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Posts posted by xtosea

  1. Theres a wharf at Shoal Bay and some rocks around there, you can catch squid there, take it Tomaree headland, long walk, but you can try there for Snapper or Cobes or Kings? You can probably catch Slimies on a bait jig out the front of Tomaree and they are a better bait.

    All the best up there, its a top place.

  2. Kruze, most if not all lures will catch you fish at one point or another, if the schools are there then you know where the fish are, but if its tough going, most people are scared to troll in close to the rocks and washes, you must know your area to do this but this is where the fish are, trolling is very quiet on days where there is little or no swell.

    All the best with it im sure you will get some nice fish, not just Salmon.

  3. Slinky from memory there is a bait ground within 1Nm of the Seaway, Yakkas and Slimeys on Jigs by the truckload, you can see the boats there everyday stocking up prior to leaving, i dont have marks but once you get out of the Seaway it is clearly visible with the amount of boats there getting bait. Basically ESE from the southern side of the Seaway.

    Maybe Jamess1990 can help further.

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