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Everything posted by Nuttynatty

  1. Hi all Scores a heap of these today in the Hacking. Stunning looking fish, pics don't do it justice. Caught in 22 metres of water. Biggest went 40cm, any idea of what they are called ? I'm having a guess due to the huge eyes would it be some kind of deep sea fish?? Thanks in advance
  2. Thanks for the tips, ill post a pic and let you know how I go. Cheers.
  3. G'day all. Having fished the George's and Hacking forever I though I'd try something completely different for a change and have a flick around the city foreshore over the weekend. I never go into the city so it should be fun. I've scoured the net in seArch of a few places and now have a rough idea of spots but just curious if anyone could point me in a good direction for some bream. I'm thinking of throwing prawn imitations as well as vibes and blades and a few nippers maybe as backup. Any info would be appreciated and my lips would be sealed. Thanks in advance.
  4. Lovely place to have a flick. nice work.
  5. That's gold, I fished the Wonni the other day with my nearly 3yo son, its a pretty cool doing that kinda stuff. I fished near the footbridge on vibes and plastics this arvo and got 12 flattie all a nice to sml size, gotta love the Wonni
  6. Nuttynatty


    Thanks Big Neal but I picked it up not far from como bridge, so they tolerate salt water? Or is this a saltwater form of shrimp?
  7. Nuttynatty


    Hi all Any idea? Picked up a heap down the wonni while prawning. Shrimp .......... ? Used them as bait and they worked a treat. Big enough to eat tho.
  8. Hi Guys Ive been getting a few of these down the Woronora lately, largest went 4ft in length, wicked teeth on them, they all took live tailor I had out for Jews. The buggers give a good fight but are a pain in the arse.
  9. Flatties came out of 2ft of water right on the sandy drop offs
  10. Fished the Wonni yesterday for a number of good flatties and Perch. Flatties hit plastics and largest went 70cm on a live tailor. EP were up against the bricks on Zerek Prawns.
  11. I fished sections from little Hartley to sandy hook, I was pretty stealth but did spook a few. Previous times I have some alright, but it just seemed harder yesterday. Ill tread lighter next time for sure.
  12. Hi all Fished the Cox today for 5+ hours for no fish, threw plastics, sml hard bodies and a few others at every nook and cranny. Spooked a few nice solid trout. Saw 3 fish in total. It was very disappointing. Anyone else had a go there lately. Water level looked pretty low.
  13. Fished Cox River today. Fished for 5 hours in numerous pools and runs. Spooked 3 big fish and didn't see anything else. Was pretty disappointing, threw everything I had for not even an enquiry. Many pools looked every low on water with a lot of green algae around, runs were week and slow.
  14. Howdy all Magic arvo on the Wonni, a few Bass a few EP and Bream all nice size. Fished the Brackish and Fresh. not a drop of wind, fished Squidge Grubs on resin heads, Zerek Prawns and live Bloodworms, you really could be a million miles from everyone down there. Plenty of nice fish and many I was just happy to sit and watch as they swan around in gin clear water. Pulled one with a really dusted jaw.
  15. @paikea, I wouldn't think a 5.6m would get to far up past the last houses, it gets pretty. But it may be worth a try at high tide. Plenty of good fish up there.
  16. Fished the brackish this morning on the rising tide for a heap of EP's and flatties on plastic prawn imitations, biggest EP went 40cm biggest flattie went 60cm, fantastic day to be out as there wasn't a drop of wind and no one about. It's pretty friggin magic up that far.
  17. The Bonnet Bay boat ramp is still in good nic, much better then the one down the Wonni.
  18. Hi All Woronora Report for the weekend Saturday in the 2 hours to high tide pulled 20 + flatties and 5 bream Sunday fished the same spot in the 2 hours leading to high tide and pulled 15 flatties. Flatties on Lemon Shad Squidges and Bream on live Blood Worms targeting drop offs. Every flattie was well over legal with the largest going 70cm. Im thinking and im feeling pretty confident saying this but "the larger the plastic the larger the fish" Im not one to keep fish and this is the first time in years ive taken home any fish ive caught. it was just to good a day and I had to brag to the missus and a few mates. Was a magic weekend weather wise to be out on the water.
  19. Santo I've fished the river quite a bit for a while now and seen some big fish of many a variety come aboard my tinny and kayak all the way from the needles to bonnet bay, just don't tell anyone
  20. G'day Santo try opposite the bonnet bay soccer / cricket fields, the sand flats and deeper channels hold some big flatties and I've been done over by the odd jewie as well, soft plastics are the go with the bigger the plastic the bigger the fish. Generally tho there are some big flatties all over the wonni.
  21. Yeah a less of a fight when the water cools, the last few weeks especially after the rain the water was absolutely freezing and its been hard work down the woronora, I was flicking for some time to get those fish. I fished areas where the water drops from around 1m down to 4m. its a shallow system but there's still plenty of fish. @ nbdshroom I usually get the bream on live bloodworms or any good prawn imitation plastic.
  22. Nah never caught a bream on those lemons.
  23. Gday All Fished the Wonni on Wednesday and Today. On Wednesday the water was still pretty filthy after the rain but had cleared up today. Targeted flatties around Bonnet Bay all the way up towards the Wonni RSL. Throwing bigger sized Squidges on the drop offs. Surprisingly I pulled a dozen or so really nice sized flatties to 80cm and a four 35-40cm bream in the 2 sessions. It fished pretty good considering it looked like mud the week previous.
  24. Howdy Jew Stalker Got them on some plastics, small 2 inch prawn imitations that I cut the tail off trying to make it loo like a nymph on a resin head jig. Its a pretty beautiful river, amazing to think you can catch such awesome fish in such a river system. You ever fished the Wollondilly Jew Stalker?
  25. Hi Guys Well I went the distance and it was awesome. Fished Cox in a few places and pulled 4 Rainbows. Largest went 40cm Thanks for the help
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