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Posts posted by mr.e.p.d

  1. If you got the SBL teaser fill it with a whole Mac of similar? Tie it off on a good gauge rope and keen it just in the wash. If your not sure ask Andrew from SBL he's very helpful and will point you in the right direction. Also look on their web page it has all the videos on how the use the lures and teasers too I think. :thumbup: good luck . If I am out on the water tomorrow ill take some pics and send you!

  2. I recently decided to purchase one of these mats to measure my catch in stead of the old fold out wooden ruler, thinking I was doing the right thing.

    Since its gone in fishing bag I've only caught undersized fish, and think I have jinxed myself. Think I might go back to the old trusty fold out ruler and see if I go back to landing keepers? :ranting2:

  3. Gday Raiders,

    Thought I would drop a note on the board as the marlin cherry was broken yesterday never to be the same again!

    Fishing with good mates Sandgrouper and Chewie on my boat (whilst I fish with them individually all the time, it had been over a year since we were on the boat for a session together due to our lives, families, work etc) we started collecting livies in MH early which was like Pitt St after the sun came up, but managed a tankful of yakkas and a few nice size slimies. My cursed livewell pump gives up the ghost so in goes the deck wash hose to keep those needy slimies alive. The plan was to give the inshore reefs and a wreck or two up north a go for kings before heading wide to drag some lures around to head home.

    We managed a rat or two each and felt it was time to make a call. Stay inshore or go wider. Decisive, the decision wasn't, but we made the call in the end to go wide that seemed like a good one given the conditions and that there had been a few emerging reports of marlin appearing in shooting range.

    We headed off to 70fa or so and started to pull some lures along. Great looking water, so I set my fish alarm on my sounder and we started marking a lot of bait and would stop at the bigger bait balls and pull some slimies up with a jig. We would circle around bait to see if there was anything bigger in the neighborhood and then would continue south.

    Given that we are all tackle addicts, the call was made to bring only three rods each which in my case was a snapper rod, jig rod and a heavy spin rod (excluding the of course the baitcaster always rigged with a jig for livies and the squid rod.... Oh that is five rods....) as we were covering a few bases in the day. So with the heaviest gearon board out, it was still a lightish arsenal out, I was trolling with my jig master/Stella 8000 with 50lb braid and the guys with similar light stuff out as well as a couple of teasers making noise and bubbles.

    A couple of hours in, my rod gets bumped, then nothing. I was thinking it would have been a little stripey or something, and I continue to watch the rod.......... Bang.... Off it goes, I could not believe it, a real marlin hooked up!!!!!! FFFAAARRRCCCCCCCCCCCCC... We keep motoring forward (autopilot for trolling is the best!!!!) as the guys cleared the rods like experts. The first run in a screamer, literally, my poor little stella was in agony as a good 150 to 200m of line vanishes from its shiny spool. My heart rate hits the roof and I have no idea what I am doing but I am loving it. Not wanting to look like a dill, I was in good company as it was our first marlin hook up. Something we had talked about and planned for so long now. The fish jumps a few times, screams off to the horizon and I am left holding this ridiculous little twig of a rod and reel to hang onto it with.

    Sandgrouper took the wheel, Chewie readied the boat, takes a few snaps and gets me a gimbal belt. The banter on the boat is the funniest part as i am trying to focus and these guys are giving me grief about this and that, histerical....... The fight took 45mins or so and ended after a stalemate where it was doing doing circles and us trying to stay at 45 degrees to it. Chewie now gloved up grabs the leader boat side as I step back to the other gunnel and we get an eyeful of a magnificient striped marlin all lit up and then the hook pulls on it boatside. A very easy release for the three of us. Shouts and laughter all round for an experience and a huge sense of satisfaction and anticipation for the season ahead.

    We learned a lot from that 45 mins, how to manage the boat, where to better place the gear you need and the fact that you are better off with your mates there if you want to chas these beasts etc. just an amazing result. We estimated it was about 80kgs and about 2.2m long. It swam off looking a little sulky but in good form. Water was 22.7c.

    Whilst only a little one, I can see why people gets so obsessed with them. I one of those tragics now.

    As we were all at sea.... excuse the pun, the photography at the end isn't much chop as we were so busy but I'll add a photo or two shortly.

    I just can't wait to get back out there and give it another try.



    great work on your first beakie erroll :yahoo: im sure it will be the first of many! they seem to be a bit hit and miss ATM from all the reports ive heard! top effort

  4. Nar released all the yakkas. It's hard enough keeping the dead baits tangle free with the kids, let alone a live bait. Everything was caught on old servo squid.

    Year my smikes pretty big. it's a great feeling getting young kids there 1st fish!

    Can't wait till my young boy gets a few years older so I can't take him fishing! Top work

  5. Hi all

    Got word that a few bass have been caught in the fresh section of the george's river,so instead of sitting at home decided to give it a shot. Got there around 6.30 tied on a river2sea bubble pop on. Got no action for the first hour,changed to a pontoon 21 crackerjack nothing again.by this time its getting dark so tied a sammy on could see the fish chasing it but not boofing it so put the bubble pop back on they started to smash it but no hook ups,i think partly due to the bubble pop having only tiny treble.still fun watching them smash the popper get wacked. Payback will have to wait till Monday arvo Jews are calling

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2

    Nice work where you heading to chase the jews

  6. hey mate i just took some pictures for u of the hole at the captain cook bridge where people catch the jews here u can see i zoomed in 3 times and took the pictures if u can get a boat im sure you'll catch jews here the hole looks to be almost as long as the bridge so look around




    Thanks heaps I knew of one of them. Might see about hiring a tinny and having a go

  7. Can get arrows under capt cooks at night thats were i get them if fishing around yhe bridge on the southern side is better but hackings heeps better for them.georges smash' the hacking for jews

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2

    Thanks I guess it's just keep trying and see what works. Have you ever got a Jew from there?

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