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Everything posted by james1990

  1. Hi guys and girls Domza joined me and my dad for a night fishing session last night in double trouble brown and cream center console. Arrived at ramp at 6.00 last night to be greeted by a strong SE wind and not one other boat trailer there. We headed over to mol point to grab some livies stayed there till about 11.00 whilst there we caught about 10 livies, 5 pike between 40-43cm, 2 bream 26 cm each the pike were all taken on metal lures after dark. At about 11 decided to make the move to the oil wharf but then changed mind and headed over to the captain cook bridge where we would try for some muloway, after sounding around for a little while we found a drop off close to structure and with a fair current running. Lines in, burlyed up and we were set. The fishing was quiet for the first hour or 2 dad decided to go down and have a snooze he was out for about two hours, whilst he was asleep me and dom were at the back of the boat fishing and havin a chat and playing bounce on my phone, we started to hook into a few tailor and was having hardly any luck on the cubed pike so dom decided to chuck out a live yakka about 6 inch's long it was in the water for about 10 minutes then BANG the rod buckles over and dom was locked in battle we weren't to sure what we were onto hoping for a jew, several species ran through our minds, shovel nose shark, sting ray bull shark who knows? Once dom had tired it out and got it to the boat we realised it was MASSIVE flathead that measured 87cm and weighed a tad over 4kg's (DOM WILL POST PICKS). We also dropped a few small jews and had a few runs. First light saw us catching livebait at mol point again for the trip to the close fad, whilst we were there we saw seajay, mate your boat is a top looking machine and your gear WHOOA. We headed out to the close fad, rough ride there got there doms second cast in ZZZZZZZZZ smoked by a overly legal king dom managed one other kingy of about 45cm before we decided to call it quits and head in due to the uncomfy conditions. All in all a top night out weather was nice for us. cheers james
  2. Congrats mate, well done keep up the good work. cheers james
  3. It wasnt to bad the weather swell was up but hardly any chop so a up and down ride goin out again on sunday, congrats on the 1000 posts penguin. cheers james
  4. james1990


    AHHHH touche i have a mate his name is...................anyone seen the weather? cheers james
  5. james1990


    Yeh right mate your full of it, where does sammy come into this? cheers james
  6. Yeh domza joined me on my boat yesterday there was some 60-70cm dollies down there not to many though tuns of rattys but good fun on light gear. cheers james
  7. There probably is a good source of food around there, kingfish like structure thats why so many bust offs occour. They might also be there for different reasons to for example tides and water temp? cheers james
  8. Nice looking fish. The kings that are cought in close are very different in apearance to the kings caught outside, at the fad yesterday me and domza got into some kings that were very pale in colour but fought alot harder. Explanation please. cheers james
  9. Holy crap that things huge what gear was it caught on? cheers james
  10. yup your just around the corner from me, check your pm's
  11. Hey guys, yeh it wasn't a bad day out, just watching the kings and dollies was my hi-light and i was the only one that chucked up . Planning a trip for friday night dom if theres a spare spot its yours. Motor is fixed now something was blocking the waterpump all good now. And im changing from 6lb mono to 10lb braid any reccomendations on what brand? cheers james
  12. Damn that must be one heavy jetski. cheers james
  13. james1990

    Fly By

    Wholy donkey thats crazy imagine the noise. cheers james
  14. hi there, welcome to the site. this site www.allclassifieds.com.au www.boatpoint.com.au www.boatbuyer.com.au www.ebay.com.au
  15. top catch dom, hopefully i can get stuck into some kings on sunday need it spent alot of money and time on them for nothing over the last few trips. cheers james
  16. thats some of the best king i have ever seen, 35kgs average for em all? cheers james
  17. mate it wont be the last trip out on double trouble with u n me i hope when i get back from portstevons we are going again so should be able to get you out then. cheers james
  18. Hey guys, good report did alot better than what we did only a few snapper and a few flattys, better luck next time you guys norm hit the jackpot on kings. cheers james
  19. Also saw keepin-tabs heading northtowards long bay mate you boats a bloddy machine looked like it handled the chop with ease also saw you again heading in near the runwayat about 12 or around that i was standing on the front of the boat waving but idnt get a response, we have a brown and cream haines centercab named double trouble. Also me n dom were the only 2 on our boat to catch fish dad n our mate didnt catch anything. cheers james
  20. Hey guys i have found closing my eyes looking into the sun and nibbling in a bisctuit of something like that seems to help went out today firstt trip in about 3 years i wasnt sick and i didnt take any tablets or nything. cheers james
  21. Hey guys domza joined myself and my dad and a mate for a fish out of botany today, picked dom up at 5.05 hit water at 6 straight out the heads to be greeted by a small chop and slight swel, didnt deter us set up a spread of skirts and divers trolled along the cliffs to long bay then east to the fad then down to the merries reef complex off cronulla DIDNT TURN A REEL. rigged up for a reef fish dom scored the first fish a nice size little pinkie just nudgin legal and several to follow then the flattys came on i caught the only legal flatty the rest were throw backs, wind picked up so inside we went to the runway drifting burlyed up dom scored a nice little tailor decided to make a move to the brighton baths did a few drifts i scored a nice 40cm flatty on a sp worked by just lifting the rod up and down no retreiving of line. Picks will be added soon all in all it was a good day sory dom didnt get ya a game fish or kingy but will try again next time. cheers james
  22. I'd be over the moon to catch a fish like that, they are a set of huge fish that snapper is massive for sydney waters i think he is lost. cheers james
  23. Hi mate, nice looking fish, lure or bait and on what gear? cheers james
  24. Nah mate keep them there, very visible just put the stickers on top. cheers james
  25. A good way to recognise domza's boat is the rego stickers are about half way between the bow and stern of the boat. cheers james
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