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Everything posted by Fab1

  1. Come fishing with me.You won’t have to worry about any fish keeping rules EVER.We can both say to the officers at the same time…..”No officer, we haven’t caught anything”.But we do have a lot of bait.
  2. Mine make a great cat bed, clothes line, horse blanket shelf, lucerne bail shelf, saddle shelf, the anchor well is great for holding all your odds and ends of horse bits and pieces and whatever. The mrs can think of. Only thing mine on it is my undies hanging from the rod holder when mrs does the washing.
  3. Had a good innings mate.12yrs worth.
  4. I seriously need an spec savers visit.I read the post as cleaning marnies carpet.I thought this will be good.
  5. So you’ve basically replaced everything in 20 yrs?I’d be filthy.😂😂
  6. It will mate.It’s no big deal changing them.I already put new plugs in and waiting on fuel pump.This one better last 30yrs or I’ll be upset as it’s sent me broke spending $20 on it.😂😂
  7. It better be I expect at least 30 out of them.
  8. 12yrs from a fuel pump diaphragm.Plugs been changed before.Symptoms wet fouled plugs, boat ran like absolute 💩 and nearly 24 litres of fuel disappeared in about 3ks of travel. Kicking back waiting for the knock on door from courier with new one. IMG_0912.mov
  9. Like the others said that size boat is rated for a 40.My Boat is rated for a 40 but there’s no way in the world I’d swap the 30 for a 40 on mine.
  10. I prefer my method.Yell out from my warm bed to the mrs and say…”honey, what’s it look like outside?”.Then roll over and keep💤💤💤💤
  11. Fab1

    Wild storm

    Always carry a 1 iron.As Lee Trevino famously said in regards to getting hit by lightning out on the golf course…..” not even god can hit a 1 iron”.
  12. Great catch as always mate.
  13. @noelm My fish dinner from the other day when I went fishing.I didn’t gain a gram of fat after indulging in that meal.😂IMG_0827.avif IMG_0827.avif
  14. If I cross the road I’m in the neighbours front yard..Don’t think he’d want me casting bread out on his lawn..😂😂As always good work mate.Those man Sangas you’re going to have sure beat salad sangas.
  15. Great work mate.Looking great!
  16. And rips in.I was debating swapping my boat for a white water raft for next time.
  17. We managed 4 just legal bream as stated.Way to small at that size.But the day was more to get the boat out for a run and enjoy the glorious day with the family mate.We did better than expected as the summer months have always been better for us when we manage a decent fish or 2 at times. cheers.
  18. Yeah we gathered that as it’s still winter.We thought we’d do worse than we did.Geez the tide races along those islands now making it pretty much impossible to fish.Those bream and whiting look like healthy specimens now.
  19. It’s been a long time since we’ve been out.Went to windang today and launched at around 8:30-9am.Last of the runout tide. Armed with live worms and fresh prawns we tried several spots drifting and anchored. We ended up catching 4 just legal bream (prawns) and 2 whiting (worms) in the 23-25 cm range all released as there’s no point for us keeping bream that small. As always it was a great day out on water and we had a blast in good company and great weather. We watched another 5 or 6 boats getting similar results as us. Maritime launched after us said hello and checked us and other boats on water. Cheers and hopefully it’s not too long between drinks next time for us.
  20. I know that’s why I’m sticking to kite flying.
  21. Who needs a sounder when you catch fish like you do.I’d happily stay out for 3 days for the catch you got in a couple of hours in the morning.😂😂Good on you for being brave and getting out there as always.
  22. Fab1

    Rusty bolts

    Yep.I live on the edge.Don’t worry your delicate eyes are safe.
  23. Fab1

    Rusty bolts

    Soldering iron to heat the screw and those small coloured birthday candles will get the screw out the same way as blowtorch with less excitement.
  24. Fab1

    Rusty bolts

    Not sure about why only that side but can help you on preventing it in future.Don’t use your boat like I do and they will look like mine in the photo.😂In all seriousness if you get a new trailer later seal it up and fill with sump oil, washing trailer down straight after launch/retrieve all help, various sprays sprayed on it etc,etc. Good luck with the wd 40 I’d go with blow torch if you don’t want to use acid.
  25. Fab1

    Rusty bolts

    PPE is always recommended with all solvents.( Its always on the instuctons/msds). It’s exactly that…recommended.I’ve lost count how many times I’ve used and use it without any of the PPE.I use it weekly almost up to 500ml at a time to chuck in pool and so does everyone else I know with a pool. Pour half litre in measuring jug and throw it in the pool. I haven’t died yet and neither has anyone else i know. If you or anyone else is that worried or fragile by all means use ppe and wrap yourself up in a Cotton ball when you leave the house incase something dreadful happens. Others can do as they please I do me.
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