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Everything posted by JohnDory

  1. Jim, I know this wont help Ask Swordie why he owns a plastic boat! Dave.
  2. nice catch The 47cm should have been a puller JD
  3. Camo also look here http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=78411&hl=
  4. My opinion only..... 1000. Light for casting and pleasure to use but you will get smoked now and then. .... Changed mind................... 2500 because of 9lb, 4Kg line yep 2500 better suited. Don't think i helped Raiders?
  5. Camo, As you may know when on the water a lot of law changes. I DON'T know the answer but it resolves in a area of marine law--> Floatsum Jetsum I think. You can look it up JD And yes you do have salvage rights and expenses to a degree.
  6. Don't apologize Camo, Be more vocal. I believe you would be supported in here. Wankers on the water ................. I could write a essay on this one! (Don't know how site admin Stewie is so patient with them) NAR (LMAO)! private joke JD
  7. Crossfire, Give yourself an upper cut and make it HARD! "All in all a pretty successful trip. 28 fish in two days including two over a meter." "pretty successful trip" NO BLOODY Fantastic trip Nice Read. JD
  8. Scratchie, I have read that if you fillet and skin a boot they are pretty good. I haven't brought my self to do it though. Let me know how it tastes when you do! JD
  9. Love it when plan "B" is better than plan "A" Nice JD
  10. Very nice fish pete, If you didn't get a fish you could have made a nice mid night snack from your bait. JD
  11. What a nice fresh feed Well done JD
  12. Steve I believe you have to return your passport tonight? No longer living in the Shire! You now live in Australia? AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE NOW JD
  13. JohnDory


    Heights These guys are NUTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDNGZVmhkTo I have trouble watching this! JD
  14. Very nice Trophy fish JD 40Kg + for mine!
  15. So what is this winning prize? A weekend away somewhere? expenses paid WooHoo My Guess A Boot makers tool I'm with Stevefish and abecedarian JD
  16. Murray Nice fish With the Pippies. No short cuts. I did this a few years back for only 24 Hrs They were bloody terrible, full of sand. Never tried again. Let us know how you go JD
  17. You young blokes never say die TOP STUFF JD
  18. Australian salmon http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recreational/saltwater/sw-species/australian-salmon
  19. Jim you buggered up! Seeing someone in a total sh!# fight is always a blast. And a good result as well. JD
  20. Happy Birthday Scratchie Enjoy JD
  21. JohnDory


    I'm with Stewie and SquidMarks I HATE NEEDLES Can still remember after I had nasty bike accident about 30 years ago I had fractured my left knee, broken my right wrist and dislocated my left arm. The nurses cracked up laughing with me going to jelly about needles. Big tough guy NOT! Still to this day i'm the same. Could never be a Junkie. Then a Needle at they dentist I'm screwed. At least I'm not a wuss like Jeff about planes! LOL. JD
  22. Scary a way to go! Eating one of Scratchies Hot dogs......LOL JD
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