing smaller bass about 25cm.

    No fish wanted to play this morning. Either they are onto me or the mist had put them off.

    Time to  head further down the Creek to see if I can't fool some more bass.

    Hopefully get another PB upgrade over the next couple of days.






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