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Everything posted by JohnDory

  1. bennozVery nice tip. Love my knifes to be sharp.... (a little bit hit n miss sometimes) Thank you. I'm going to the shed to practice. Don't want to be known as not the sharpest knife in the draw. LOL JD
  2. Well done Dennis, BTW No other Aussies hold their rod in their teeth for photographs, Just Swordie. Mate you have jagged two very nice people to be neighbors with. Nice job Stewie. JD
  3. Nice Jew Special photo Very well done. JD
  4. sounds like any fishing trip yep?
  5. A very informative night. And Stewie is pretty good on the bbq as well. Well done and thanks all very much. Dave
  6. Mate doing one of those in June Swains reef Woo Hoooo "I'll be taking iPhone , cameras and gopro, " Don't forget your best fishing gear, and enjoy and very best of luck to you! JD aka Dave
  7. Exceptional rabbits not my team but a GREAT win YESSSSSS
  8. Donna a late HB wish Hope you had a nice one JD XOX aka Dave
  9. Love hearing good luck stories A plan gone right Well done guys
  10. If you do spool it up?? You get rid of it after your 1st snag. You can not bust off 60lb line on the rocks! Take it back.
  11. Sydneyfisher12 Be a little careful up the Georges after heavy rain (like now). Late last year there were some issues at a treatment plant at Glenfield. Look here http://www.sydneywaternews.com.au/2013/12/23/georges-river-incident-qa/ I live near ish to the area and didn't here of it. Was kept quiet I think! A BIG WOOPS --> "150 mega litres was released" 150,000,000 Ltrs or about 3500 swimming pools of shite this quote is also precious "Q Is the Georges River contaminated?" "Sydney Water tested the river at multiple locations following the incident. The tests are performed at Sydney Water’s NATA accredited laboratory. Testing results show that there are no longer signs of contamination above and below the Liverpool Weir. However, NSW Health recommends that people avoid primary contact activities, such as swimming, water skiing and jet ski riding in the Georges River for up to three days after rain." Just don't dump shite into our river systems Sydney Water, would be a better solution! JD BTW Found this after I posted http://www.sydneywaternews.com.au/2013/11/26/facts-on-georges-river/ Amazingly familiar It's a copy paste 1:00AM here Looking more tomorrow!
  12. Great gesture releasing all those yummy blackfish! You must be a fish charmer, getting a dozen flipfloppers to behave on the brag mat whilst getting there photo taken. I have trouble with 1 LOL Nice report Trevor Thanks JD
  13. Consider a 3mm Spring suit (wet suit) Google it you will understand. Cheap and wind doesn't get ya. Used to fish the rocks with these in winter and add buoyancy, but should have a jacket any way. Pain in the arse if you want a quick pee. BUT WARM JD
  14. Can I ask 1.8 Kg of scent Why??????? Do you throw it at them?
  15. Then add a few years learning to become a junior Good luck JD
  16. Hate to be a spoiler but had that fish come on board so quick and green the boat would be ratis shitis!
  17. Hull Yes it Is good stuff. But try 1/2 a drop of the product on your hands, then start to bait fish. Result = NIL FISH Just like having petrol or grease on hands, never do it when fishing. Always wash well after using it before baiting up! JD
  18. MrBB My best suggestion is think like a poddy They are easy to catch If you we're a poddy were would you hide. Every where you can not be eaten Shallows are easiest Berly does help sometimes +++ I have found expandable mesh nets with a small float the best. Sometimes requiring a rock in it to stop rolling or drifting away. If you are really stuck PM me and I will set you straight JD
  19. Jack I fly to the Gold Coast twice a year for a fish and have done, for the last five years. Virgin Airlines will ALWAYS get my business for this reason. Three year ago I was in Coolangatta airport, Sunday night, Very tired after a week on the water, and that other airline refused to fly my rod tube even tho they flew it up from Sydney the week before. Trying to explain there was about a thousand bucks worth of rods in that old tube fell on deaf ears. After about an hour of stressing out and a few different so call customer service people they eventually flew the tube. NEVER EVER AGAIN with them I did how ever write a letter to virgin saying they will always get my business whilst they take the longer rod tubes. Also thanked then for there great service. JD PS Good luck getting your gear away and Good luck fishing!
  20. GDay Stormy I know they like hang around the southern end of Foster Beach at the rock pool as I have snorkled there often, and I have pulled a few out there as well. Fish on the concete wall of the baths I found best. Fishing there can be a little tricky as this must be fished on a fullish tide and any size in the swell will keep you away. I know they also like the enterance to Wallace lake area BUT the water runs much to fast there. On the Tuncurry side of wallace lakes you may also be able to find a bit of slower running water (this would be minimium a few hundered meters from the enterance. Good Luck JD
  21. Hi there I'm not the right person to answer your question but I wanted to know an answer. I did a search on the WWW and found this tec page that may interest you. Boat Propeller Advice and Tips Follow This Link I think it answers your Q well Hope this helps you make a good choice. JD
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