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Everything posted by locodave

  1. Wow that is awesome!! How long did it take you to get to the Fad in that boat? How far is it?
  2. Which one would be better for tomorrow guys? Early morning 6am start! - well late coz my friend has a party
  3. locodave

    Boat Lighting

    Gotta love LED technology! I bought some from a shop, They are small and expensive, I think $40 a strip. I have them on the pockets of my boat and they light up the hole rear area. Awesome! Will post pics later on.
  4. Try GIO, mine was heaps less than Club marine!
  5. Hi Guys, I'm hoping if all goes well I can get a fibre glass boat later this year. I go fishing a lot on my own and was just wondering how you guys do it? I was reading in the other thread about the Haines RF and some people mentioned about moving it alone. So I am curious, how do you guys launch such a big heavy boat like that? Also thought Haines Hunter and Haines Signature was the same company? Thanks
  6. I had around a 26 on Saturday morning at Brooklyn and around 24+ at lion island!
  7. What about Pittwater? Kings doing better there? Sydney Kings basketball feel the same this season. Think they are at the bottom of the ladder!
  8. Hi Again! Just wiring up the 12v supply today. Just wondering if the wire I have is sufficient enough or does it need to be thicker? Also going to run an inline fuse, how many amps should I need for it? It's just a cig lighter socket. Thanks guys
  9. Hey! Happy new year everyone! Just to double check, the positive one is the one in the middle right?
  10. maybe it's the same dolphin, just gave birth
  11. I put heat shrink on the ends too just incase but I am sure it will be fine! 5 year warranty, enough for me =)
  12. Cool, I have never seen dolphins in Broken Bay, where abouts exactly?
  13. I had enough of those Bell type lights, so I have decided to buy the NARVA subermissble lights. This is what it looks like. Excuse the photo, I was still testing at the time
  14. Would you be able to tell me later how the boat ride is? I quite like them for the moneyyou pay! Also, how much was your setup? You can PM if you like! Thanks
  15. Hi guys, Is it ok to take your boat into darling harbour? Is it ok to pick up and drop off passengers in one of those wharves they have?
  16. Or lion island too. THere are heaps there.
  17. Hi Guys, Where can you go and find size limits on all other species besides the usual, bream, flathead etc. Eg sweep? Do people eat that? What's their legal limit?
  18. hahahaha...amateurs Just kidding, was good fun to watch though!
  19. All fixed... Forgot the kill switch!!!
  20. Thats exactly what i mean. It doesnt have the power to fire it up. I will run my car battery and see what happens.
  21. Hi guys! Yesterday took the boat out and there were no problems at all. Got back home left it for 4 hrs before i had a chance to clean it. Went to start the motor and it didnt fire up. Last night i left the boat tilted up, and on my steep driveway. So i thought maybe i blocked something. So i put it back on level ground and left it over night with the motor down. Go this morning and it didnt start again. But i realised my cabin led lights and my dash lights seemed a bit dim. Would it be possible that it doesnt have enought cranking power to fire up the motor? The starter motor works but just doesnt turn over. Could it be the battery?
  22. What kind of lure was it?
  23. So can I just come in for the weigh in on the 14th?
  24. Nice boat mate! Why don't you go to Berowra boat ramp? It's really calm there, lots of space and it's good to learn. Lot s of friendly people tehre to help. I saw a guy yesterday trying to get his boat on and I was there to help and a few others too. Everyone has been there before. I suggest you go to a big carpark and practice reversing a bit too with the boat. I remember the first time I reversed, I started on one end, and ended up way off on the other side haha!
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