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Everything posted by james1990

  1. I run herculese braid on a few reels and am stoked with its performace, on my tld20 i have 60lb braid yes heavy i no, been on there for well over a year, gets used everytrip and has only just started to fade away, it is also very abrasion resistant. cheers james
  2. Congrats on your daughters first jew. It looks to be a nice boat you have there. cheers james
  3. Hi guys Since raider hit the big 100 000 posts i wouldnt mind knowing who made the first post ever and when it was? How do i find this post? cheers james
  4. james1990

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday guys, hope you have a good day. cheers james
  5. Hi guys i bought a outback bibless minnow about 3 years ago, neva touched water, its about 6-7cm long and rattles. What saltwater species could i expect to catch using it around sydney? and what locations would i use it in? It looks to be more of a freshwater lure for cod, perch, bass etc but im not a freshwater fisho. cheers james
  6. I got my half yearly exams on over the next 2 weeks, only have to go for my exams which i only have for max 2 hours each day, that gives me more time for fishraider, to play around with my fishing gear and...............oh yeh to study hehe. cheers james
  7. Hi Well um im james and i have an alcohol addiction problem,,,,,,,,,, oh sorry i thought this was a tell us about yourself councelling post. My names james, im 16 live in campbelltown birthdays 25/6/1990 I enjoy hangin around with my mates, boxing, downhill mountain bike riding, bodyboarding/surfing, waterskiing, voleyball, incoor cricket, indoor/outdoor soccer, gym, track and feild. BUT MOST OF ALL FISHING. my msn adress is james_ranga1@hotmail.com feel free to add me raiders cheers james
  8. HOLY MOLY thats HUGE, good catch cheers james
  9. james1990

    100,000th Post

    YEEHAA go fishraider, top fishing site, thankyou very much to the people who run it. cheers james
  10. Nice session mate, good sized kings. cheers james
  11. james1990


    MONO ryan 5 bucks a spool at a certain place, 1100 meters, 10buck braid wouldnt like to think how long thatd last. cheers james
  12. Hi guys Bought a pack of these about 3 weeks ago, used one last sunday, and following the directions on the packet i didn't place it back in with the others. Just took a look at it it is all driedup and cracked as it was left tied to the line and exposed to the air i assume. Is this normal, is there a way i can preserve them for future use? cheers james
  13. Im going to start using them for bait now, the good old sargent baker was the first fish i ever got on a knifejig intended for a kingfish. cheers james
  14. Hi guys I have heard before that white is the colour for kings, never tried for ym self though. cheers james
  15. Nice fish mate, good catch on a jigging outfit. Im going to spend ALOT of time up there when i get my licence. cheers james
  16. james1990


    nope, that 1000 could be my first car, really i only have about 10bucks, thats 2 spools of jarviswalker mono cheers james
  17. james1990

    For Sale

    doms a pregnant, male cross dresser,,,,,,not that theres anything wrong with that right guys. cheers james
  18. Good work on the flattys mate, they will taste good. cheers james
  19. Studying for my year11 half yearly exams, well i will say that but havnt decided if it is going to happen , other than that mowing the gardens and bluding around. cheers james
  20. Just to doublecheck shoalhaven is greenwell point isnt it. Anyway where all the trawlers are tied to the big jetty at greenwell point is good for bream, tailor and ludrick. Looking east off the jetty to the left of you is a little rock wall next to the channel try there for bream, snapper, flathead and ludrick on a high tide or run out were a big eddie is formed around the rocks. If you are on a boat as you go out the heads past the big breakwall theres is a beach from memoery its called the 7 mile beach, drift along the beach for whiting, flathead and occasionally pelagics, whilst drifting the beach once we drifted over several schools of horse slimey mackrel. cheers james
  21. I was going to mention something about kingys and using it for bait, i think thats enough squid there to feed the whole of fish raider and use for bait at the next social. Scary stuff cleaning a marlin up. Ryan mate yours has got nothing in that squid
  22. 7kg stripey, mate thats a top size would have been a good fight. It's good to see the dollies are making a late turn up,Better late than never i guess. Looks like you guys cleaned up, nice work shame about the big dollie, adrenaline pumping stuff. I was getting worked up for the next trip in 2 weeks from now just looking at those photos, hope there still around. cheers james
  23. OUCH that would have to hurt. When sting rays attack iv heard that they have a gland that release's a venom that diteriorates the tissue is that true? cheers james
  24. Yeh mate, were gunna need some good squid for all the kings u and me n domza are gunna get. Congrats on the PB. cheers jaems
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