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Posts posted by xtosea

  1. Great work on the Squid and Bream, but about the King, just throw them in the water and nature will take its course, if you are found with an undersize King, $200 and your gear may be taken, not worth it, although i know how you feel, had to throw a Few baby Jews back that were not gonna make it, i remember i threw one back and an Eagle swooped down and scooped it out of the water to his nest.

  2. Yeah that was us ..nice boat your friend has there .........

    How did you guys go anyway ?

    I was just there with my GF catching Yakkas for the next days trip where we wanted some fresh baits for bottom bashing, the next day got some reefies and some Salmon on the way home, i got dropped off at Clifton when we left the spit and went home to sleep as i had to wake up early, my mate just anchored and spent the night spuddling his GF i think hehe :1prop:

  3. Nes, were you in the pool area with your brother or friend, i was there yesterday with my GF and dog, if that was you then it was a King, we were yelling for you to follow the fish but it was too late. I got some Salmon of about 1.5kg and GF got some Flounder.

  4. Thanks for replying, just want to see how many people actually have out of all the fishing people in this country, as they state they are trying to save them, yet it is clear that people fishing have not encountered these fish whilst fishing yet the blame seems to be solely on us?

    Really really IRATE!!!! :1badmood:

  5. Went fishing on a friends Rivvy today, no Marlin around but a few reef fish, on the way saw alot of birds but no takers on small jet heads, and on the way home as on the way out the birds were there but in there thousands, literally, it was a 4km square school of 3kg+ Salmon which we had a ball hooking well over 100 in 3hrs before we called it quits and left them biting.

    But i just wanted to share with you's a nice pic i took of my Girlfriends Mowie, ive looked around the net and couldnt find one similar so thought i'd share it thats all, it really shows some beautiful colours, it was a lucky camera shot for sure but its a top pic.

    Hope you enjoy :1fishing1:


  6. Bloody F%^&$#n a-holes

    Keep everyone posted please, very sad to hear that!!!!!

    Hope you get it back, if anyone see's it, we should get a crew of people to go down and sort him out!!!

    Well i'll be there anyway!

    All the best Phar Cue!!! I Hate thieves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad3::mad3::mad3:

  7. I dont know :( , i eat alot of Squid and i must say that you all must be fussy or something, have you tried eating the squid you bought from shops? If you guys think your squid that you caught fresh and cooked fresh is tough then i believe there is no pleasing you's or you's are spoilt :1prop:

    Just my opinion :1fishing1:

  8. Fish around the Railway Bridge on high tide and run out, Big Flathead and Jew taken there, long walk from Brroklyn Station but worth it, fresh fillets and Squid work well.

    On high tide you can cast lures around towards the pylons, can get you fish like that too, soft plastics worked along the bank there gets you good Flathead.

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