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Everything posted by Grantm

  1. Thanks boys, yes very happy. F & S has never been very kind to me but never fished off the edge before on the sand. Could be something in that. Cheers.
  2. GDay Raiders, Decided to battle the ramp at Parsley Bay on Sunday for fish at about 10.30 am, battle being the opperative word. Anyway we hit Hungry Beach area to see if we could pick up a few Flatties to start the day, and managed to boat a couple of small guys no probs just throwing Hawgs ang Gulps around. Things quietened off so we thought we would see if Gunyah would fire. What a bastard of a place that is on a run in . Very hard to fish, so we changed tactics. The wind was picking up and we were still after some bigger flatties, so we headed to our ever reliable flattie spot and only managed one but dropped it. The wind was still blowing where we normally find some cover so we thought we might as well go to Flint and Steel and try some new tricks. Sounded out a good bit of reef and anchored just off it on some gravel patches. Tried some deep jigging with quarter ounce jigs and bass minnows hoping to pick up a Bream and it wasnt too long before my fishing partner 'Oldmate' got wacked by 32cm model, pictured here. All I could land was a bloody small Cod, a Slimey, and a Yakka on the plastics so I decided to go to my new (for me) unique tactic of a piece of tuna on a quarter ounce jig tossed up in the current and worked along the bottom as I did last week with success at the Rip. After a couple of casts got wacked by a nice 34 cm job, and soon after was smoked by a 40cm powerhouse which engulfed this rig, and is my Pb Bream check this out. Anyway between me and Oldmate we boated nine Bream between 32cm and 40 cm with Oldmate doing very well on watermelon Bass minnows and me continuing my bait jig. I still cant win a trick in the deep on plastics oh well who cares eh Cant complain thats for sure. The day went on and we landed all kinds of bloddy things ancluding a massive eel and a 34cm Yakka Then the fun started - we pulled out a nice fresh bag of Hawkesbury squid and baited up the 'big guns'. Within ten minutes Oldmate's rod went off, he grabbed it and struck hard. Bingo we're on . After a five minute struggle upcame a beautiful Hawkesbury Jew and while battling friggen cruise wake he got it to the boat. Enter problem number 1. How are we going to boat this whale. I pulled out what only can be described as a 'tea strainer' of a net and tried to net the sucker. The next drama was the two hook rig consisting of 8/0 hooks. The fish was only just hooked in the lip and the other hook swinging free. As soon as I netted the fish the loose hook grabbed the net and tangled. Shiiiiiiit. We stood there trying to untangle it and eventually did, but we had no way of boating this guy. We didnt want to keep it so we didnt manhandle it. Didnt matter anyway because one last big shake of the head the hook pulled and off he swam. First Jew for oldmate and we claimed it as landed (as you do). Along side the boat it lied at a conservative 90 to 100 cm's. Having no intention to keep it, it was probably for the best we didnt boat it although a trophy shot would have been nice. Too busy tring to land it to take a shot but did get one of the fight. As the sun was getting lower this place came alive with activity and we wished we could have stayed there, but alas we returned home from the best day out we have ever had, celebrating at the ramp with a couple of cold ones. Me with a pb Bream and Oldmate with a nice Jew. Cant wait to go again. Cheers
  3. Awsome fish Jeffo and great shots. Keep em coming
  4. GDay Narra, The new boat is great, very happy. Pleased to have a boat with some cover on that day too, weather was not so good.
  5. Jewie Hunter. Check out this link for posting pics. Posting pics
  6. Hi all, Thought id throw in a report from the weekend. Fished Brisbane Waters on Saturday looking to score a Bream or two in the deeper water. Anchored up on the edge of a drop off around the Rip, and started to drift a few plastics with the current. Got know where doing this so decided to throw a piece of Tuna on my 1/4 jighead to see if that made any difference. About 3rd cast got hit up came a nice 35cm model which had swallowed the jighead. Unfortunately this buggered the fish so he came home for dinner. A few casts later im on again this time slightly smaller at 33cm's but fought like a bastard, much harder than the other one perhaps cause it was jaw hooked and we managed to get a pic of this guy, safely released. Both fish nearly lost their guts out their ass, dunno why, maybe the deeper water of about 15 meters has some effect. Happy with the result although a plastic caught fish was what I really wanted but it proved they are there and I just need to work my technique a little. Got them by casting up current and letting the bait drift past then going again. Not sure why the sp's didnt work, but ill keep working on that next time. Cheers
  7. GDay mate, Ill try and answer some for you. Marine grade ply for sure. I think 19 mm is the norm. Ive heard that a product called Norseal is good as a sealant. Never used it but it has a good rep. Dont forget to seal the cut edges as well. There is two 'Bias' stores on the coast. One at West Gosford opposite Repco and one at Tuggerah on Wyong road. They will have the goods on the sealant, paint and glue. Believe it or not im trying to convince my In laws neighbor to sell me his old Quinnie as a project boat. You can have the screen off that if I get it cause im going to chuck it out anyway. Good luck with it. post some pics so we can have a look.
  8. Yeah looks like a Tiger to me as well. Your a game man Trouble. These snakes love to inhabit sand dune shrubs and bush.
  9. Hey Tim, If cost is a factor I can tell you that Quintrex will be the most expensive, and although arguably the best, expensive nonetheless. Some things to consider perhaps are what type of fishing you do, whether you go it alone, running cost budget as all these things determine your boat type. For example it may be difficult if you are on your own to launch a bigger boat under certain conditions. Boats over 5 meters can get tricky at times when your by yourself in the wind for eg. Perhaps a Bow Rider is not the best fishing boat either and you need to look at a runabout or cuddy which have cover if thats what you want, and more useable space. Bigger boats also have bigger motors and of course use more fuel. A mate of mine has a 5.75 Stacer and ive got a 4.6 Stacer. He has a 115hp and ive got a 50hp, consequently he uses double the fuel - and it pisses him off cause his boat aint much quicker on the water ! There is seriously a lot to look at and this is just a couple of things. Take your time and look at them all. All the main brands are pretty good and around the same money (except quinnie) BTW Ally Craft and Trailcraft dont make a bad boat and are probably on the lower end of the price scale. Notice your on the coast so some Dealers are located in West Gosford on Manns rd which sell these brands. Of couse I love Stacer cause I got one so look at them too at Huetts in Cowan. If you look at Quintrex forget the dealer in Gosford and go to Terrace Marine they are heaps better. Hope this helps. Good to see you becoming addicted.
  10. G'day Tim, Mate I looked closely at all makes before I ended up with a Stacer 4.6. Have to say the Quinne boats are excellent as well. Both Quintrex and Stacer are made by Tellwater and have excellent construction and are the pick of the boats in my opinion. The quinnie have a few more finishing touches than most and look great. Have a good look at all makes and take your time. I went Stacer based on price. The quinnies on average are about 3 grand dearer than the same type of boat from other makers. They are a bit dryer in the slop cause of the flared bow and the millinium hull gives a good ride. Overall good boats i reckon.
  11. Heres one, You can buy a product called 'Beta Glucan' although I have found it hard to get in Aus . It is a concerntrated soluable fibre extract from the cells wall of bakers yeast and Barley. This product has been proven to jump start your immune system and put it in overdrive. Mostly your immune system sits idle waiting for infection then goes to work. When your on this stuff it goes flat out regardless by increasing the number of white blood cells or macrophages. These cells recognise foreign invaders and kill them quiclky. By increasing this cell count you beat a cold quicker. Doesnt cure a cold of course, but ive found it knocks it over a lot quicker and the effects arent as bad. It also aids in cell regeneration for skin and is used by burn victims. Cancer patients are now trailing it with the theory that increased white cell count will counter invading cancer cells, instead of being overun by them due to low numbers not recognising the cancer cell. This concerntrated product is also linked to lowering cholesterol and is found in high concerntrations in mushrooms and whole grain food. Best of all there is trace amount in beer - Answer - drink more beer.
  12. Grantm

    Members Boats.

    Here is my new toy. One for the family. Stacer 4.6 Sunmaster, all the goodies Hummingbird sounder, live bait tank, 50 E-TEC. Very happy. Taken it out on 3 sePerate outings and done heaps of running, used 19 bucks in fuel so far. These motors are good. Great boat. Thanks Huett Marine nice work.
  13. Grantm


    No. it just means they have different octane ratings. Premium fuel is still a better quality regardless of octane.There is more to Premium fuel than the octane rating. Its just that the octane rating has more effect on the way an engine runs which is why it is singled out and refered to. Premium fuel over here means just that. Not only has it got a higher octane it is better quality, therefore it is premium. If premium fuel only had a 92 octane here there would be no question as to whether or not to use it, yes you would. But because our Premium is high octane you have to look at the effects of that. That is why I suggest reading the specs in the book as to what recommended octane rating the fuel is, rather than whether the book says premium or not. If the yanks say put premium in without giving us the rating you would be using a higher octane than them, cause there premium is 92. Thats why they specify the rating.There is not just one answer to cover all types of engines because they are all built in different places and have different requirements. Confusing ? ,yes. Is it easier to stick with standard ? yes. I have to say there is a world of difference between the yanks and Aussie terminology and acceptable specs. It is my belief that Aussie comsumers expect a lot more from what they purchase than the yanks.We have excellent fuel over here. They have donkey piss. The engines (cars) built for over here are built with tighter tolereances than the yank stuff. Look at Gen 3 Holden V8, the US spec stuff was shit until we fixed it in mid 2004, You fill there engines up with our premiuim and they couldnt handle it. We were fitting osize pistons on early gen 3 without boring out the cylinders ! Anyway my point is aussie fuel is high quality and even our standard stuff will work well in outboards for most applications.
  14. Grantm

    New Motor

    Hi all, A friend of mine is after a brand new 35 hp long shaft motor with electric start, any brand will do but must have the electric start. Any one out there who can give us a price, ive sent a pm to wakd. at Yabbie. Cheers
  15. Grantm


    Yeah took delivery of my new Stacer 4.6 runabout, Ill put a post up tonight with a pic.very happy.
  16. Not a bad day there Jethro, Quick question for you, whats the ramp at Tacoma like? Concrete, is there parking ? does it get busy ? Thanks
  17. Id be in dates permitting obviously.
  18. Excuse my ignorence here fellas,cause I dont know much in this area but I saw some Team Diawa's which looked identical to Jackal's yesterday fro 25 bucks, there was only black left on the shelf and the "Piscatorial Engineer" or tackle shop guy said he cant sell black, and that the lures were bsacially Jackal's under the Diawa brand. They did look the same. Question is, is this right? can you buy the same thing as a different name and cheaper ?.
  19. Grantm


    Its an interesting topic and one that can be debated for ever because there is so many different variations of fuel and different opinions and experiences. One thing to note is any manufacturers recommendations are based on overseas fuel specs.When reading the specs check out the recommended octane rating and go with that, bearing in mind not all premium fuels in Australia are the same either. For instance Shell Optimax is a 98 octane while Caltex Vortex Premiuim is only 95. Standard fuel is 92. Most owners books give a recommended octane rating. My opinion is that premium wont hurt an outboard on its own but it may also be a waste of money in some cases. Premium has a slower flash point therefore burns more complete in the chamber which in theory is why you can get more performance. The benefits of premium is more noticeable if you can advance the timing because of the slower burn cycle. This combo gives a much bigger 'bang'. I would be hesitant to do this in an outboard though as it would run hotter which in a car is ok, but an outboard may suffer. Premium fuel has less additives in it, ie a wax type additive is put in standard fuel to stop it boiling in underground storage, this additive is not used in Premium. This additive is responsible for many fuel injector problems. Engines on premium dont have this fault, which is why premium is refered to as a 'cleaner' fuel. Back to the question to use or not to use. My opinion is in an old carb 2 stroke model say over 15 year old outboards, it probably wont make any difference and is most likely a waste of money, dont forget these old motors were designed for super and rely on unused fuel to cool. In an 2 stroke outboard on say less than 15 years old, carb type, it would probably stop the built up of crap on the carb jets which would help overall and may slighlty improve the idle, but without playing with timing the performance may not be noticeable, and you dont want to play with the timing as mentioned. Also because of the slower more complete burn, any cooling effects of the fuel will be gone, which may even harm some outboards. In a fuel injected 2 stroke outboard I would say it would prevent fuel injector problems in the long term with a slight increase in performance based on the outboards ecu to 'relearn' the combustion stroke and would be ok. 4 strokes would benefit the most, with the greatest improvement being fuel injected four strokes for reasons mentioned. The fuel is only required for combustion and nothing else. No oil is mixed and no cooling required, so I would be happy with premium in these motors in theory unless the manufacturer says not to, thats the biggie - check your book. All newer models have clear instructions in the book on what to use so I would stick with that, although not many will recommend you use use the most expensive fuel, but it doesnt mean you cant. I have a brand new E-TEC and it states to use 92 octane (or standard) it does not say I cant use higher. Dont forget that premium fuel is not a mirical cure for anything and wont fix outbords running faults nor will it give you dramatic improvement in power or economy.The effects of this fuel are mostly beneficial if used from day one. Once again this stuff is only my opinion from my experiences in both industries, and if anyone thinks its wrong please feel free to correct it. Hope this helps
  20. Whoo hooo I got one at last. Mossy point thats the place.
  21. Looks like Broulee Is in the backgound but Im not sure where the pic is taken.
  22. He He, oh yeah. Your right, close enough. Its been too long since I mucked around with that stuff. Problem is im learning so many new things these days the old stuff is dissappearing - and fast.
  23. Sheeiitte nice car ! Its nice to see a Torrie without friggen Holleys on it ! You cannot beat the genuine performance of triple su's. Very nice car mate.
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