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Posts posted by jaysondanielgraham

  1. Just a quick report.

    Went for a session with 2 mates for some flatty's and maybe a Jew if lucky. Well it was a slow night for myself only landing 2 the whole night. But really getting frustrated watching my mates land fish after fish even after one snapped his rod and still caught fish with only half a rod. So with 12 fish in the bucket and josh sitting in the car waiting to go home me and Kent try our luck for 5 more mins.

    With Kent we head to the shallows for 1last flick. First few cast sim coming up scratch then next cast the water erupts and I'm on and on big to a flatty for about 4 seconds then it spits the plastic. Without even turning the handle of the reel their is another explosion and I'm on again. After a short fight and with some help from Kent I land a nice a nice big girl going 75cm and the one I lost was about twice the size would have been good to see and get a photo maybe next time. Oh yeah big girl was set free to chase bait fish for another day.




  2. Well done again. Heads up, local rag down here has been whinging about coppers not stopping people fishing off bridge so keep your eye out for them. Got me motivated I'm gonna park the boat in the middle towards bar and go try the Jewies this week.

    Good luck mate let me know how you get on. Their are a few about.

  3. Well done again. Heads up, local rag down here has been whinging about coppers not stopping people fishing off bridge so keep your eye out for them. Got me motivated I'm gonna park the boat in the middle towards bar and go try the Jewies this week.

    Really that suck. Heaps of cops went past but no one stopped.

  4. After my cuz Johnny piked out on Friday night on a session and after seeing my post for Friday night I get a text saying "are you keen? ". What a silly question to ask.

    So it hit 11pm and Johnny, Josh and my self jump in the car and head to windang for a session chasing Jews. So when we get their the tide was just starting to run out. With anticipation in the air we start flicking plastics around with nothing but a few small hits.

    Then all of a Sudden the next few hours were full on. Johnny's rod buckles over and a first run of the fish taking a lot of line of the spool. Then no weight and after we see that his hook has been pulled straight. Next cast we got a few flatty's then Johnny is on again but this time he lands a 70cm Jew and his first from windang. Then next cast josh is on to something that is pulling a lot of line. Next thing you no a massive mullet hits the surface on SOFT PLASTIC!.

    Very next cast my rod loads up and line screaming of my spool then all of a Sudden their in no weight and my hook looks as straight as a nail. Bugger this was bigger then anything I have had on before. Well the next few hours we where hooking up and losing fish Johnny got a second Jew and me and josh got a few flatty's between us. All and all had a cracking session with some great mates.

    Sorry Kent ill give ya the heads up next time.



  5. Were you under the bridge or on top. Cause how the hell would u bring that beast up from the bridge. Well done on your catches. That bridge looks pretty empty, no cars = no eggs. You really have windang worked out.

    Yeah no eggs mate. Yeah was on the bridge and had to bank them one they spent all their energy.

  6. You really seem to have that bridge downpat. What size jigheads do you use if you don't mind me asking.

    A friend and I tried a bit further down the corner at the rocks at the tourist park as well as from the rocks at the mouth a few weeks back and found that even with 1/4 jigheads we couldn't get to the bottom as the current was quite strong. Maybe it's different a bit further up at the bridge where you are.


    Mate they are the squishy ball 5grm jig head so not that heavy.
  7. Hay guys been a long time since I was on here last. Just looking at some of the posts and man some great catches and congrats to everyone.

    Went for a late night session last night flicking soft plastics down at Windang. After a very slow hour with only 2 flattys landed all hell was about to brake loose.

    Half asleep from lack of action I get a solid hit thinking that it was a small Jew but ended being a nice 40cm+ flatty. Next cast on again with another 40+ specimen.

    Then goes quiet for 10 mins then whack my 6kg rod buckles over and drag screaming of the little Abu reel. After a short fight I land my first Jew for winter 70cm. Then for the next 12 or so casts I got smoked 6 times by some things that I could not stop from getting under the bridge. After rigging up again I'm on to a little 53 cm Jew.

    It swallows the lure deep so while I was trying to get this out some guy that was watching jumps right in and land a 80cm keeper. Next cast I get snagged and loose my plastic it was getting late so of I go with 4 good flattys and 2 Jews for the Tom yum soup..




  8. Hay guys sorry bout the late post. But went for a fish with fellow raiders Tan & Kent on sat night and Sunday morning.

    We went for a prawn and crabbing session to get some live baits and Maybe some for a feed. This was my first time doing this and boy it was fun. We did manage 5 blue swimmers between the 3 of us and only about 500grms of prawns each. Plus a squid I caught trying to swim pass.

    So with a few live prawns in hand and soft plastics as well we head up to the bridge for a session. First 3casts and I'm on with 3 nice flattys being bagged then the next 2 casts with 2 bream also getting bagged. Then all of a sudden Tan hooks up and lands a nice EP (I think). The next few hours we all catch a few more fish before the sun comes up.

    Kent and Tan comes up with the idea of heading to bass point for a session so of we go. We got their and it was packed shoulder to shoulder. With at least 30 people their. So I resort to fishing a little up from all the action. So I start flicking around a little silver around after about 30min I'm on with some nice little runs I land a nice bonito. Had 3 more hits but no more hook ups.

    Found a nice little little pocket of water. Put one of the prawns in there and hooked up right away. And starting bringing the fish in and next thing I see is a big green eyed squid coming towards me. So on with the squid jig and its in the bag, yum yum yum.

    So home we head with a nice mixed bag of fish for the table



  9. Took the kids for a dip in the channel between park and island on the south side yesterday, took a little spin outfit and a pumpkin gulp. Third cast got a lovely flatty, let her go was only there for a casual flick. Saw a guy get a hit from a whiting on a little prawn SP too. Wish people wouldn't kill little rays when they come as bycatch though- 3 dead ones left on sand with single stab hole in head- what is the point of that? Saving a hook? Easier to just cut them off.

    Good work on the fish mate glad you got a fish. Plenty down their and some cracking whiting. There is also some idiots that have no respect for our waterways or what calls it home.

  10. I bet if it was hailing, you would have just worn a stack-hat.

    There's no holding you back mate.

    Imagine if you DID win that boat ? The fish would have jumped into the boat just so they can sink you !

    You're just amazing and that fishery is chockers full of flatties.

    They may end up holding an Australian flattie fishing comp down there based on your results.

    Well done jayson daniel graham.

    The flatties you just slay-em !


    Thanks Toni, mate I hope they hold a Australian Flattie Fishing comp their would so enter it. Yeah sucks not getting the boat but hay what can you do? Yeah mate that system is just full of fish and can't wait till winter and I will start targeting Jews again.

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