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Everything posted by james1990

  1. james1990

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday mate, hope you have a good day. cheers james
  2. james1990

    Thank You

    Id have to agree best site i have been on caters for all my needs, top bunch of people. cheers james
  3. Hi guys Got to cooks river ramp at 5.30,,, only about 8 boats there and 1 other guy setting up never seen it so quiet. Got to molinoux point and burlyed up for some yakkas in about 40 mins we had about 10 yakkas in the tank including one HORSE yakka about 30cm long. Started heading towards the close fad, got about 3 km from north head and BANG a massive school of slimey mackrel bust up right next to us, straight out goes the horse yakka on a 24kg outfit and a skirt on a 30lb outfit slow trolled (1-2knots)around the school for about 15 mins whilst jigging at the same time occassionally,,, then made the decision to slowely troll the yakka south in about 250 feet of water, water temp 22.0 degrees flat and surface action everywhere, got inline about 3kms of south head decided to bring the yakka in and swap over to skirts, 24kg outfit comes in and the yakkas gone with only abit of him left on the hook. Got to our secret jigging spot jigs in water 3 of us jigging 2nd drop dad gets a rock cod . Jigged for about 30 mins over various spots for nothing. Decided to go and have a fish around merries reef. On the way there a big school of fish busts up next to us so we decided to troll a few chromes around merries and botany cone where the school was hanging. About 2 mins into trolling i have my 8lb shimano crestfire baitcaster outfit in my hand slowely moving my rod back and fourth and my other hand on the steering wheel and BANG it goes off line starts peeling off at a rate of knots i call dad to the controls and start fighting my fish after about 4 mins it swimms towards the boat and we get a look, it was either a large bonito or a large frigate mackrel then it takes a big dive down and the hook pulls damn. Back to trolling around the merries reefs for about 15 mins for nothing else just a few hits. Anchored off merries in 40 feet to setup a few rods for bottom bashing hear a splash and look around to see a school or frigate mackrel about 3 meters off the port side, out goes metal lures and sp jerkshads tried for ages only a few hits. Istarted feeling sick threw about 3 meals up over the space of 2 hours . Moved out into about 90 feet of water and started drifting back in towards cronulla beach, between dad and john they bag about 6 flattys between 35-47cm, 1 leatherjackt of about 30cm, dad caught multiple sargent bakers biggest getting close to 85cm, and he hooked a steamtrain of a fish that busted him off on 50lb braid and 50lb leader. Headed back into botany to have a jig around molinoux point sounded a few fish up next to a marker, down goes a jig i have about 6 jigs then hand over to dad so i can drive the boat get about 4 meters east of the johnson wax bouy and dad gets a follow up of a king that was estimated to be 80cm, hung around for 5 mins for nothing. Moved to the drums and had a jig around for nothing but saw alot of surface action again mixed mullet and garfish. Decided to call it a day with 6 keeper flattys a sore stomach and sore arms from jigging got back to ramp at 3 and haded home. cheers james
  4. Congrats on the first kingy mate, top feeling. I remember my first king, 59cm i was rapped, although seasickness was fighting the happiness. cheers james
  5. That happend up near fraser island about 2 years ago, 2 guys tried to drive between the island and mainland from what i heard and the tide came in on them. cheers james
  6. Mate, sorry to hear about that, hope the @$$#0!e$ get what they deserve. VERY lucky you didnt wake up and get in there way, as long as you the wife and the cat are ok. cheers james
  7. Mate thats one big fish, top catch 2 your mate................for me one day, maybe one day cheers james
  8. Just wondering but was the boat a four winns? i saw those few little waves in the background of the material and assumed a four winns. cheers james
  9. Nope.........but i will take a look. cheers james
  10. Got my brother,,,,, he punched me in the head. cheers james
  11. The key to catching Livebaits is BURLY. Anchor near structure IE- shallow reef, near a jetty/wharf rock wall, markers. Burly up using chook pellets, bread, dry AND wet catfood, corn, peas, old fish bits/bait all soaked in tuna oil over night in a sealed bucket, always works for me. Use the 6 hook rigs either from wasabi, force ten or one of the various other brands that sells the live bait catcher rigs. OR a handline with a sinker to suit the depth of the water you fishing in(preferably no lead) and a small size 5/6/7 longshank hook. cheers james
  12. That wouldnt hurt cheers james
  13. james1990

    200 Hp E Tech

    Thats a death trap 74mph on water farout i thought like 60kph was fast lol cheers james
  14. I put my own number in and it ws the last thing i expected good one cheers james
  15. Welcome guys, i am sure you will enjoy your stay. Fishraider is full of top guys and girls. cheers james
  16. Not sure what model of the halco range it is But the lure with the white body and red head iv heard has accounted for a variety of fish includingkings Small skirts also, I have bought a pack of berkly jerkshads 5inch with the intentions of catching kings. im sure theres plenty of lures out there that will do the job, fresh squid/live baits work better. cheers james
  17. Move to cambelltown, need a good shop with all the gear out here. If u need someone to run the campbelltown shop PICK ME. cheers james
  18. Hopefully dollies and kings off botany on sunday, that was our plan last weekend but to some misfortune someone tried to steal one of our boat motors. cheers james
  19. If you can travel to botany bay and fish molinoux point on the northern side of the bay, you have a chance at kings, bream, leatherjackets, trevally, tailor, salmon, bonito, livebaits can be caught here to maybe a jew. cheers james
  20. Good luck mate, im no kingfish expert but you should get better results on the freshest squid possible. cheers james
  21. By the sounds of it you had a good trip, i have afew old reels one a penn114H game reel REALLY old still use it for gamefishing but havnt caught anything in it as yet. cheers james
  22. 62cm sambo, gotta be rapped with that. cheers james
  23. Top looking fish, that could have been dangerous. cheers james
  24. I have an alvey catalouge i got about a week ago finished looking now if anyone would like it PM me. cheers james
  25. Well i thought i would let it go, give other anglers a chance to have a run at it. Caught it on a peeled prawn 1/0 hook on 6lb gear whilst chasing marlin. cheers james
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