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Posts posted by jaysondanielgraham

  1. This is a photo of my cousin who i went fishing with a couple of months ago. I landed zip for the morning but this is what he caught. Not very happy that he kept the old girl but a great catch. He got it at Burrill Lake (Ulladulla) on a red vibe. She weighed in around 7kgs

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  2. Hay readers,

    Went for a little session for a few hours this morning down around lake Illawarra. Got some nice Flatty's (Got 10 but the mother-in-law all ready grabbed 2 for sweet and sour soup for dinner tonight). Got some nice fish on plastics and saw a great sun rise what a great start to a great day.

    Have a great day all.

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  3. The boys and i have just come back from our annual Johnnie Walker Flathead comp there were 2 nice flathead caught & as always released .

    The winning fish [ angler ] receives a bottle of blue label whiskey as well as the trophy ... 2nd place a bottle of Gold Label .... 3rd a bottle of Black label ....as well as the dreaded PINK CAP LOSER for the the angler with the least biggest fish out of his bag ...

    As always it was a fun trip full of laughs and good times with mates , and that's what fishing is all about - having fun ...

    Here's the visual fishing report hope you all enjoy .......

    Cheers Troy

    Where is it held and when is the next one?

  4. When pondering why all the big Kings are in NZ I had a terrifying thought. What if every time a Kiwi crossed the ditch to move to Australia, one of our big Kings went the other way and migrated to NZ to restore the balance? That would explain EVERYTHING!!!

    What would happen if all the Kiwis got sent back? The mind boggles.

    Tongue planted firmly in cheek.




    I Know they would keep the king and send over sheep

  5. Hay all,

    Went for a little session last night with the wife around Windang last night. Got there last night bout 8pm now wind at all water was really dirty, fished up to 12 last night no fish landed very slow. As we were heading back to the car i thought i more cast. Got the lure right in against the sandbank in the middle turned the handle once then wack a nice Flatty looking around 55cm over the next 5min got another 4 around the same size. Dropped about 6 more, 1 looked like and felt like it was around 80cm . At this point had a guy in a boat come and anchor up right in the spot i was fishing (Idiot. I did ask him if he could move politely but as he did say was i'm in a boat your not so tuff. So i fished around him got hit every time the plastic hit the water, pulled another 3 out all legal (3 - ME, 0 - IDIOT IN BOAT). The guy in the boat then started to fish directly over were i was casting again and tangled me up and told me off?. That was it i dragged his 2 lines over and cut them off, with this i think he got the idea and moved on. Continued fishing for another 20 min got another 2 and dropped some more. At this time it was 1am and the wife was tired so decided to go home (paying for it now). Had a great night with the wife, Got 9 decent flatty's and out fished a dude in a boat lol.

    Sorry didn't have time to upload photos will later when i get home and clean the fish.

    Im trying to upload a photo from my Iphone but is saying image to big, any help?

    hear is a Photo off a privious nights catch.

    Oh i was using 80mm slick rig in a blue coulor and drop bear

  6. Good to hear there are fish about.

    Bad to hear there are Wan6ers about shooting birds.

    God I would love to catch someone doing something like that. A good old fashion beat down is what they need :wife:

    Same here i would put a 6/0 hook through the end off you no what and use it for shark bait

  7. Hay all,

    Went for a little session last night with the wife around Windang last night. Got there last night bout 8pm no wind at all water was really dirty, fished up to 12 last night with no fish landed it was very slow. As we were heading back to the car i thought 1 more cast. Got the soft plastic right in against the sandbank in the middle turned the handle once then wack a nice Flatty looking around 55cm over the next 5min got another 4 around the same size. Dropped about 6 more, 1 looked like and felt like it was around 80cm . At this point had a guy in a boat come and anchor up right in the spot i was fishing (Idiot. I did ask him if he could move politely but as he did say was i'm in a boat your not so tuff. So i fished around him got hit every time the plastic hit the water, pulled another 3 out all legal (3 - ME, 0 - IDIOT IN BOAT). The guy in the boat then started to fish directly over were i was casting again and tangled me up and told me off?. That was it i dragged his 2 lines over and cut them off, with this i think he got the idea and moved on. Continued fishing for another 20 min got another 2 and dropped some more. At this time it was 1am and the wife was tired so decided to go home (paying for it now). Had a great night with the wife, Got 9 decent flatty's and out fished a dude in a boat lol.

    Sorry didn't have time to upload photos will later when i get home and clean the fish.

    Im trying to upload a photo from my Iphone but is saying image to big, any help?

    hear is a Photo off a privious nights catch.

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