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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Thanks Sam. Sure am lucky to live up here! You won’t believe what we caught today 🤣🤣🤣
  2. G’day raiders, After fishing Tuesday and doing ok. Me and @Rodeohatched a plan to try get out today as the forecast for the next week looks crap and I’m off to Coffs for more kids sport! We got the all clear from our wives and double checked the weather. Forecast: 12-16 knot easterly and 1m swell. My mate wasn’t keen on the wind (me either) but I was going no matter what. Turned up to the ramp with a slight breeze, launched the boat, go around the corner and pretty much blew our hats off! Kept pushing on and steadily exited the heads and made our way to the bait grounds in pitch dark conditions. Found the bait hard to come by and only managed 3 livies as the first light approached. Made the call to head straight up to the island knowing that it was going to be a longer trip than normal and praying the wind didn’t kick up any further. As we approached our mark we could see fish busting up everywhere so I said, drop a livie out and we slow trolled it. Well that lasted 30 seconds and onboard comes a Mack tuna. Finally got to our intended drift and it was on for young and old. I’m on, he’s on, livie screaming, doubles on deck flapping around whilst we fight the live bait rod. Absolute mayhem!!! A few for the esky then reset the drift. Between resetting, we trolled lures and they were getting smashed too! So much fun! Next drift, and my mate goes I’m onto a good snaps here scratch! So I wound up and waited for him to land the fish, didn’t want the kaos of the last drift. So he plays it out and the fish went from good snaps to, o think it’s a king and the we get sight of it............. the bars don’t lie and it’s a friggen Spanish mackerel on a snapper stick. Whooooooo as the gaff goes in!!! Hi 5’s and a few choice words, then some photos and back into it. Lost another Spanish on the live rod (no wire) then the kings turned up as the sun was now getting higher in the sky! We had enough for a feed and did a little bit more trolling but called it a day and was back at the ramp by 930. What a cracking morning for the both of us and a day we won’t forget in a hurry! Thanks for reading, cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Prefer to think shark than cobia! 😬 Would have love to seen you stop that on a handline Yowie! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. Thanks lads! There was definitely enough to keep us busy.
  5. Thanks Baz. Yes mate, the gars were at cabbage tree. Berley, 3 hook sabiki no weight, they love it.
  6. Haha, we call that a decent feed and a pest! Today was pretty epic! Usually need to work a bit harder than what we did! 🤙
  7. Hope so mate! I think I’m heading out too! 🤙
  8. Couldn’t stop this one! Lol 🤣🤣🤣
  9. G’day raiders, Headed out this morning early with @Rodeoto beat the expected boat traffic with the sea conditions looking mint. We could see a heap of bait on the sounder but in the dark we couldn’t entice them. We did however manage a heap of garfish as a substitute. Headed straight to the island and a first cast special for scratch, and we had a nice 50cm pannie in the box. Kept drifting but we didn’t see what we were looking for, so time to move! Well the next spot was red hot and there were fish busting everywhere. I cast out and was on to a thumper snaps. So my mate winds in quickly and bang! He’s on to a nice kingy. So we are doubled up and then the livie screams off! Oh no, what to do? Well, I’m confident that mines an 80+cm snapper, so my mate locks up his king and it gets off! Picks up the live bait rod, gooooone! Then within sight of the boat, the worst feeling on the world.... grinding on the line and pop! 😢😢 Oh well, it’s all happening so we reset the drift and seriously same result. This time I land a cracking snapper, he gets a decent 70cm+ king and we land a good size mac tuna on the live bait rod. Lol 😝 We work the area picking up a few more snapper and a heap of kings and plenty of dustings. In fact, the amount of good fish we’ve lost in the last two trips has been embarrassing. So it was good to get a few on the deck! Packed up around 1030 and took a scenic tour along the beach on the way home! Thanks for reading, cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Are you kidding me??? The one fish that has eluded me, my whole fishing career. COBIA! and you probably pulled it on on a hand line too! Grrr 😡 Agh, good on you yowie! A different mixed box for sure! cheers scratchie!!!
  11. The Deckee app, I’ve actually been watching it and making observations in real time. Especially when it comes to wind and swell conditions in my area. I have to say it’s been a lot closer in predictions than some of the other weather sites. Combine that with some of its other functionality and its a great app to have! You can also find my “Story Marker” on there and see where I am and/or what I’ve been up too! Just type in in the search bar! cheers scratchie!!!
  12. It doesn’t necessarily need to be mounted Baz. Just an easy accessible spot is all that’s required 👍
  13. Not sure in the bay Baz, I’ll chase that up! But you can definitely order them from the website I posted!
  14. Rummers, At the moment it’s hard chasing Jew in the bay due to all the fresh water that’s pushing down from the back of the system. The incoming high is probably the best time when it coincides with a low light period. Slimies and yakkas for live bait are the way to go, as that is the bait that is current in the area. You could also try middle island or the Steps at fame cove. Patience is the key with Jew. Spent many hours just sitting there but one scream of a reel can change your day! Next time your in the bay, it will pay to float a livie under a balloon float too, as the longtail have turned up! Hope that helps! cheers scratchie!!!
  15. The tournament is held up here every year. It is run by the Shoal Bay fishing club. We’ve entered a few fishraider teams in the past. Just a great excuse to get together for the weekend and go fishing.
  16. That’s great KB. Certainly an option. Although these cells are a floatation device for multiple people, hold your epirb and flares.
  17. Rolled in flour, hot oil, 10 seconds per side! Perfect 👌 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I would never keep a fish I didn’t know what it was. Size is irrelevant 🤙
  18. Agh legend! Will you come up for the tournament?
  19. Had word from Tony this morning. Yes it’s in mid May! @Smobabyyou in the know 🤔 Tony said, he will send me a link next week so I can post it up! Maybe here’s a chance for a fishraider meet up????
  20. To add, in the event that you do have to abandon ship fast and maybe you can’t grab your life jacket, these Cells provide floatation for 2-4 persons! I know what I’m grabbing! These 4 blokes are glad they did!
  21. As smobaby said, they have a bracket designed for that very nature of incident. In the event that you are separated from your boat, I hope that your at least wearing a life jacket. You can never plan for every single incident that can happen on the water and going overboard is one of those rare instances. However, the LifeCell will cover you for a lot more situations than most! Exactly 👌 They love them!
  22. Did I find a new species? Haha! Had me stumped 🤔
  23. Agree! From my understanding, other than a life jacket, you are not required to carry any other floatation device. 🤔 Thanks mate! And that can often be the problem right there. You haven’t been out for a while, keen to get back on the water. Check all your rods, lures, bait and motors working! Perfect ready to go! But have you checked your safety equipment? That’s an idea but probably not practical whilst fishing. On the LifeCell, you can also mount the epirb on the side as well for more room inside! 👌 I think so too! And definitely mention fishraider when you place an order!
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