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Posts posted by wizza

  1. hey mark like most i only gave the pfd a cursory glance when throwing it in the boat. Then had a big shoulder injury and op. Previously loved swimming up and down the local beach missed that alot.got the pfd back on in rehab after long crappy period of therabands etc. flapping alomg breaststroke with one arm mainly was brilliant therapy .improved fast and went on to another type of floatie just around the waist and soon came good.my point is get it on and use it to swim say amile.you realise what agreat aid they are.you will no doubt improve on the design and i wish tou success regards wizza

  2. hi two six flexing of bottom when running thru chop leads to cracks so check that in atest run with bare feet if you are talking about a smallish boat.with bigger boats can often get electrolysis from amateur wiring of extras.cheers wizza

  3. hi tony i dont know as always roll in flour first.easy to try tho next time we get afew.without a flour coating fish dehydrates in fridge.flour draws the moisture from the fish and hardens after awhile.you can re roll in flour if desired. i guess you have a gluten problem.if so should be some alternative to form acoating eg cling wrap.cheers wizza.maybe as simple as putting in acontainer.

  4. yes keflapod groper light blue grey clour in 75 m.looked like those wa ones with big lips. have recently caught red one in 39metres.stillhave frame and flaps in freezer for future stock cookup.when we are rapidly reefed could be more of them around.great running fish until the barotrauma.cheers wizza

  5. hi fisherking started with paternoster and shuid strips. as bite was hot did not get out floater or plastic.usually need to be more subtle but they go off when current running north.cheers wizza

  6. hi raiders tinny needed run so off sydney heads solo last friday.anchored in 75m current trickling north so hopes high for reddies needed for saturday party.kept 5 to 66cm and a5kg groper and mowies.wizza

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