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Everything posted by Grantm

  1. Too easy Tyrone Yep its Ourimbah Creek under the f3. Ive seen it a lot cleaner than this though. Its particularly filthy at the moment as is the whole creek right out to Tuggereah Lake
  2. Pick this waterway on the Central Coast
  3. Just my opinion but I hate the things. A mate of mine has one on his Steber and its a nightmare. First off its on a wire cable which I hate, then you've got to run the cord to the car battery and hook it up.Then when you hook it up you have to fart arse around with the winch lock to get it to go. You then hit the button and it then takes for ever to wind up - really slow, not to mention noisy, every one stops and stares at the noise. Then you've got to pack it all up. Takes two or three times longer than a hand winch. It would'nt go one day either so we had to use it manually. The manual handle was only 5 inches long and kept slipping off- shitfight. Like I say its just my experience with this one winch maybe it was just a dud, but its put me off them altogether. Maybe other types are better and easier to use, I sure hope so !
  4. Grantm

    Big Bobs

    Got to say I was a little dissapointed when I first saw this photo, but then I realised the title said 'Big Bobs' and not 'Big Boobs' as I first thought. Never mind.
  5. Grantm

    Tilt Problem....

    What - and give up my career in the auto industry being abused on a daily basis for trying to help! Geez I wish I could mate. I dont give advice much at all these days on either industry, cause im sick of being yelled at. Think I'll stick to helping out fellow FR's. You guys are always thankfull for a bit of help or advice which makes it worthwile to comment. Just hope you've got an easy fix. Let me know how you go.
  6. Grantm

    Tilt Problem....

    Mate if the hydraulic motor is working and theres no movement it could mean she's low on oil from a leak or has air in the system also from a leak. These things are prone to doing this if their is any kind of leak in the hydraulics and they will work in one direction but not the other. Check it thoroughly for any suspect leaking areas. Could be as simple as a loose pipe or hose. the system then needs a top up and bleed. This is only one possibilty but its worth a look as a start, if the hydraulic motor is working ok. Cheers
  7. Mate youve got pretty comprehensive list of things to do here so I wont add to it, but here is a couple of things NOT to do: more of an etiquette thing. Dont prep your boat on the ramp as this pisses some people off a lot. Pull up in the car park and do it their. Applies for getting it out and putting it in. Dont let arrogent people rush you, take your time, just dont waste time. Dont back your trailer too fast go slow till you get the hang of it. It helps when backing an empty trailer to be able to see it. If youve got a wagon open the tailgate. Dont stand on the tow ball hitch while someone else drives the trailer out of the water , I see this all the time its an accident waitning to happen. Youll pick it up in no time
  8. They will want to keep an eye on that one, I spend a lot of time in Forster with relo's who live there, and one of the things that makes tourism so good is because you can always catch a fish there for the kids ! If it got severely punished by the pro's this would have to detract from its appeal you would think. On another note I noticed the Prawn Trawlers in the Hawkesbury tried to have thier weekend ban altered some time ago. It got knocked on the head by the committee though . The bloke in charge, Hillary I think (this cracked me up ) said it was originally the trawlers idea to have a ban imposed on themselves on the weekend because they were concerned for the safety of water skiers and now they are suffering financial hardships.gimme a break Shoulda never said it was your idea Hillary. The committe said they were not convinced with Mr Hillary's resons and evidence for amending the ban. Funny stuff.
  9. Thanks for the responses Iain. Pity about the Hawkesbury although it is a big ask I suppose. Although it would be nice if they left it alone during certain times of the year to give it a chance to recover. I think Lake Macquarie will become a hot spot for reco's over the next few years, sounds promising. Cheers
  10. I was reading the 2004-2005 Salt water fishing guide and noticed that there is 30 'fishing havens' situated on the NSW Coast. These fishing havens are 'out of bounds' for any type of commercial fishing, and have been in place now for a year or two I think. Two around here are Lake Macquarie and Botany Bay. Heres a few questions for you guys - Has anyone who fishes these areas noticed an increase in fishing quality since the Havens were introduced ? Are these havens really left alone by pro's ? Will we ever see the mighty Hawkesbury classified as a fishing haven ? Cheers
  11. Grantm

    Elegant Update

    Mate thats one tough looking piece of gear ! A lot of good structural work. Cant wait to see it.
  12. Guys final chapter, Ended up going to my fav tackle shop and was determined to get something under $100.00 at this stage. Unfortunatley they dont carry the Sahara or the Okuma's in that price range, so I had to go for something else. I eneded up buying a Diawa Samuri-7I 2000 which I payed 90 bucks for. I dont know how this reel rates with everyone, but it shits all over my old stuff. Seems to have a good smooth drag, anti reverse, 5 bearings and this new ABS spool on it. The next step up from this reel seems to have an alloy body and probably better quality bearings and I couldnt really tell the difference until the reel price went to $230.00 and higher, although in time I might find out ! I think this will do me just fine for the time being as I just cant justify a higher price. One things for sure, its a massive step up for me and im happy as. I did look at the Symetre and it was really nice but just a bit out of budget, $150.00 I think. They did have it on a combo with a Squidgee Stick for $240.00 which seemed ok. Selling Sic Sticks for $120.00 ( should a got one ! ) Anyway thanks for all the advice, really apprecialte it.
  13. Hey Rick, Noticed some of your gear on the swap sell. Also noticed youve just had a bub. Rick - Be honest now, have you been told ? Could you be down to one rod reel combo soon ? Nappies are expensive
  14. 'At the moment' ive got 6 rod-reel combos, box of lures and plastics. Same as Milts the thinks thats excessive. After a while I think you can just become a collector. You go into a tackle store not needing anything but you are hell bent on buying something-anything. If you leave the store without purchase (rare event) something feels wrong. Like buyers remorse in reverse. I bought a new rod and reel yesterday. Dont know why, just did. Had to have it. Couldnt leave the shop without one,a voice in my head just said that I really needed a new rod and reel. You guys are scaring me with your 50 rods and 400 lures etc. Cant help but think ill end up there as well the way im going. Crazy, mental patient, pyschotic ,excessive compulsive,loony tune, fisho with 5000 bucks worth of gear. Just like Swoffa. Geez I hope so !!! Im all of the above so far except without the gear !
  15. Cheers mate When was this beast taken ?
  16. Martin thats one hellofa shark ! Impressive as it is, I hate seeing such incredible and amazing creatures hanging from a gantry Not having a go at you mate but my personal opinion is sharks like that need to swim free.
  17. Err yeah - big blue one !
  18. Thanks Joe, If you subscribe to Fishing World at the moment you get a free Avenger reel Maybe thats the go. Cheers
  19. Thanks Bashir, Yep I only really want it for Breamin. Some of these so called warranties arent worth the paper their written on. Might keep lookin. Thanks
  20. Gday Guys, Just a follow up on this one. Went and checked out the Sahara the other day at the local tackle shop. The guy basically said it was a rubbish reel and id be back in a year getting a new one. He said as an entry point into the 1500 or 200 size reel I needed to buy a Shimano Navi at about $260.00 Anything less was a waste of money. I checked out the Navi and yes it was very nice, but just too much for me. I cant help but think these guys were just going for the upsell. I told the guy my situation and how much I fish etc, but he made me feel like a dickhead for looking at the Sahara, so he nothing out of me in the end. RayP mentioned a 10 year warranty on the Sahara, is this true ? Are these Sahara's really that bad or was this guy being a knob beater ? Cheers
  21. Yep that cleared that one up for ya Michael !
  22. GDay Michael, I dont think their is specific marine wire cable, but I would suggest buying a good brand like Hella. It is absolutely paramount that all connections are soldered and not just crimped if you are using crimp terminals. If not they will stuff out when you least expect it. Ive always crimped them up as per normal first then soldered them after that. HAVE FUN
  23. Matt are you a bit lonely pal ? Cleaning your rod in the shower ? :wank: I can give a phone number if you like
  24. GDay David, Mate I pretty much come home from a trip and wash rods and reels down with fresh water only. I get bucket of water and a dustpan brush, dunk the brush in and wash down the gear. I then grab a towel and wipe it dry. Some guys then apply products ilke Inox spray etc as an additional protector. I dont use this stuff myself but I believe its pretty good. Dont use WD-40 whatever you do. Hope this helps.
  25. Grantm

    Rod Lingo

    Err, that really cleared things up...........Thought someone here might have known this
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