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Everything posted by locodave

  1. Hi Guys, I will be purchasing a glass boat shortly with a bit of luck and was just wondering how I would launch it on my own. I often go alone fishing and my previous boat was a 4.1 tinnie. No problems at all But this is a lot bigger and just wondering what is the best way to do it? Launching and Retrieving. When I used to launch my tinnie I could hold the boat while I untied the boat from the winch. Don't know how I would do this bit alone now. Any help will be good, thanks!
  2. locodave

    My New Girl

    Does that Honda come with the BLAST technology? Would like to get some inside information on that once you use it more
  3. Upload pics when you are done
  4. locodave

    My New Girl

    i've never heard of them, just had a look at their site! Looks awesome!! Enjoy it!
  5. Does anyone have one of these 540F? Is there enough toe room at the back when you put the seat down or can you remove the entire seat?
  6. I didn't want to hi-jack the other thread so thought we could discuss it here. I went to the show this year and spoke to both Evinrude and Honda. This is the information I gathered. E-tec - It's older technology from 2004 or 2006 (can't remember what year he said). Along the way they have made minor modifications to the engine. Honda - Newer technology Use 25% less fuel than the eTecs. I didn't comapre it to the Yammies though, but looks like Yammies are just as good and quiet. Can anyone provide information on the Yamaha how they compare to the above?
  7. My friend caught a lost Salmon past Spencer, the poor thing was anorexic! Was the weirdest looking Salmon, had the biggest head and the body was tiny. He was hitting every pilchard they casted until his luck ran out.
  8. Sorry a bit late in reply, but Calabash bay isn't bad. Its the first big bay on the left when you launch. Same with Joe crafts bay which is a bit further down.
  9. What happens if you drop a blue swimmer with a mud crab? State of Origin ?
  10. I launch at Berowra all the time. Never heard of Coral Tree, what is that?
  11. Don't worry mate, everyone has those days. I'm sure in time you will be bringing the fish
  12. locodave

    Boat Show

    Pretty good size show for being free though. I enjoyed it!
  13. YOur dad looks happy and younger than his age I remember once I bought this lure and everyone was laughing at me and bagging me out. Later that day I had over 15 fish on that lure, everyone else 0. Whos laughing now
  14. Well actually I think Fijians believe it brings bad luck. My friend caught one in Pittater once, later that day he crashed his boat
  15. Add one more to your list for the 22nd of April - I'll pay cash That looks amazing, is the scenery nice around there? Is it isolated?
  16. Hey guys, Planning on hitting the harbour this weekend for the real first time to do some fishing. I've been reading the Kings report and would love to land one. Would also be happy with getting some bonitos if they are around. First of all, where can I go and get some live bait, yellowtail? What are the best areas to try for kings and bonitos? Thanks for any help
  17. Oh really? What time and day did you go? I was there and didn't land anything decent
  18. What about at the heads? Will you go there? Don't have to go outside them.
  19. You take the title! How did you lose all that?
  20. Awesome! Feel heaps better now haha! I'm sure I will lose more to the ocean too. No matter how many precautuions you take!
  21. Haha some funny stories coming through. Well I feel better, think my setup was around $200 or so. Welding your shackle to the anchor?! hahaha!
  22. The other day I went fishing down south with a friend. Unfortunately I didn't bring my reef anchor and was using my sand anchor to hold me down. The anchor was stuck, I managed to tie it around the front cleat of the boat and manouevre it but no go. Eventually the cleat snapped. Had to cut the rop and the anchor...oh well, not that bad. Later on that day we finally began catching some kings. I had a rod out on the deck, but tucked in the corner with a slab of pike on it as bait. Helping my friend bring in his trevally when I hear a bang against the aluminium, two bangs and it was gone. I was about to dive in, so close to jumping in, but I almost felt like something telling me not to do it. I'm pretty sure it was a King, I heard they like pike. Was so angry for the rest of the day Still not over it haha, but I have to let it go, have no choice But what about the poor fish? Hope he isn't swimming with a rod behind him for long, will it snap off eventually?
  23. What bait do you use for Muddies?
  24. Actually the other day i was at a ramp with no light, never been there before, couldn't see the ground. I turned my headlights on and the LEDs especially the number plate light provided enough light to get my boat on easy!
  25. Mate I have the Garmin 400c, it does the job for me, but I also find it plays up a bit at random. The degrees gauge won't show on the screen all the time, or the depth will change from 9M to 1M all of a sudden. I personally like the Lowrance elite, I think I will be getting that next.
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