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Everything posted by xtosea

  1. Healthy looking King there Mike, well done! What did it measure? And yeah how did you get it? Kamil
  2. Roylo, the only thing i can think of now would be a hand held PDA unit, that you can load up both Co-Pilot Live and C-Map onto it? I'm pretty sure it would work. Kamil
  3. All the best with the trip Greg, i'm sure you Patty, Mick and the others will have a ball again! I got your dvd of last year and the year before and love it! Can't wait to see the photos upon your return! Kamil
  4. Those sunrise and sunset photos are awesome, may i ask a question, how do you get the Kids to be black(Not being racist at all) in the photo? Is it a case of not using any flash? Ive always wondered? Kamil
  5. xtosea

    Dry Ice

    Most places that sell gas like BOC Gases sell it, but its expensive stuff. For around 4 days, you need six blocks or similar and thats about $100. Just ring around, my sister wanted to take it camping but decided not too as the price was expensive, there are some top eskies you can buy that will hold ice for days, the styrophone ones are the best eskies by far. I have had ice in there for 3 days. Buy blocks rather than bags. Im sure others will help out more. Kamil
  6. Not bad. What if you don't like cake? hehe Kamil
  7. xtosea


    Most wharves hold squid around 3hrs either side of high tide that side of the bridge. I have never had trouble catching them at any of the wharves west of the bridge, but they are not there all the time. You should do ok. Kamil
  8. Thanks for that Bigfoot, thats an accomplishment on the gear you used especialy a 2/0 hook! Crazy stuff, well done. Kamil
  9. Big dirty smelly pike! It may as well be! Crazy catch though! Kamil
  10. Whats wrong with it Dom? Ive used so many Garmin units and have never had a problem with any of them! Maybe we can help? Kamil
  11. Roylo, the best and easiest ones i have found to use are the Garmin ones. They are extremely user friendly, work very well. Try looking at The Garmin GPS 72 or 76, the latter has maps. For around $300 they are tops. Kamil
  12. Very pretty fish, awesome to have let her go too. Any more info on the catch? Like bait and rig, trace and line class? Just generally interested. Kamil
  13. Gee Ross has his Snapper worked out! Any chance of the GPS marks!!! Great fish there! Inspiring to say the least! Kamil
  14. Great mixed fish report, who is the lucky one eating the Bearded Cod or Ling? Let us know what you think of it, i though they were unreal!
  15. Coming into force 3rd Sep. http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/aboutus/news/rec...-fishing-limits
  16. Your not with 3 are you? They always drop out i hate it. But seriously the best phone that is out there is one that works!
  17. i very rarely catch jews when i fish the Hawkesbury and there is that stuff in the water! In fact i dont think ive ever caught a jew if thats in the water! I hate the stuff! I hate Pike Eels too! Kamil
  18. Im sure you will do great Roy. Snapper on the menu is it?
  19. I agree with Rocky, i have caught them at night at West Reef, and they are absolutely delicious to eat! White flakey flesh, i would say its up there with the best of the fish that you can eat! But i dont know if they are ling? Kamil
  20. Congratulations Stewy And Donna, well done to you guys. Kamil
  21. All the best Roy, you're very fortunate to have a day off! Kamil
  22. My mates were out in my boat yesterday and got nothing either just an Alfonsino of 2kg off the bottom of Browns.! Saw one Fin jumping but he was solo! They recorded similar temps to you. Oz is out there i think today too, wonder how he went? Kamil
  23. G'day live baiter, try these guys, Boating4U on 1300 887 345, but these guys do all the interstate transport and they deliver all boats from QLD, they are called Boat Movers, there number is (02) 9774 5984, hope this helps. Kamil
  24. Dan the marks i have, is the first one you got, that is the correct one. Not the second one. Not that they are that far apart but the first one is correct. Kamil
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