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Everything posted by james1990

  1. Hi guys I'v Read alot about the halco roosta poppas being used up in NT, WA and far north QLD on big trevally, coral trout etc. Just curious but would they be effective if used off sydney? I would assume you would get tailor, salmon and occasionally bonito n kings on them, but would they work on dollies? Also i just got and idea for a teaser, tie a heap of poppers in a line with out to hooks and troll them behind the boat, i could imagine the kinds of splash's made by them. cheers james
  2. Nice looking dory, good size How many types of john dory are there? cheers james
  3. Nice work rob, would have been a tops fight on 6lb gear. cheers james
  4. Hi guys How often do you update you max bag and size length stickers on your boat? I updated mine last week and have found that some of the size and bag limits have changed. I never used 2 update my stickers but decided to update to avoid a fine if i got caught. cheers james
  5. Hi guys So what are you all targeting over winter??? For me i think it will be abit of inclose reef fishing, shooting around botany bay trying to catch what ever will take our baits, but mainly the tailor that will hopefully pour into the the bay and the night sessions on jewies. Depending if we get the new boat or not might go out cubing for the big YFT i hear about each winter. But the end of this winter will be spent getting the gear ready for next season, servicing reels, new lines, stocking up on tackle etc hopefully next seasn will produce the goods. cheers james
  6. Top bream mate, congrats on your new PB. cheers james
  7. james1990

    License Types

    To get your pwc licence you have to pass your standard boat licence first. cheers james
  8. A platsic bead is normally used to prevent the line being damaged at the terminal by the head of the lure. cheers james
  9. Hi guys Does anyone on here use sandeel soft plastics? and what do you catch? Iv heard they are relativly new on the market and might give em a go. cheers james
  10. james1990


    I have some of the halco wire leader, i have never used it 7 strand is this leader material ok? On a dvd i watched they used the halco 7strand wire leader in front of divers, would that affect the performance of the diver? cheers james
  11. james1990


    Thanks for all the help guys I will get a list of ideas togeather and go from there, the job i go into i plan to stay in for as long as possible. cheers james
  12. Hi mate, what size are the lures? I am assuming they are between 10-20cm. My chrissy tree lures that are between 7-19cm are rigged on 50lb-80lb trace with a 4/0-5/0-6/0 suicide hook. Any trace above 50lb i normally crimp but a uni knot can be used too, i use about 60cm of trace. That is just how i use them and it seems to work ok for me. I troll them from about 5knots- 10knots. Im sure the other raiders will be able to help you more on this topic. Good luck with the fishing cheers james
  13. I wish i had a heavier rod with me so i could have live baited one of the yakkas for a jew. Biggest gear i had was a 8lb braid bait castr outfit, next time im taking a 7000 sized 20lb outfit. cheers james
  14. Just about every yakka i have caught that has died has them bugs in them. cheers james
  15. Somebody get the man a straw. Nice muddie, would have tasted awsum. cheers james
  16. Sorry guys i havn't got any pictures. I think my mate arthur has pictures, if he does i will put them up. I am tryin to convince arthur to join fishraider. Any ideas on how to do this? Oh and i might add we went through 1.5kg's of hawksbury prawns between us and about 500grams of pillies in bait thats how hot the bite was. cheers james
  17. It was even more fum on 6lb gear
  18. Hi guys Arrived yeasterday at the cooks river ramp with the 8 foot plastic tub and the 2hp motor, within a matter of mins me and my mate arthur were off. We started trolling from the sewer bridge to the next bridge near the split in the river with small divers along the rocks, picked up 1 small tailor. Fished under the bridge for about 20 mins for a small pinkie. The rain picked up and the wind wasnt helping so decided to move to the bridge near the breakwalls at the enterance of the cooks, driving the boat as fast as we could( about 4 knots) trolling metals out the back picked up 1 small tailor near the ramp, dropped a mullet trap off in the sandy shallows near the old ramp then went and anchored under the bridge. Saw some of the rock fishos pulling in some MONSTER bream and trevally im talkin around the 50cm mark fish after fish. 2 hours had passed from when we had launched and only 4 fish caught 3 tailor and a pinkie. Decided to tie off to a pylon and fish from there, burlyed hard from about 10am till about 4pm in the one spot, went through 3kg's of chook pellets and about 2kgs of pillies. Our excesive burly had attracted various species including leather jackets, yakkas, slimeys, tailor, pinkies, bream, trevally and we even had a school of about a dozen 40-50cm sized frigates that swam past. From 10am till 4pm we landed 40 Bream, 5 legal from 30-35cm 5 trevally from about 5 cm-18cm 3 small yakkas 5 leatherjackets from 5cm-35cm 3 pinkies 5-10cm 17 tailor from 10-27cm. 1 octopuss Dropped a few slimeys boat side, we lost count of the ammount of fish landed as we were so wrapped up in catching all these fish. That isnt including all the fish we had lost either boat side or spat the hook. I had a weird moment when chasing tailor that had busted up on the surface chasing something i landed a small bream on a metal lure spun across the surface . I tried all the old boats with sp's and divers for zilch, all the action is around the enterance for the river. All in all it was a top session. Sorry guys i havnt any picks, i think my mate arthur has a few. cheers james
  19. Theres some top colours in that stripie, a nice fish. cheers james
  20. My season ws pretty average, had its good days and its bad days. Normally when we had a good day fishing the wind would be up and restrict us from areas and the bad day's fishing would produce top weather. Had a few first's My first striped tuna First flathead over 50cm landed on my boat by domza First productive fad trip but it was still pretty quiet. Did really good on the tailor and pike i think all up between me and dom we must have caught about 70fish over about 3-4 trips. The reef fishing and bottom fishing around the merries reef complex was better this summer than last summer, almost every trip to merries produced the goods. Only landed about 5 kings on my boat, biggest was 59cm at merries the rest were all 45cm rats. The flathead fishing was supurb most of summer. This has got to be the first summer we havn't caught an octopus or squid. After reading about my many dollies were caught i guess it must have been a slow game season. Me and domza went out for a troll off botany the water was 16 degrees all the way to the close fad, shocking colour and temp and guess what didnt loose a bait anywhere, not even the leatherjacket were around. There was a few good fish caught though. cheers james
  21. Nice pic's rob, loves the squid pic, i woulda taken the garfish from his gob and thrown them on a set of gangs as a floater. cheers james
  22. Well done mate, i would not be complaing with that catch. cheers james
  23. I was going to give it to fisherman5 (MITCH) for his trip up to glenbawn this weekend to use, sorry mate. cheers james
  24. How do ya reckon a good old alvey side cast would go? cheers james
  25. 1352 me new PB, doesnt this dave guy get tired, iv been playin for about 1.50 mins and still no blood, he is one terry tuff nuts. cheers james Im stuck in the ground headfirst at 685 meters, how do i save this image? Right clicking doesnt work. cheers james
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