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Everything posted by Grantm

  1. Yeah good advice AG. Tim, a good 5 meter centre console will be over 9k, you may see some advertised but be carefull. Like AG said take your time and see what you money gets you. Look for motor service history and obvious signs of neglect on any used boat. Oh and most importantly keep asking questions if your not sure on anything with your search, there is a lot of knowledgable boaties here who can help. Good luck PS Gotta love the torrie
  2. I have to get down to the goon soon, not fished Copa yet and based on this report is well worth it. Good one Tyrone
  3. Sounds tough Pukka, but a good report to read anyhow, I always learn something from your reports. Being a Bream luring newbie its interesting to see how the same type of fish can require so many different techniques depending on where your fishing. Is it fair to say the locals did better than most ? I noticed Wade Eaton's name up there.
  4. Some good points there Mystic. I know with a lot of animals this is happening, German Sheppherd dogs are a great example. Because the larger dogs say over 40 kg are renowned for hip and elbow problems and also other arthritic conditions, breeders are choosing smaller dogs to breed with with no evidence of hip problems. Therefore the average dog being breed today is around the 35 kg mark and less dogs have hip probs. Agressive dogs are also not being breed which means there are less of these guys as well. The point is that smaller dogs are breeding therefore smaller dogs are around now. Its the gene pool thing. There is probably hundreds of exapmles of this and I dont see why Bream are any different. The big ones need to go back and I hope one day they put a maximum size limit on. Sad thing is c&r fisho's are still in the minority. Every time im at the ramp at Parsley Bay the is people cleaning monster fish and last weekend was no different. Saw a 1 meter lizzard on the table and a huge Bream 45 plus. I like your theory Mystic dunno if relocating fish would work or not but its worth thinking about.
  5. I hear ya Mitch, Dunno if it was you or not but I saw a Full Boar heading up Mullet Cr while we were prentending to catch Bream on one of the racks in the morning. I think I might have also spotted David C in 'Bream it on' but not sure.
  6. GDay FR's, Me and a mate thought we would try the racks in Mullet Saturday in hope of some nice Bream. We have succeded in the past in Mullet on the racks but have prodominantly bait fished.We ahve pulled some 40 plus models out on heavy gear and know the fish are there. We are keen to improve our sp skills and thought this might be the go. Unfortunately things didnt go to plan but as always a good day out. We headed straight to the racks but the tide was on the rise all morning and we found this made things very tough. Mate landed a small flattie but that was it. Our transom mounted lecci and a slight breeze, together with high water and our lack of lure fishing finnesse, made the racks too hard for us to fish. Couldnt see the racks nor hold position properly under these conditions so after loosing some gear very quickly it was time to rethink out game plan. We were still keen to nail a few so quickly came up with some alternatives. Had a go on the bridge pylons but this was also harder than expected. Transom mounted leccis are just not up the job in strong current and a breeze when trying to fish and hold posi. Got in tight right on the back of the main pylons and fished the eddie's, had a few good hits but no hookups and just to hard to hold posi. Thought we would make a dash for calmer water, so back up Mullet to see what else we could find. Found some floating racks up the train line side and cause it was quiter and you could see the racks we drifted up and down these. Second run produced a hit on a Berkley Gulp 2 in PSeed grub,took it very hard and I thought I was in. Got it to the boat after a quick tussle and pop, of she came. At least I saw it, and it was a good size. Few more drifts and nothing. Decided to do a slow troll back through these leases with sx40s and landed my first for the day althought undersize was a relief to boat a fish. With the high tide headed for some flooded mangrove areas which looked good but didnt produce. Headed further up and fished the shorelines, and although we had a couple of hits and follows was no good. Threw every type of grub, Bass Minnow and hb's we had as well. Last chance, headed to Dangar Is to hit the wharves. First wharf I put a Grass Minnow right under it and wham ! This was a good fish, unbelievably it ran straight out to the open and I was hangin on, played it for a bit with a huge bend in the Raider and started to celebrate when - of course - I pulled the hook. Arhhhhhhh. Tried a few more wharves for nothing and headed home. I must say I have a new found respect for this type of fishing and those of you who do it well. Its bloody hard work. I have been lure fishing now for about 6 months and although Im not catching as many fish, I am enjoying it a lot more than bait soaking. Although im keen to drift the racks again with nippers just to convince myself the monster Bream are there. Sorry about the long report for no fish but Ill bet there is a lot of newbie lure fisho's who have done the same thing, and lost interest. Not me, im in. Cant wait to get back out there. Cheers
  7. Let me get this straight. Its you missus bday and ya gunna push her out of a plane. Whats for xmas bamboo under the fingernails ? All the best with the op when it comes around.
  8. Hey Mitch arent you having a knee or leg op ? And now your going skydiving ? Are you trying to force them to operate on you Planes are not for jumping out of. Oh well if your going to do it do a 'where is' shot from the sky
  9. Damn nice fish there mate and good report. Looking forward to plenty more.
  10. Yeah all the best boys, hope you do well. EDIT oh yeah dont forget to visit the night spots, the locals are very friendly.
  11. Grantm

    Solas S/s Props

    Solas claim they can improve v hulls especially. Johnson have strong gearboxes and will handle a beefed up prop spec. The idea is to match a prop to a motor so it will ride with as little amount of hull touching the water, therefore drag is reduced and top speed is increased. I cant remember exactly but im sure there was a mag artical on the benefits of re pitched props in a recent mag, may have even been a Solas artcial. Could have been the last ABT Tour guide? Anyway I think you would see a definite improvement with a v-punt. My info about vpunts is all theory David I have not personally tried a Solas on a vpunt, only tried other tinnies and glass boats and they were good. I have read a lot of info on them by independents and Solas themselves which is what I have mentioned here, they have also stated improvements especially regarding v punts. There is quite a few guys here with vpunts surely someone has tried a Solas prop who can comment. Hope this helps
  12. Good to see you back on the forum Matt, Some nice little Jacks there. Very clear high quality photos there mate, almost fit for a wildlife type mag or presentation. Love ya work.
  13. Grantm

    Solas S/s Props

    Gday David, You will definately get more performance out of a Solas prop. They are specifically designed to improve performance on most outboards. The standard alloy prop will 'do the job' but that is all. Solas props will have a revised 'rake angle' and will have a nominal 'pitch' depending on what you want to do. Without knowing what sort of motor or boat you have it is hard to tell what the improvement will be, as it will vary depending on this. I will say this though a stainless prop for starters has less flex and will bite in harder than an alloy prop. An increased rake and pitch will give you more top end speed. If you didnt know already the rake is the angle at which the prop blades sit, and the pitch is the curvature of the blade. ie 17 inch pitch will propel the motor 17 inches forward in one revolution, etc. Talk to Solas directly and they will give you the exact specs of what you motor will be capable of.Its worth it.
  14. Yeah good point, ive heard the same. Squid are few and far between and the ones you get are bigger. Perhaps this is a sign of the Jewies moving back in feeding on the squid. Maybe they like baby flatties as well. Sharks are also moving in too which changes the balance. Either way the fishing overall is on the improve based on what ive heard. Great news.
  15. Thanks cova A mate of mine took some very nice Bream at the drop off last week. Got 4, kilo plus models on Berkely grubs.
  16. Hey cova, any idea where the Jews are being taken ? I want to spend some time up there soon but its hard to know where to start. Thanks
  17. I would have thought if it is not listed on the Fisheries list then there is no size limit. Ive never tried it, whats it like on the table Cova ?
  18. I would say a reef pick is the way to go at F & S for sure, but would be no good in some of the strong current areas elsewhere in the river. Maybe carry one of each and swap em over using a d shackle as needs. Tell you what I reckon 80 % of the F & R reef is actually made up of anchors. Someone will hit the jackpot soon and pull up a dozon or so anchors hooked onto their own
  19. Ha Ha Yeah Im working my way down to the first knuckle !
  20. Thought id throw in a pic of my ugly mug while holding an SP I caught last week at Kariong. Got a couple of these, this one went 39cm and gave my new Shimano Raider a nice workout.
  21. Ill confuse ya some more monk. I personally wouldnt store a vented or even non vented tank under a deck with a battery, this is a recipe for a kabooom. Fuel vapour from a vent is highly atomised and even a dodgy mobile phone which is ringing can cause it to ignite.(which is why mobiles are banned in my workshop) Even your battery MUST be vented somewhat. Do not seal that off completely either. I know they look nice and are out of the way but its not good, just a tiny vent is good. If you want to carry more fuel perhaps a jerry is safer and stored in another compartment. Putting fuel near a battery in any instance is a problem that needs to be fixed. Fuel tanks of all descriptions need to be vented in or our of use when they have fuel in them as the connections just wont handle the pressure, plus it badly distorts plastic tanks. Only proper fuel containers should be sealed. Personally I store any fuel in jerrys when not in use then transfer fuel if needed. If your tanks are leaking through pressure build up dont cover this up by sealing with sealant. Only seal when they leak under vented conditions. Stag has been mentioned but IMHO is not the best thing for this (sorry Joe). Locktite has some good products for sealing and are non flammable as well. I find Stag unsuitable for fuel repairs due to its thick consistancy making a full seal difficult when using on plastic. Not bad on steel repairs though. Hope this helps
  22. 50cm is a damn big ep alright for Wyong but its from a reliable source as well so id believe it. I was speaking to an old timer who just came out of knowhere when I was fishing Brisi Waters last week.He dissapeared off into knowhere as just quickly but we spoke for 2 hours. Was I just visited by a fishing spirit? Maybe - twas a bit spooky but he had me entranced. Heres the story He said he has lived and fished the Wyong area his whole life, he said EP of that size are in there and always have been, but are particularly elusive and have been a rare catch over the last 10 years. He seemed to think big ep's will only take live local prawns on light gear but and they lurk in some hard country. He described ever inch of the river like a road map and had me well and truly engrossed in his knowledge. Gave me very detailed descriptions of bass spots in Wyong as well ( although i didnt know where he meant )You could see his casting arm twitching as he went back in time telling the tales of giant Bass and EP and of the days when Wyong rail bridge was under water from the "big flood" Tells me there is some good Bass in Ourimbah Creek as well, but only in certain 'spots'. Said that (this is the bit I like) "you'll get a Bass in thier alright, but only when the sun is very low in the afternoon, a thunder storm is starting to rumble and when the christmas beetles are eating the red leaves(not the green) on the paperback trees" Bloody hell ! is this guy nuts ? I dont know Told me to throw a big piece of paper bark in the water and wait. Then throw (and I quote)a "buggi pop" surface lure or equivellant at the bark and ill trap an Ourimbah Creek Bass. WOW what a tip He then went on to tell me if I want big Bream in Brisi Waters to fish a fly or lure high in the water column right behind the floating debris and foam that comes in with the last part of the tide. "thats where the big fellas are " he said. He seemed very genuine and very convincing telling tales of years ago. Gave me some very detailed info and great stories of past fishing adventures , was also pretty up to speed on current lures and plastics as well which surprised me but made me believe he wasnt a complete crackpot. I believed him anyway. I was only out for three hours and talked to this bloke for two but you just gotta love the tales of the past from an old local fisho.Dunno maybe he was a crackpot but who cares. I know this is off topic a bit (sorry Jethro) but i had to tell the story cause its local.
  23. Thanks for the comments, I wouldnt mind giving this a go in the Cowan system at some of the deep water rocky shorelines. Ive not had much success in these areas with normal techniques. Hooky, the artical was in the ABT Guide but didnt realise it was DaveW. Good on you Dave I thoroughly enjoyed the read. Interesting to read how cunning you tournament Bream fisho's have to get to get even the slightest advantage when the going is tough. Top stuff.
  24. Hi All, Read an artical the other day about cutting small black Berkley Power Frogs in half then glueing the two backs together, making a black crab imitation. It used to fish for Bream residing at rock wall areas feedign on black crabs, fished unweighted or very light. Other lures are used as well such as Ecogear Tanks. Any one tried this out yet ?
  25. At least your getting a few fish Jethro, nice report. It seems to be a very hot and cold river for fishing. A friend of mine had a follow from an EP in excess of 50 cm last week up the river. Very few of these are taken though. Im a bit the same as you I just keep going back there even though I havent done well. (although you do ok ) Im sure there is some Bream in there, just got to find em. Cheers
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