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Bream Mad

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Posts posted by Bream Mad

  1. I got a few last friday but the water temp has dropped a lot and they were pretty difficult to temp and all small :thumbdown:

    the bass only move when it is spawning time and only the bigger ones.

    when the water temp drops they become inactive and almost impossable to catch



  2. Ahh Bass :biggrin2:

    the first of many more i hope , good work

    i have found lately with all the rain ond lower overnight temps the bass are getting a bit quiet.

    still available though on surface lures just harder to temp.

    surface lure freaks like myself usually have three main types of surface lures

    Paddlers (jitterbug, buggi pop ect)

    Poppers (any large popper 50+cm)

    Pencils (sammy, NW pencil ect)

    Bass will take all three but often one style will realy get a reaction, last thursday it was the black jitterbug

    Love those feisty Bass


  3. It's a Zipbait Rigge Deep, i originally bought it for bream. Looks like it's going to be a better trout lure.

    Bream Mad, i was fishing up near Oberon. I was in the mountains today on a 4wd trip. We had lunch on the Fish river, couldn't help myself and packed the rods. Managed a quick 20min session, dropped one fish and had a few more follows. The river looked in top condition, there were plenty of fish rising in some of the deeper pools.


    i have a rigge shallow in brown trout colours that would be awesome

    good work again

  4. I understand trying to keep your secret spot a secret, maybe just post it as spotx next time like all of us do and not try to decieve all with your post bout being at figtree when clearly you were some where else, anyway good work and maybe Ill bump into you at Figtree oneday, theirs a couple of us that fish it reasonably often, usually walking the flats at lowtide, Ill be the one wearing the Lowrance hat, come over and say hello cheers Justin.

    don't stress the second fish was caught at crosslands near my home

    the first was a definite fig tree from the flats under the bridge northern side

    i was just a bit lazy with my typing and did not mention i changed spots when those bastard rowers crowded the flats :thumbdown:

    man they have got the whole river but insist on taking the short cut lazy buggers



  5. Top session, and some nice bream to break in your new outfit. Looks like it's going to get plenty of work.

    Was that the NW pencil you were using or the Sammy.



    it was the NW pencil seems like it has a better hookup rate on bream than the sammy, also slightly smaller

    Not a bad session their, just curious as I have fished figtree flats heaps, and have never seen a wharf or wooden boarded area that the bream in second photo is lying on, cheers Justin.

    you are right the second one was taken in a secret location

  6. So far I have used fireline 4,6,8 fireline crystal in 2, varivas in 6, TD sensor in 4,6,8,10,20 Unitika 3, sufix 6, finns in 6, stren 2 and 1 other I can't remember.

    At this present time on my bream outfits I run 4 outfits with TD sensor in 4, 2 with stren 2lb, 2 with Unitika 3lb and 4 with 2lb crystal.

    Casting wise I can't believe how different they do cast!

    Best distance casting would be crystal and Unitika.

    Best to see would be TD sensor as it's orange.

    Best over all. I have used the Unitika for 4 days on the water but so far very impressed. Easy to see, casts a mile, no wind knots at all even on a very full spool and brand new line and never broke a lure off at the knot, it was always on the leader.

    The best strength would have been the Varivas but was hard to see the line to detect very light bites with plastics plus it needs extra turns in knots to hold as it's very slippery.

    Finns doesn't cast long distance with anything under a 1/8th jighead!



    wow that is a serious review thanks for that greg!

    i am pretty sure bass hard and TD sensor are identical so i would like to give them a go

    interesting you only use crystal fireline, i had a spool of 2lb stuff as used it this morning for outstanding casting distance and overall perfomance, so much better than the normal 4lb fireline which felt very rough.



  7. Hi Raiders,

    Itchin to break in my new pro tactic with a fish i hit fig tree at dawn on the big high tide.

    When the sun came up the hits started to come and the ever trusty camion was again getting hammered by much bigger bream :thumbup:

    After a couple of screaming drags and hook pulls :thumbdown: i settle down to work the flat and bang the reel screams and i am loosing line very fast :biggrin2: the pro tactic handles the stubiness of a typical big bream and after a pretty long battle i cradle this stonker and break in the new stick in style :thumbup:


    at 36cm and solid a very good bream

    then it just goes nuts and i switch to the lucky craft pencil which is monstered every cast :thumbup:

    after loosing two more very good bream at the end of long fights the hooks finally stay in this one who fights like a demon for his size just under 30cm


    great session and i am stoked with the pro tactic :yahoo:



  8. G day mate

    i would have a look at the Shimano sustain 1000, they have just been up graded with all the 2008 new extras, the twin power form memory was not upgraded, i own a sustain 4000 and 8000 and they are very smooth and reliable, the sustain is not much more than the twin power but you are getting all of the 2008 extras with the new design.


    the twin power has been upgraded in japan already and is available over the web

    do you have the new sustains or old ones?

  9. Hi Raiders

    I having been looking at getting a better spinning reel and the two main ones on the radar are the new Daiwa Luvias 1003 and the Shimano Twinpower 1000PGS (JDM). Shimano is about $40 bucks cheaper that the Daiwa and 25gram heavier (both are under 200 grams :biggrin2: )

    I think generally both are excellent reels but having never used either would like you opinion on which is better value. i am particually concerned about smoothness, casting and drag performance and durability.

    i find that my daiwa laguna seems to let water in very easily and effects performance.



  10. Hi Raiders,

    like most of you i have been using 4 or 6lb fireline for most of my SP and HB work on liteweight spin reels. i agree fireline is good value, but it seems pretty rough and VERY variable in breaking strains.

    I want the best braid for my new outfit and never having tried any other brands was wondering your thoughts



  11. thanks guys for the reply

    as the :wife: cut down my budget (or maybe she doesn't know yet :074: )

    i only less than $300 to spend. i picked up plenty of rods and came to the conclusion that i wanted titaniam SIC's (not recoils) a fast blank and nice contoured cork grip.

    when i picked up the 6'10" berkley protactic i new this was the one, a bit a haggling and she was mine for $280 :thumbup:

    just gave it a few casts and my god ! its no miller by for half the price it is a SWEET stick!!

    so light and sensitive, casts a mile due to the nice little tip, worth every penny i recon

    be warned i have seen the same rod at another shop for $350 which is too much



  12. Top little session BM :thumbup:

    HB's are next on my list of things to try after I have mastered SP's fully.

    I have a few in the tackle box, so might just give one or two a shot

    at my next lake session.

    That last bream is very respectable, as is the lizard.

    Well done...definitely worth getting up before the chooks eh?



    Thanks pete

    thats what fishings is all about mastering new techniques :thumbup:

    sometimes you just have to have the confidence to give them a real good go

    on this trip i did not bring a SP therefore there was no tempation when the hits were not coming


  13. Hi Raiders,

    Went for a dawn session yesterday on the low tide armed only with my trusty flikstik and a pocket full of hard bodies :biggrin2:

    Under the street light the baitfish huddled but the predators we absent, no joy with the new LC pencil :thumbdown:

    As the sun came up so did the wind but this is generally good for skinny water fishing.

    Over the shallow flats the baby min50 was getting hits and finally the (lightly set) drag starts a singing and we have our first bream at about 26cm

    he catches the light nicely


    I change to a camion SR which casts suprisingly far and can be SLOW rolled and twitched and the breambos are climbing all over it :thumbup:


    a few more smaller bream and a little whiting and the drag realy starts to sing as the camion is smashed :thumbup:

    at 34cm a quality bream that fought long and hard


    soon I have got to go to work but on the way i stop of for a final flick

    a few casts in the camion is hammered at my feet by a mega flatty :thumbup:

    i lose a lot of these fish from being bitten off and after a very spirited fight with plenty of powerful runs i beach this old girl just as she bites though the leader


    well maybe not mega but 55cm is decent for any lizard



  14. Hi Raiders,

    looking at titanium guides on my latest flick stick and wainting to know how good they are

    as far as i can work out your choice is either recoils(REC) or titanium framed SIC (Fuji) (note most SIC's sold have steel frames)

    Currently only 'off the shelf rods' with these guides are the T Curve Flight (Recoils) $400 and the Berkley pro tactic (TSic) $250 seems like the pro tactic is a good buy if the blank is good

    A bream buster with recoils is about $600

    your thoughts


  15. I agree with Stewey. I was looking for the same style of rod for the same purpose as the one you mentioned and managed to get one from Tony that was not only perfect but turned out to be a brilliant price.


    You got a pic?

    did you have many options as far as guides, grips, blanks go?

    what about custom engraving :biggrin2:


  16. Hi Raiders,

    I think it is time to buy a decent stick in the $300-500 range.

    I want a 7' (2-4kg) one peice. a bit of a do all to throw both HB's and SP's mainly landbased.

    Options so far are BB finesse ($500) :thumbup:

    TD Zero 7701MLXFS(half the price of the BB, and i have a procaster Z that i love)

    Maybe something from loomis as well?

    opions would be appreciated as i have never owned a custom stick

    i would like lightness for HB's more so, i currently are running a raider bream finesse which is great for SP's but a bit to heavy for HB's :thumbdown:


  17. Hi matey ever tried a top water lure called Jackson T-PIVOT they're dynamite except the rear single barbless

    hook gets a lot of misses so i changed it with a OWNER STINGER treble #16size they also walk the dog pretty good.



    No just checked them out on the web, they certainly look the goods, were can i get one?

    Went back this arvo and again the sammy just brained them on a very fast retrieve (for bream) and also smaller trebles #10

    but alas the old 'jammed leader knot in guides on the cast trick' and sammy was sacrificed to the lure gods

    RIP sweet sammy :074:

  18. Gotta watch out for tigers at TCD at this time of year!!!!!

    Great fishing spot though.

    A few weeks back I was working a wooley bugger on a drop off when a 1 metre plus salmon jumped on and ran me to my backing,,I had him within 6 feet when it busted me off and haven't stop smiling sinse.


    I assume you are talking about another lake that is stocked with alantic salmon?

    No salmon in TCD :074:

    Sound like a fun ride though :thumbup:


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