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Everything posted by gonfishing

  1. Well done on your lizard buddy. Hope to see everyone of us doing the right thing by releasing the big breeder go like you do so there's plenty of fun for everyone in the years to come
  2. Great catch Great pictures Great company Great day The only way to spend the day in my book Well done ray, I enjoy reading your post and pics
  3. Hawkesbury!!! I gave the system up a while back after many many trips of big fat donut. But I know a bloke who's consistently getting fish there. So its probably not the spot, it's just me who couldn't find the hot spot. Might give it ago again in the next couple weeks. Tight line.
  4. Awesome Jews guys, well done on the catch and release as well.
  5. Join the club mate, everytime I head out that way, it's always the same result. Sting ray, eels and the most famous hawksie catfish is all I ever get.
  6. Well done Ray. The only time that I ever seen these much black fish is in the fish market. I tried to fish for them but never any luck combine with my lack of patient, equals donut black fish. Enjoy your catch
  7. Well done guys, awesome catch and great feed. Enjoy
  8. That's what I call a good day out. Well done guys :thumbup:
  9. Never a fan of eating salmon, but I could spin for them all day. What a great fighting fish especially on light gears.
  10. I have a 1-3 kg pfluger bream master rod for 7 years now, caught many fish on it including a 18kg turtle, salmon, grand daddy eel and a 62cm jewfish. I never had any problem with it. That's why I'm sticking to this brand only.
  11. Wow, awesome catch. Whitings of those size must have given your light tackles a good work out. Well done mate!
  12. Nice catch Trev. Can't wait for summer.
  13. Hi Mick, 6 years ago I used to live up the coast, picked a second hand rod for $70 not sure what rating it was. But it was a 9" carbon composite custom made. I only used it along the break wall, matched with my daiwa certate 4000 with 50lb braid. Caught many jews on it, but the best one on plastic was a 22kg speciment just 3 meters off my feet. The reel struggled a bit but the rod could have taken a bit more. The unfortunate thing was when I moved back to Sydney, some low life pinched my combo off my ute :ranting2: Anyway, back to your query. My suggestion is that a 9" rod is a must and i'll probably go a bit bigger on the reel as i've lost many good fish on my daiwa sol 3000. Going for jewfish, you have to be prepared that fish of a life time. My theory on jewfish fishing is that every thing's got to be perfect including your knots. If it's not perfect, do it again. Hope you can find what you're looking for. Tight line
  14. Congrats buddy, me and my mate been out numerous times and still haven't found our yft yet. But our turn will come. Once again well done.
  15. Wow!!!!!!! that's all I can say. :thumbup:
  16. Nice catch, amazing pictures. Well done
  17. Dont care what you do with those fish mate, but that's a good session of fishing. I haven't had a session like that for a very long while. Well done!
  18. Good catch, that's a feast and a half of flattie fillets. Enjoy
  19. Good work guys, Moe, hopefully you can convert some of these squids into jewies. Tight line.
  20. Hey buddy, trust me I know exactly how you feel. Been there, done that, many many times. Anyway, never give up hope. There's always a fish that have your name on it out there.
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