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Everything posted by locodave

  1. I once bought an american blue looking lure. All my mates were laughing at me saying no wonder you catch you no fish!! Big flock of birds came, activity on the surface, out goes the american lure, in comes all the fish They stopped teasing me after I caught about 12 tailor and one bonito
  2. Awesome, what channel??
  3. Where abouts is that radiation zone? I wouldn't go near it!
  4. Now your the new envy member
  5. Look at those smiles on those dials!!!! Good job
  6. Hey mate!! Shame about the SPs, are you new to them? I'm fairly new, so I have a rod out with the traditional bait out and one with the SPs!! Sometimes its an SP day, sometimes it's an old fashion way!!
  7. Can someone please summarize this as im at work! They plan on building a marine park? Therefore we cannot fish in 80% of areas? How does that work?
  8. Nice mate, I love the central coast!!
  9. That car looks good from the outside!! I wonder how it is on the inside! Can never find a car that looks both good on the outside and inside!!
  10. Some interesting stories here, looks like the ocean can be a dangerous place at times, even though the water appears really calm at first!
  11. I read the thread for the first time about the sting ray, and I couldn't believe how much pain those things will cause, at least I now know that hot water will kill the protein in the venom and ease the pain. My next question is, what has been the worst experience you have encountered while out fishing? Have you been stung by something? Boat capsized? etc. Just want to see what members have gone through, what they did, and what they have learnt. For me, the worst thing that happened, I had just got my boat license, was on my 4th trip out and I didnt pay much attention to wind warnings as I didnt know much. Was a perfect day, water was glass, temperature was 30 degress plus. Everyone was out fishing, I did skim on a weather report and it said 'late afternoon change' midday came and all the boats had left, I was happy as we were catching fish and thought we had the whole place to ourselves! Now I know why. Within 40 mins the wind picked up to 40 knots and that is not fun!! I cut the lines straight away and made my way back to the ramp. For me that was the longest hour and a half ever, normally it takes 20 mins to get their but due to the waves, I had to manouvere around them. Must admit was quite freightning. I was aware of the change, but expected it more towards 4pm or so since it said late afternoon. Always check the weater in several sites from now on And if boats dissapear, must be a reason!!
  12. Do you have any pics of the Jew? I feel like doing that today , never been around roseville!
  13. Very much appreciated guys, thanks for your help
  14. *subscribes to thread* I'm going to read this when I'm out of work, good stuff their guys
  15. Well the Hawkesburry has ben producing some good fish, lots of soapies as you can see by the reports. I have been fishing around Bobbin head lately for flatties and tailor! Good luck when your out
  16. I was going to book a nice waterfront cottage by the Hawkesburry but they are only available two nights minimum. Anyone know any nice places where I could stay for one night? Like lake conjola for example, right by the water, boat ramp, good fishing etc?
  17. Bobbin head isn't bad either for land based!
  18. Hey guys, My father owns a business in refrigeration where he goes and fits seals to cool rooms, fridges etc. My question to you guys is, if you were looking for a business to do this through google, what would you type in the search bar? Examples: Fridge Seals Door Seal Fridge Cooling Thanks for your help
  19. locodave


    Yea it does go for about 3hours, several times I thought the movie was going to finish, i was wrong haha! Hugh Jackman, never been a fan of him, but I must say he played his role so well!!!
  20. locodave


    I was lucky enough to get some tickets to the premier last night in the city. At first I thought that movie was going to be 'moulin rouge' style with the camera and graphics which I personally don't like. But that didn't last long, phew I must say the movie is awesome, shows the beautiful country side that we live in, the lovely aboriginal culture and people that we have with a nice story to back it up. Go watch it
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