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Everything posted by locodave

  1. Just being out on the water is good enough in that area, all the fish caught are bonuses
  2. Here you go mate, don't worry, i didn't believe in plastics until last week when I caught one!!
  3. I agree, we need more people like that
  4. Well do that instead Least you win that way!
  5. When i was at brooklyn boat ramp they were setting up for the canoe journey from windsor to brooklyn. Did anyone see them? The canoes that is? Must be a long trip!!!!
  6. Congrats on the catch On another note, I didn't think Jews would take lures since they are not surface fish?
  7. Got my first fish on a plastic Anyway besides that, I was just wondering, do they still work once the tail of the plastic has been bitten off?
  8. locodave

    Boat Leasing

    Hi Guys, Just wondering if anyone here has ever done those leases where you pay $7k for the year and you get a nice cruiser for around 15 times a year or so? Is it worth it?
  9. Ok, that was a good read, thanks for that! Got another question though, in general, do you guys show the hook a little bit when set the bait or do you hide the hook inside the bait?
  10. Well I thought I had a big hook, honestly didn't expect anything big to smash the bait, but I guess now I will learn to be prepared I can't remember the size of hook of the top of my head but I think a 2/0 (im not good with hook sizes, so I'm way probably way off )
  11. Last night I was in the Hawkesburry fishing, minding my own business with a fillet of a tailor, the fish finder had a massive fish going through, and as I was looking at it and joking around my rod just went bang and bent forward and the drag started going off. The drag was set to a pretty hard strength but was no issue for this thing. Took the line and I thought I was on and began to reel in. But i lost it. Now I am not sure, but I think I read somewhere here that Jews don't always swallow first, they let it sit in their mouths first before they actually chew, is that true? Not sure if it was a Jew by the way, just like to hope it was
  12. haha, yea I will, thanks mate. Just wondering if it has happened to anyone before, thats all.
  13. The other day I took a flight from sydney to qld. This has happened to me before but was hoping it was a one off thing. About 20 mins before the plane landed I started to get a sharp pain in my head, and got worse and worse within minutes. It felt like my head was about to explode literally. As I touched the area where I felt the pain coming i could feel a small lump, when I asked my girlfriend to look, she said my veins were popping out! Just on that particular side. Now I have no idea why that has happened to me twice! Just wondering if anybody has had a similar experience?
  14. Got a question guys, I'm sure many of you have been in a situation before where you have been busted off or lost a nice big fish in a particular spot. My question is, do you think if you fish that spot again, you might catch that one that got away?
  15. We want bigger photos Apart from that, looks like you had a mad time, wish i was there that day!!
  16. Pressure is on Roberta!! I caught a Jewie there once off the jetty at Del Rios caravan park, except at the time I thought it was a tailer haha!
  17. Just follow all the other boats leaving from rose bay
  18. Just had a quick browse coz im at work, but is some guy going from Brisbane to Sydney by Kayak??
  19. Is that actually you in the photo? Nice story mate
  20. What no black fish pictures
  21. Im on a mac 5 days a week - personally I hate them But everything above sounds right to me
  22. Yea doesnt sound too good, im in a small boat too. Thanks for your advice mate.
  23. Want to go for a fish, but it does say thunderstorms! Went to the weather link above too. But is the thunder strom coming in the arvo, or is it random through out the day? Anyone planning on heading to broken bay at all?
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