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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Congrats brettman, was out there Saturday night and the cold was the same. Lifted my spirits with a nice croc myself but you got me by 5cms. PB for me too! About time the hawkesbo produced something! Well done champ! Cheers scratchie!!!
  2. P.s diesel, if your son hadn't of caught so many fish, you would have been eating that stick!Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Will do! And good luck, hopefully you get something to post. Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. How's this report for you, hope it helps! ESTUARY - Reports this week suggest that the estuary will be the place to fish this weekend. Bream and Luderick are the two stand out species with plenty getting caught from Karuah to Shoal Bay. The oyster racks at the entrance of the Karuah are fishing well on the incoming tide for Bream especially if you anchor and burley and allow your baits such as mullet gut or peeled endeavour prawns to drift back into the racks, be sure to use fluorocarbon leaders as those oysters can be nasty. Bream up to 44cm around Soldiers Point on a night time. Fish the rock walls at Fame cove or around the oyster racks tossing lightweighting hated Z Mann grubs amongst the racks. Luderick have fired up especially around the Break walls. Plenty are getting caught from the anchorage so to Nelson Bay and the Torpedo Tubes at Shoal Bay. Cabbage weed is the best at the moment and with the low swell and tides will be easy to get from around Boat Harbour and alike. Some good Jewies were caught in the bay. fish the back of Middle Isalnd with live baits also heard of a few smaller ones coming from the wreck at Salamander. The Long Tail Tuna keep anglers on there toes as the rip into the Garfish around the wharf behind Salamander Shoes. Some big Kings have also been sighted doing the same thing around the break wall. BEACH - Its great to see the beaches firing with plenty on offer from Birubi to Zenith. The big news this week Jewies from in front of the surf club at Fingal, fish on a high tide change last weekend. There are also some good Tailor from around the spit along with a few Bream. Zenith and Box beach are fishing well for Bream especially the northern and southern end, there are also a few Tailor mixed in.Whiting can be still caught despite the water temp cooling off. Try One Mile or Samurai for better results. Birubi is holding plenty of good Bream in the gutters but it pays to fish on sunrise or sunset. ROCKS - Its the time of year when rock fishing comes into its own. Plenty of species are on offer and you can always find protection from the wind. This week has been great with good fish caught in the washes. Fingal Point is fishing well for Tailor and Bonito whilst the southern end of Box Beach is fishing well for Tailor and Bream. Boulder Bay is holding plenty of Drummer and Luderick but it pays to walk a little bit further to find the better quality fish. A few reports of Snapper coming from the rocks at Sunny Corner and Fishermans bay this week and with a building swell over the weekend it will be worth fishing.
  5. If your land based, Wanda Wanda headland is the place. You can pump nippers around the corner at corlette. If you see a Haines hunter while you fishing say hi, it's me! Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Hey ginko. I think the hair tail patterns have been very unusual. I caught a hairtail in late November that went 178cm. Was really shocked, only to hear of them being caught in port Macquarie as well. I thought they only lived relatively local to the Hawkesbury and surroundsand found around winter months? I'm a bit perplexed too! Maybe a fellow raider can shed some light on their patterns? Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Who would have thought panthers to win 62-6???? I know the warriors aren't going that well but that is an absolute spanking!!! I think the top 4 teams are dominant this year, the rest are just making up the numbers! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Absolutely stoked. There was nothing else really biting, so to get that girl and watch her come up the water column was in a word, awesome! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. That's classic! I'd be expecting a fish on the other end too! Lost one the other week that got taken straight out the holder! last seen heading for NZ! Glad he retrieved his rod! Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Nice work! Give you a tip, turn your phone off when your fishing! Sorry babe, reception was really bad! Tight lines, Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Nice catch agentx! Great pan size feed there! Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Nice catch ginko! Was out in waratah bay last night chasing them with no success. Water seemed a bit warm. There was about 6 other boats looking for them too but know seemed to have any luck. Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. He said you live across the road!! Why didn't he envite you the slacker! We will all have to go for a flick someday! It's great having diesel with you, cos he always makes you look good! Lol. But he's heaps passionate about fishing and pretty good with the net. I give him heaps of practice on it anyway! Tight lines, Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. G'day raiders, Went out last night with fellow raider diesel and son, and I took my boy same age. Put the both our boats in at parsley bay at about 230pm. The plan was to do a couple of drifts around commodore heights and make our way up Cowan to waratah bay about 430 and moor up for the night. Well, we picked up a couple of flatties around the 40cm+ mark while drifting and we stuck to our plan. On arrival, we managed to grab a visitors mooring, tied up both boats together, set up and settled in for the night. Diesel forced me to have a couple of beers while we soaked some baits and waited for the tide. There wasn't much action, although plenty of bait fish about. We put out a few rigs trying for hairtail but the water was to warm and no sign of them about. Diesel son manged to catch a small soapie and I got a trev that went 35cm. We changed rigs after landing the soapie and tried for jewy instead. We started to lose faith when out the corner of my eye I see my rod slowly peeling line. I picked it up, set the hook and feel a big weight on the end of the line. A few head shakes as I wound in and I was confused to what this fish was???? Being nighttime and a bit hard to see, I thought it might be a big ray but as it got nearer the boat to our surprise it was a huge flatty. After a great netting effort from diesel, there she was....... A beautiful 76cm and 3.5kg. A massive PB for me and hi5s all round. The young fellas were stoked as were we! After a few pics but she went to the depths of which she came, which also really exciting! Poor diesel didn't manage to land a fish last night, not through a lack of trying but at one stage was perplexed by the weight of his rod!!! After releasing his catch unharmed, we turned in for the night. This morning we managed to hide from the wind at Juno point and drifted with some success, even diesel managed a few flatty but was out fished by his son yet again! We both went home with a feed of flatty and flounder and had a great night! Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Always love reading your reports and I'm sure the next one will be a cracker! Good luck champ! Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Your smile says it all, awesome flatty there! Was that a PB for you? It smashes mine, well done! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Thanks fishingphase! Yes, I feel like someone has died too! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. I'm quoting my own post! I must be Nostradamus! The tigers are pooh! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. This is the second post I've read from you boys and was wondering where you launch the boat from? Because next time you go out there's going to be a Haines hunter following you everywhere! Well done fellas! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. I think the smile on the young fellas face says it, thanks for taking me fishing dad! Will do my homework tomorrow! Well done! Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Not being smart, but I suggest the title is incorrect. Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Great bag of fish there! I'm cooking up some similar size jewy now! Mmmmm Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. That is the sound of the reel I'm addicted too! But the result not so good! All you raiders must admit, that sound makes you want to go fishing ay? Cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Awesome report! Made for great reading and some great pics to match! Well done boys! Cheers scratchie!!!
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