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Posts posted by mr.e.p.d

  1. Big Seas won't help much with Windang Bridge :P The rubbish that gets washed off the rocks at Hill 60 and Bass point usually ends up in the local swimming holes or in some poor animals gullet. Better to re-educate people in regards to rubbish than hope a wash comes along to take it into the ocean :)

    thats right people are lazy . they wouldnt leave it at home so they should respect the sea or it will bite back

  2. Thanks Mr.e.d, good stuff at least you raised a fish, I'm sure many boats didn't see a thing. must be those Scent Blazer;)

    Yea definitely catch up for a beer when i get up there!! wheres the boat your fishing being kept?

    Tight Lines



    not sure im only fishing a small boat from my club up there but well be giving those big boats a run for their money. its my first interclub so im pumped for the start. :1boat:

  3. Great work Andrew. Fished all weekend in terrible conditions in shellharbour comp. had a small striped hit the lures but didn't stick. A few boats had fights with some big blues which is a good sign. Weather is good but can't fish till inter club . You guys going up? Would love to meet up for a beer at the weight station

  4. Yeah I fished all weekend off shellharbour. Terrible conditions. The water is great on the 500 line with a few boats hooking up big blues. The dollies seem to be small down south . Only one stripie tagged all weekend with many fish lost. This week looks good so hopefully someone can tackle the big blues that are about before we head up for interclub

  5. Hello fellow raiders,

    need some help targeting mahi mahi and marlin.

    I Have been out to the wollongong fad 3 times in last month and have not turned a single reel.

    i am dropping various skirted lures from the 40 fathom mark and travelling out to the FAD. Once there i start doing some wide circles and slowly get in closer to it. Have also tried this around/along various fish traps in the area. I tried trolling bibbed lures and also flicking metal slice lures all around the FAD. Have ventured out to the 25km off shore mark and have been unable to even find bait (except for the odd single flying fish jumping as the boat approaches)

    I am aware (as any one gamefishing should) that mahi mahi particulary like shelter found around floating objects. I begin to question the size of the FAD, being a bit larger than a 44 gallon barrel, to the size of the 5-15 cargo ships that wait off wollongong to access port kembla harbour sitting in around 30 fathoms. Could this be why i have been unable to achieve a hook up as they are seeking shelter under these ships?

    Thanks in advance as any assistance would be amazing.

    Fished off gong. Look for fish traps. They will be there.. I got a few baby dollies around 40cm. I don't have the co ordinates or I'd give them to you

  6. Went for a quick flick with my neighbour last night down at Windang to see if we could get onto flattys. Started of really slow but ended with 6 fish landed in the last 30 min.Met a few fellow raiders down their as well.

    Good work mate your killing it in the lake at the moment . Nice bag of flatties keep up the good work

  7. Something looks wrong with that pic. Doesn't look like bass point that I know of. I'm on the phone so can't zoom in much but are you sure you have bass point shell cove? It's near a quarry. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    your right. i didnt even click on the pic. thats the point from bombo beach? ive fished there 10 years ago not at those marks but

  8. Hey mate I fish out of shellharbour wide and always seen schools of fish around the last two spots closest to the point . I don't fish there but no they get Bonnie's and a few rat kings but its worth a shot . People always land fish there so give it a shot. .IMO hill 60 fishes better but I've only been there a few times

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