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Posts posted by mr.e.p.d

  1. Was down in windang on the weekend also, scooped up 2 squids eryhudab.jpg sent it out the back while prawning but no Jew fish takes. Used the 200 grams of prawns I caught on the Sunday and hook a big fatty only to have the circle hook fail as I was beaching her. First I have had the circles fail. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Bad luck on the flatty. Strange things happen some times? Sure you will get a bigger 1 soon. We're you landbase for the squid?

  2. Yeah last year I pulled 7 out of that channel. On Friday night a guy pulled on that was about 60cm on a prawn he found on the ground.
    . Wow. I might have to start and work out the channel and try to find where these great fish would be found.
  3. Good work mate, every time I fish there I only manage to catch a cold. Haha. I think the lake would hold good fish I've seen pics of good Jews being caught close to the caravan park. Have you seen or caught any?

  4. Top stuff. I was there yesterday during the day. We were the only ones there then it got packed as. Shit place to fish but close to home so may as well wet some line. Don't bother saying anything to the people who keep undersized fish. You'll either get ignored, cop an ear full, or be threatened.

    The fisheries are hopeless. What do they do, stand at popular boat ramps. They want their job to be easy as possible. Wait at the ramp and check boats. They need to be more active and check places by going to the spot, parking the car and getting down onto the jetty or wharf. They do have a direct number, check the sticky in fishing chat called illegal fishing. I used to fish the wharfs quite often a while back. 80% of the time the police boat would stop up at the wharf and check licenses and fish. Its hilarious watching people piss bolt to their cars.

    Ive only ever had success with telling someone to release a fish once. At that was after the dead shit was sitting there measuring it for about 10 minutes. 15cm bream is a 15cm bream no matter how many times you measure it.

    So true, I wouldn't fish there normally but thought there was a chance a few Jews would be around. Some people take all the fun out fishing, and destroy chances for fish to breed .
  5. Hay does anyone know is there a direct number to reach fisheries officers when you see people taking undersized fish. I once said something to a guy and almost got hit for it.But really gets my goat and wish we could do more on this.

    I agree. I think it's more about conservation not consumption .

  6. Decided to hit Kissing point wharf last night to see if there were any jews biting and was quite surprised. Fished here once before for a few small bream and flatty but thought id try my luck once more.

    Arrived about 9.30pm to find half of the locals packing the jetty. :gathering: with no where to fish i stood there for nearly a hr ,watching someone pull in a bucket load of under sized taylor :ranting2:

    Where a fisheries when you need them. I kept telling him to throw them back but he couldnt understand.

    He soon left so i jumped down and started fishing. I threw out a strip of squid and stood back and waited, not much happening i thought id chech my bait and try again.

    Re baited and casted right out into the darkness, ten minute pass, bump, bump.... felling a few bumps i strike and im on. Straight away i know its nothing big but keep the pressure on.

    After a quick little battle i see a flash of silver and know i have a little jew, quickly pick him up with my heart racing a million beats a minute.

    a qiuck little measure and pic and send him back on his way, much to the surpise of the others standing there :1onono: . stayed for a few more hours but nothing else really happening.

    Not the best place to get one but i finally got the monkey off my back :thumbup: . He went about 48cm . post-23247-0-54939300-1359325963_thumb.jpg

    He went around 48cm. the pic wasnt the best , i know it all happened quick and i wanted to get him back in the water.

    cheers evan.

  7. I heard reports yesterday from batemans bay toll gate classic that there was only 1 billfish and a few tuna got over the whole 40+ boats, if I heard correct so not much happening . South of Sydney is pretty hit and miss there were 30 odd boats in the area we were 10 got fish up and only 2 boats got them boat side. Pretty tough day but shouldn't be too long before it fires up

  8. Just watch your sounder what there's loads of bait the marlin are often close by, can't really go past a troll if its your first time, but ill be fishing the tide change with slimies unless they smash lures before? Each day us different every area is different cant say what's right or wrong

  9. Good work Andrew . Headed out Friday down south. Marked heaps of bait but the seals were just a pain trolled most if the day for nothing, hopefully heading out next weekend for better results. I heard a few reports of baby's being tagged off botany with the water a few degrees warmer. Should only take a week to hit south.

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