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Everything posted by skirulz

  1. Hi all just got back from Windang and not even a bite. We started fishing from 5pm up till 9pm and i was still on my first prawn. We started from the fishing jetty in front of the caravan park and then slowly moved on to the bridge and then over onto the other side of the bridge and the 6 of us couldn't even get a bite. Maybe the water was too cold. If anyone else was at Windang how did you go?
  2. Thanks mate... i was comparing the price between elite 4 and elite 5 and currently the price for the 4 dsi without the maps is $414 and the elite 5 with with the maps is $845 I guess i could buy the cheap maps they are selling for $125 at the moment I know Garmin 431s has bluevision maps that you can just download for free from the internet which helps.. but i like how the dsi looks like.. so much options
  3. Hi Guys Have anyone used either one of the two models? How have you found it. How good is the base map eg enough to get you out from the boat ramp down a river and then back to the boat ramp?
  4. Have you guys seen the new AJN Jigging Jack apparently its suppose to do both luring and jigging maybe the one go to rod for local and travelling if its offered in 2 pc?
  5. Hi How would you guys rate the Jigging Master Sabre Game 100g 55b Spinning rod? If this would be the only rod you would take with u for fishing 1 meter flatties at St George basin to using a 3/8, 1/2 oz TT switchblade to fishing off the beach in fiji would u take it with you or would u just have it there for jigging from the boat off this rod?
  6. Thank god for a poly boat. surprised at how easily the winch came off. maybe rusted????
  7. Neapean River mate has lots of Crap....
  8. Planning on going tomorrow not sure if its worth it or not.. will launch at 11.30am for the 1pm high tide
  9. Looks like everyones gone quite about Trout in Neapan....
  10. Good catch mate... wouldnt mind targeting some snapper and kingies next time i am out
  11. I was out at Moolies on Saturday morning but wasnt doing that well. It was very windy and cold... maybe try next time... i heard the drums at kurnell hold a lot of kingies!! havent tried that spot yet...
  12. I have done some fishing at Intercontinental Golf resort where i walked out during low tide towards the end of that island that you see and the fishing was amazing... I reckon anywhere in the pacific fishing will be hot..
  13. Nice work mate i was catching the same size yesterday as well on the Weir...
  14. Nice and u even managed the elusive trout
  15. Just got back from the weir and caught plenty of Bass but no trout in sight even tried some earthworms and tassie devil in pink backwards but no trout. Maybe will try on another day... We started off on top of the weir then got to the bottom and then past the little creek on the left where there is some calm waters....
  16. LOL not sure if u r serious or joking
  17. Where is the FAD at the weir? How is the weather looking out at the weir today? ITs very gloomy in Liverpool not sure if i should venture out this afternoon or not.
  18. Hey mate you are so correct i saw a lot of young ones catching fish and their dads just looking on lol
  19. Where abouts at the weir were u fishing. I was there this afternoon and there were fishermen everywhere...
  20. Mate just got back from the Wier and it was looking pretty good. Guys getting some small trout and i even saw someone catch a crap as well. Planning on heading over tomorrow with the rod...
  21. skirulz


    I knew i shouldnt have gone out in the rain... totally sucks for me....
  22. skirulz


    Lucky you... I reckon it was the Thunder and the rain..... yesterday was a beautiful afternoon....
  23. skirulz


    Just got back from windang and have to say didnt get much... just super small snapper biggest 6 inches long.... not even a crab....
  24. Hey We were at Plantation Island over New years this year and we just took some Light Tackle and fished off the Channel at Musket Cove and then on the rocks towards the end of Plantation Island. We were using fresh bait provided by the resort. I also used a TT blade. The fish there like attacking the bait when its being trolled. They dont allow fishing form the beach. Didnt get anything bigger then a size of bream but it was good fun fishing. They also have Kayaks for free that you can try your luck from. But there are plenty of fishes around.
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