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Everything posted by james1990

  1. When we pushed our wheel carrage forward on our haines hunter 580slf almost 2 tones we used a siccor jack EXTREMELY CAREFULLY and put car stands under the frame just incase anything happend, the siccor jack did the job fine, it worked better than a trolley jack. cheers james
  2. james1990

    Blue Bottle?

    Can you please explain them abit more? They might have been bluebottles, the only types of jellyfish i can tell are the BIG yellow ones thatare in HUGE packs, the yellow ones sting but it isn't very painfull, a small itchy rash appeares from a personal experience. And the bluebottles which can inflict harsh pain and burning sensation. cheers james
  3. . Mate that chrome/ metal lure there iwith the single is the only lure i use now, catches me just about everything i target. I used to make my own lures by getting mister twister sp tails, the spinner off a celtaand a hook to match the size of the spinner and sp tail, i used to use them in the freshwater lakes/ponds/rivers in canberra and only every caught yellowbelly on them. cheers james
  4. My self and domza have done a few night sessions on the bay, This is normally what we do Fish just behind molinoux point till about 11 chasing livies, pike and tailor on lures under the light at the end of the point. Then we head over to the captain cook till sunrise. We havn't caught a jew yet at the captain cook but have had a few runs on them, one by catch DOMZA did catch though whilst chasing jews was a 89cm flathead on a live yakka . cheers james
  5. It used to happen to me on my light gear all the time, quickly figured out the problem, all sweet now. cheers james
  6. james1990

    Run Aground

    Check your water pump, the small jet/outlet, the hose and impellor for blockage. Last weekend when we ran the motors the port motor didn't have water coming out, we discovered we had fish eggs blocking the small hose to the jet weird i know. cheers james
  7. From memory i have only done one dumb thing. It was on botany at mol point about 2 years ago i took the hose off the bait tank to wash the deck down and the killtank(underfloor killtank) it has a bung to stop the ice/cold water from going into the hull well someone(let not name names) had forgot to put the bung in and washed the inside of the killtank and left the hose in there turned on. Dad reaches over the side to wash his hands struggles to reach the water, a short while later he reaches over again to try and wash his hands again, his hands plus apart of his forearm goes in(ajmes did u turn the bait tank hose off???????) oh S#1T, we had taken on loads of water. I have also left the burly pot out a few times when driving the baot. DOMZA on the day of the kingy social i was sitting in the passenger seat dom was driving, doms dad was sitting in the cabin, dom went a little to fast over a set of wake waves and his dad kept smacking his head on the roof of the cabin. There was another time me and dom were thrwoing lures around from my boat at mol point trying for tailor and pike at about 11.00 at night dom had a popper on i had a small chrome, dom casted his popper out and hooked one of the rock fisherman, they untangled his line and through it back in the water. From past experiences with the molinoux point rock fishos if you tangle with them they cut your line and keep you lure. Anyway dom started winding his line back in he reached the boat and the first thing i was to dom was ( did ya get ya poppa dom) the whole boat had a good laugh and he has earnt his occasional name of poppadom. cheers james
  8. Yes being a brand new 72 footer i guess your right. cheers james
  9. james1990

    Blue Bottle?

    Looks like something out of ghost busters. cheers james
  10. james1990

    Whats This One

    That fish that dom caught there was caught whilst fishing for livies just behind molinoux point. Thats my hand next to it to give an idea on size, and my wrist looks fat cheers james
  11. Would you be able to get in contact with a fish/ aquarium shop and ask if they can hold the fish for you for a short ammount of time whilst you transport the tank, thisway the tank can be emptied out completely. Never ownd a saltwater tank but that might be an idea. cheers james
  12. My belly hurts,,, that boat must be worth in excess of $400 000 i think probably more. cheers james
  13. Can you explain what it tasted like? you just got me curious. cheers james
  14. Me pose,,,,,,,,,,,,NAHHHHH not at all , thanks chris i love a complement every now and then. cheers james
  15. Hi guys What is the best rig to use when jigging for kings? I will be using 50-80lb gear 150-400grams knfife jigs. Would wind on leaders be the go? cheers james
  16. Yes GO THE TIGERS have it in the bag CHEERS JAMES
  17. Hi guys, i just noticed it had a peice of squid hangin out of its gob. Heres a pick of the last trip, all the flattys were caught at merries reef, the tailor were at molinoux point. All fish were over 35cm cheers james
  18. Welcome to the site mate, nice wahoo, shame about the marlin, better luck next time. cheers james
  19. i Marked it on the plotter, also made a mental note really easy to rember. Who ever buys the boat will have a good mark on the plotter
  20. Looks like u got a moustache, beard, goatie what ever you would like to call it, also looks like u got a tatoo on your right shoulder hehe, like the new everlast deign. cheers james
  21. Hi guys Me, DOMZA, my dad and my brother set off on my boat double trouble yesterday morning at 6.00 from cooks river ramp, whilst launching we saw "OFFTAP" and "ASSASSIN", all 3 of us were lined up launching our boats at the same time. First stop was mol point to pick up some livies, in about an hour we had about 15 yakkas in the tank. also caught a few little snapper whilst we were there. 2nd stop was throwing lures around north head, we didnt do any good although dom caught the roof of the boat We decided to throw livies into the washes between northhead and long bay didn't do any good, so we trolled livies for zilch. Got to long bay and decided to do a run to the close fad, we fished the close fad for about an hour with a few other boats and didn't see anyone loose a bait, no fish landed. After the fad we fished the meries reef complex, well dad dom and my brother did i was asleep(big night the night before) dom caught a flatty that was 45cm a few throw backs were also caught. Dom, dad and my brother saw a school of trevally swimming around the boat, didn't catch any of them. We decided we would go back into the bay and try for kings at mol point. On the way back to the bay i was watching the sounder all of a sudden a peak formed and there were fish all over the sounder, i imediatly ordered dad to kill the motors, i dropped a 200gram abbys pink knife jig down on 80lb gear(yes VERY heavy i know ) on about my 10th drop down i got onto something i imeadiatly thought YES KINGY WHOOOOO but it didn't take the big king run got it to the boat and it was a crappy sargent baker, into the kill tank as my freind arthur will eat anything. About 10 drops later i got smashed just off the bottom i striked up and FISH ON it only lasted about 10 seconds and it was all over the fish reefed me BIG KING on 80lb gear,,,,,lost my jig and a big fish . All in all it ws a good day, first time i tried jigging, hooked 2 fish one landed one lost, i must be doing something right. Me and dad are about to buy a good quality jigging outfit,budget of $500 for line rod and reel any recomendations? cheers james
  22. Iv seen some leatheries of about 40-50cm crusing the pylons around circula quay inn sydney, bream mized in, i was on a school excursion unfortunatly didn not have a rod with me. cheers james
  23. james1990

    Your Final 8

    Your a good man, welcome on my boat anytime, just wonderin r u ford or holden? cheers james
  24. Hi mate, might see you out there, me and domza are going out chasing kings on my boat (Double trouble) shes a big ass cream and brown center console. cheers james
  25. Mate thats the jew of all jews, never never have i seen a jew tha size before a big congrats from me. What gear was it taken on? cheers james
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