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Posts posted by wizza

  1. paddled around on ski on dusk and landed a2.2kg calamari in sydney about 15 years ago,weighed at the butchers the next day.have caught hundreds this way.Telling no lies I hooked agiant one night and played it for over 10 minutes.Every time I got it in it dived beneath the ski.Iwasnt about to do anything stupid and let it go when it took off to tire it. About the7 or 8th time it dogged it under the ski it drew the line in and it drew in the line and cut it with its beak..A big smart squid.A cuttlefish you say?Inever caught a single cuttle in many hundreds so Idont think so.Only ever encountered that one biggie and one bitten off trace in 20 plus years.Happy fishin wizza

  2. drifted a couple of miles out of port jackson today.went late back early.Red hot bite on flatties small samsons mowies and miscellaneous.No photos.plenty of doubles.Im guessing the dropping barometer turned them on.cheers wizza

  3. Hi Paikea thanks for sharing.The wrap around issue is very dangerous in a tinny in deep water in heavy current because you have to sit in the back of the boat trying to free the line .the boat rear turns into the current. One helpful thing is to attach the recovery ball to the rope direct through its centre rather than by a lanyard reducing the fouling opportunity.cheers wizza

  4. Saw a very large whiting yesterday next to rose bay walkway while returning from parking car after launching boat .It was nosing the wall in afoot of water doing half rolls.presumably it was dying of old age. caught 8 reds to 1.3 kg and jackets from under the boat in 60 m. and mowies. A tourist in asuit from abus got in an absent owners boat tied up at the wharf posing for many photos by his mates presumably a frustrated captain holding the wheel.. cheers wiz

  5. hi Paikea i had avery similar leak.my tradie nephew looked everywhere and found no cracks. He then carefully applied sikaflex around the bungholes and not a leak now for 2 years. good luck wizza

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