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Everything posted by ophet

  1. Big sinkers would hurt and could mame someone, you don't want to get yourself on the wrong side of the law. Some wise words Netic. There are always going to be idiots everywhere you go, and also people who do not know what they are doing. Some advice and friendly suggestions are always good. If it bothers you, then ignore it or move away, best to avoid conflicts. Having said that, I am always one for standing up for your rights and self defense.
  2. Well there you go, I didn't know the birds ate the cuttle fish bone, I thought they just groomed their beak and nails on the bone.. That is a HUGE cuttle !!!! Amazing. Was the cuttle tough to eat?
  3. Thanks Red, do you know what the going rate is for the kit? I am happy to do the upgrade myself, I have the confidence now - after watching your skills at the Fishraider workshop Does this kit also include the Stella handle?
  4. Hey guys, where is the best place to get an upgrade kit, and how much are we looking at?
  5. Ha ha, that is funny. I am just visualizing you trying to tempt a luderick when they are fleeing for their lives. I am a luderick fisherman from way back, and I really can't imagine they would take a weed bait when they have a huge lump of muscle breathing down their gills. Funny thing is that I would have been excited by the same sight, and would've probably done the same thing. From experience, you may as well shut up shop when the dolphins are around, no matter what species you are targeting. BTW - Have you tried putting out a luderick for a Jewie? You should try it and you may just get a big surprise
  6. Nice one Tony, some solid fish there, you must have taken all the big ones cause we didn't get any over 70cm You should be so kind as to share the biggens around next time We had a great time though, pulling King after King, they are great fun no matter what size. Great that the little guys get onto some big fish, I bet it would have been intimidating for them to try to land such a fish, congrats to them.
  7. Well done on the squid buddy, good little session after school.
  8. Funny story and well written. You are a mad bugger !!!! Great action though.
  9. Well done Dano1, great session indeed, and finished up in good time !!! From the top of my head I don't believe there is a size limit for Ambers or Samsons, I could be wrong though.....
  10. Yes, thanks to Stewy and Donna for a great job in organising the event. It was nice to meet some of you and good to put some faces to names. The demos were great and very educational. They were pitched at the right level, and delivered with great humour and wit. Thanks to Red and Tony for sparing their time to give the demos, very much appreciated. It is good to see things done in the flesh, as opposed to reading about them in books. Shame I could not hang around for the knot tying part, I will certainly try to make the next workshop.
  11. That is AWESOME !!!! I would find it hard to eat a King after (maybe for only just a little while) hand feeding them from the beach like that. There are some HUGE fish amongst them, if only it was that easy to burley them up in Sydney.... I assume that fishing is banned from that beach, natural instincts would be to drop a popper to one of those suckers... I am guessing the tourists would not be so happpy Interesting the japanese writing on top of the YouTube window, I can't read Japanese but it probably reads "Stupid Aussies, letting fresh sushimi float by.."
  12. Interesting indeed, amazing the difference between fresh and not so fresh squid. I have some squid that I caught yesterday, have had it in the CHILL section of the fridge, and will try stripping it tomorrow to see if I have any takers. We will also have live yakkas and squid, we hopefully will catch tomorrow, so we will see how the two day old squid fares.
  13. Well done Kingsrule, showing your versatility on land and water. Good going with the frigate pieces, I thought the Kings would have gone the yakka first.
  14. Well done Zenman, glad you guys got a feed. I may be off the track here, but I don't think Kelvin was on the water today. I was of the understanding he was at work today, and going out tomorrow. Perhaps we have a Kelvin impersonator, a Kelvinator But I can understand how you would come to that conclusion, if you see a big blue boat with a flotilla following, kind of like the pied piper.
  15. Welcome to Fishraider Nath !!! Very nice King indeed. For everyone who doesn't know Nath, he is a champion at catching BIG kings from the rocks.
  16. Nice one Steve, there's some forward planning for you !!! Hope they convert into some biggens on the weekend. BTW which waterways did you catch the squid from?
  17. Nice report Charmo and welcome to the site. You guys did very well on the lake, funny how it is all quiet for a while and then it is on for young and old. You never listen to people who have no idea about fishing. A guy once laughed at me and told me that there were not any big fish at Clifton Gardens, when I chucked out a yakka on a float. Shame I didn't catch a King, would have loved to see the look in his face ....
  18. Nice one Shaun, shame you couldn't get onto some Kings. You sure are correct, get the squid and the rest is much easier. Sounds like you had a good day out with your mates anyway, which I think is the most important thing.
  19. Nice one guys, sounds like you guys are spoilt if this trip did not yield as many as the last one - certainly some quality fish in there. The first yellowfin is a good size for this time of the year!? I keep on reading about SWR, will have to make a trip up there some time. Well done.
  20. Nice one Humesy, glad the new prop works a treat. Sounds like you had a bit of action, not bad for a school night.
  21. Ha ha, you are oh so kind Grasshopper. This is my first full season fishing for Kings and downrigging, and I am coming along ... Your tuition and guidance has been priceless Kelvin, I am very grateful and appreciate the time you have taken to show me the ropes. Although others on this forum have not been in as lucky a position as us, I am sure your reports have helped countless people in chasing our Seriola friends. Cheers.
  22. Hi all, I am heading up to the Gold Coast early April and want to head out on a charter boat for the day. Not too fused what I catch, just want to catch pelagics or nice eating fish. Does anyone have any recommendations for up there? Cheers.
  23. Bad luck guys, you are making progress. At least you are now getting the squid and hooking the kings, next step is landing them. Tyrnos and TLDs should be all you need. Just make sure your line is strong enough, and it sounds like you need to up the drag a little. That should test your line, knots, leaders and trace. If all this is not in place, the Kings are going to find the weakest link. Good luck !!
  24. Well done Pete, you certainly are in your domain at Narra lakes with the old WB. Nice of you to share the secret with another raider.
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