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Bream Mad

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Posts posted by Bream Mad

  1. Yes Yes sharp hooks will definitely increase you hookup rate, especially on Bream.

    I won't put a jig in my tackle box untill it is sharp enough to dig into my thumbnail.

    Lately I realy have been noticing the difference in hookup rates between HB's and SP's, yes i know HB's generally have two trebles as compared to a single hook for a SP, but those owner trebles that come on the SX40's are seriously SHARP!!. If a bream gets anywhere near it it generally gets hooked :thumbup:

    I know my SP fishing has definitely improved since i started being anal about hook sharpness :biggrin2:



  2. Great Session Mate :thumbup::thumbup:

    Sounds like the gulps could do not wrong

    A fish every cast is as good as it gets, have not had a sesion like that for a long time

    Trevors have that distinctive thump,thump, thump of the tail as they pull drag at speed!!

    Great fun



  3. Good on you Bream Mad

    Now is the time to try going for the treble with the rain congregating all three species reasonably close together

    Unusuall to get EPs on worms though Ive never tried it Gulp shrimp and atomic prongs will also take all three species

    Your right i usually get eps on BM's but i recon it was just the worms day :biggrin2:

    I have used the same deep vertical jigging technique using gulp worms on bream at night down next to jetty pylons. Bloody hell it works !!and you can imagine the fun once you hook a bruiser :thumbup:


  4. Had a morning of Bass fishing planned but the cold water realy shut them down so i decided i might give the treble a go.

    Bass, Bream and EP's in one session :1fishing1:

    First up Bass. recent rains had dropped the water temp and the bass were realy playing hard to get!! :thumbdown: No luck with any HB i switched in desperation to SP's , namely that SP whore gulp worm.

    Dragging it literally though the middle of weedbeds i finally nailed this guy


    Not huge but part 1 was complete :biggrin2:

    Next i moved to my perch spot hoping they would be at home. These are usually the hardest to locate.

    Fishing deep jigging style at the bottom of a 7m ledge, bites are hard to detect but on the third pass my rod buckled and up came this fellow, again on a gulp worm!!


    Slightly bigger than the Bass part 2 was completed :thumbup:

    Moving to my Bream spot with 2hrs fishing time left surely i could not be denied the treble.

    1hr and 45minutes in and all i had to show was 5 decent flatties. I just could not hook a bream :wacko:

    Despite using everything in my arsenal both HB and SP there was one SP i had not given a run, that bloody worm, would today be the worms day?. With time running out on my treble quest i rigged up a natural worm reminding myself you are only one good cast away from a bream. Plop the worm landed nicely next to the weed bed and before it had hit the deck the drag was singing :biggrin2:

    Surely a Bream i thought and sure enough with 10 minutes left i had the treble :yahoo::yahoo:


    Happy Days

  5. Great report Col and great pics,

    My PB stream brown only went 49cm so in my books 53cm is a pig!! :thumbup:

    Have not been trout fishing this whole season and i really miss it. Tell me Col do you ever go fishing for Bream down there in tassie, you know they put our mainland Bream to shame, they are huge :1yikes:



  6. Yes i have heard good things about the surecatch poppers

    Here are my current favs


    Colours B (Back in Black) and E for Bream. These have worked for me, obviously the black fellow gets a run in low light conditions


    And Bass just love these Buggis in C and my fav D, just a twich and Bass jump all over them :thumbup:

    I recon they would also work on Bream when the cicadas are hatching, have not yet tried them though

    I'm turning into a surface junkie i recon


  7. Hi Raiders,

    A quick session on Sunday morning with my beloved 3wt produced excellent results at my local Bass stream :biggrin2: . Got their abour 8am and rigged up a #12 Gibson foam hopper. Flyfishing is tough in this water due to casting obstructions so moved to a more open pool packed with submerged weedbeds and rocks.

    I cast out as long as i can and just let the hopper sit next to snags with the odd twitch, nothing happens so I start a 'popper like' retrieve and it is just nailed of the top by an aggressive Bass that feels pretty heavy :thumbup: . He drags me though the weed beds but my leader holds and i get him to pose for a few pics before release.


    Wow he goes 33cm and in prime condition, a new PB for me, stoked :yahoo:

  8. I am assuming that we are talking about a commodore here??

    If so i used to be a mechanic for Holden and i can tell you that the saginaw pumps are shite :thumbdown: , and need to have there seals replaced a often!!. it is usually just the pump not the hoses.

    But $280 seems like a fair price it takes about an hour+ fluid and a seal kit


  9. Thats what i like to see, finding some way to fit in a couple of casts within a busy schedule.

    Great thing about thowings SP's even 1/2 hour is enough for some action.

    Used to go fishing in my lunch break at work and one day a hooked a jew on my third cast :thumbup:

    Good flatty


  10. Do any of you guys fly fish for native Bass?

    Seems like a very viable method of capture specially using surface flies.

    Had my first BASS ON FLY session on tuesday and they just nailed my foam hopper imitation He, He :thumbup: all on my trusty 3wt great fun on a 30cm Bass :yahoo:

    What flies do you guys use, interestingly the bass in my local were rising to a hatch of small insects (possibly caddis) so i tried all my #14 trout flies, but it was not until i banged down a hopper, that they took an interest.


  11. Good points you make Iceman.

    The area you are fishing and matching the SP to suit is a very important consideration - I must be honest and say that I don't generally consider the variation of lures in a range of fishing spots.

    This is part of what I need to develop to take the next step in my development as an SP fisho.

    Thanks all members who have to date, and will so do in future, for their input and comments.

    I still find that SP fishing has many areas that need to be explored in order to increase the hook-up rate and convert more hits into fish. This is something that I feel as though I am far from mastering.

    An example - I had a 2 hour morning session around Putney on Tue morning just gone - I had probably 12 great hits (only counting hits that felt like better quality Bream, Whiting and Flathead) during the session BUT only landed 1x 28cm ish bream and 1x 30cmish Bream. I left some quality takes out there.

    Need to stop this from occuring.

    Increasing hook up rates hey,

    Three important things to remember are:

    1. Hook size: Bream have small mouths for their body size so use #4 for 2" SP's and #2 for 3" SP's

    2. Hook Sharpness: Bream have hard bony mouths therefore hooks need to be very sharp, top quality jigs come this way from the packet but most will benifit from a touch up with a sharpening stone. To check for sharpness just drag them across you thumbnail, a sharp hook will dig in with little pressure, a less than sharp hook will not.

    3. Slack Line: Bream mostly will pick up a SP while it is laying stationary on the bottom. To enable them to suck it into their mouths you must give them a little bit of slack line. Watch that slack line and if it twiches STRIKE!!. 90% of my bream strikes I have SEEN not felt.

    Hope this helps out :biggrin2:


  12. I have a love/hate relationship with those bloody worms :074:

    They always produce bites but rarely produce quality fish, and when they do it probably was not the lure just were it was cast. These are aways the 'last resort' :074:

    At the moment favs are squidgy bugs (bloodworm) and wrigglers in gary glitter.

    Also i have cut back on my plastic collection of late but have restocked my 'bream pack' which contains BM's in 2" and 3" plus power grubs in 2" all in bloodworm colour.

    Also another must is 3" BM's in watermelon and 2" hawgs .

    Now i am content


  13. Great Result Iceman, :biggrin2:

    Good to see the poppers producing the goods. Some really good bream made better by catching them off the top :thumbup: I love using these things but have not really cracked the bream on them as yet.

    What kind of retrieve do you use, do you get hits on the pause?



  14. Hi Raiders.

    Doing some Bass exploring in the upper reaches (non tidal) zone. these are the types of places you can only reach after a hard slog though the thick vegetation. But once you get you are in for a treat as the Bass are quite willing to smash surface lures all day long :thumbup::yahoo:

    This is my favourite pool and full of feisty little Bass 20-30cm.


    As i am new to this Bass game i tried a few different lures but mostly had sucess on shallow divers (SX40, Scorpion 35) and surface lures (Bats, Buggie pops). The good thing about floating divers is often you can draw a surface strike by just twitching them on the top :biggrin2:

    After landing 7 fish from the first pool I tied on a Kokoda bat hopping to lure a larger specimen.

    Twitch, twitch, smash!! this guy gave me plenty of curry on my 2kg fluro but eventually got him to pose for a few pics before letting him go :biggrin2: he went just under 30cm


    Tied on my new scorpion and came up tight on my first cast :thumbup:

    Eventually after catching three fish it was sacrificed to the tree gods :074:

    Thought i would give the SX40 (302) a go and it just brained them!!


    Finally back to the buggie pop and a typical splashy take near the weed beds, he ,he


    This Bassing is getting adictive :biggrin2:


  15. Went back this morning before work for a surface session and what fun i had :biggrin2:

    Started with a Kokoda Bat and this time let the lure sit for a while before a few twitches and then a slow retreive with plenty of pauses. A missed strike i stop the lure and he comes back and just nails it off the top :yahoo: First Bass on surface and what a buzz!!! better than fishing dries for trout i recon because the bass have no trouble engulfing the whole lure :1yikes:

    Then moved to a deeper pool and switched to a R2S Buggie Pop, two more missed stirkes before a little fellow finaly stays attached :thumbup:

    this Bass thing is getting adictive :biggrin2:


  16. Nice Bream 1975 :thumbup:

    Nice pics too, very clear, do you use a flash or just natural light.

    what did you catch him on?

    I find when you first pull your HB under that when the chopper's attack it,

    however a pause after that will see them lose interest.


  17. Hi Raiders,

    Whilst fishing in my usual spot in crosslands a while ago I spoke to another fisherman who mentioned that there was bass is the upper reaches of Berowa creek :wacko:

    Only one way to find out i thought so yesterday arvo i hit the river upstream of the rapids in the freshwater zone. Water did not realy look fanstastic but my previous trout experience has taught me big fish can live in small water providing there is good cover. First pool was shallow but packed full of timber and overhanging trees :biggrin2:

    Not really knowing were to start i rigged up an unleaded squidgy bug and cast towards the visible snags.

    Third cast as I pulled the bug over the top of submerged log it is smashed by a fiesty little aussie Bass. :thumbup:

    Stoked my first ever Bass and plenty more to come I recon, all less then 10mins from my back door, he,he :yahoo:


  18. Ok I've had no luck with lures in general seriously I've tried hard minnow lure and an assorted variety of soft plastics, all different sizes which I bought in the pack.

    The minnow lure looks very nice :1prop:

    ..problems are though..I'm yet to catch anything on EITHER !!!! :mad3:

    I've tried switching lures and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. If its the set up of the line, sinker and swivel, if I'm reeling it in too fast or slow or what exactly. In the end I just go back to using whatever bait we have around and forget bout the lures for the rest of the day.

    Any help is appreciated if possible.

    All above is great advice :thumbup:

    One thing that really helped me as well as watching the squidgy and AFC videos was two books Bushy and Starlo have put out.

    First one 'On soft plastics' was absoloutly vital to realy smack those bream :thumbup:

    Second one 'How to catch Bream on lures and Flies' also excellent book. :yahoo:

    They are available online at AFN.com

    One tip above all tips when fishing for bream is 'PAUSE YOUR LURE' ei. stop your retreive!!, this is when most bream that have been following your lure will eat it!!! :biggrin2:



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