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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Day 4.......Only for the dedicated!!! Woke up to the sound of rain hammering the tin roof of the cabin, then heard Dom’s bedroom door open up and I was waiting for it “let’s go fishing champ”. Haha, you don’t have to ask me twice! Headed out the bar which was relatively easy today and filled up with bait. The plan today was to tick one box we’ve been wanting to for some time now and that was a Cobia. We hit our mark and deployed our liveys. 5 minutes later I can hear Dom’s rod screaming, the weight loads up and now the battle begins. Under control and not far from the boat, pop! And there goes the target! Tried for an another but the persistent rain and wind were wreaking havoc so we move and tried another spot. No luck there and with conditions deteriorating we opted for some high speed trolling and then back to the mackerel grounds. No luck doing that either and it seems everything just shut down. So we decided to pull stumps and head for home! 9 hours of being rained on in lumpy and windy conditions were enough and we were really looking forward to that hot shower! Tomorrow is yet another day!!!
  2. Cheers Rich. We watched it form and intensify. Pretty cool at a distance!
  3. Thanks champ! Not many snapper up here at the moment, too many big toothy things! Haha
  4. Forgot to mention an early lunch of yellow fin sashimi and bbq cooked Spanish mackerel with a fresh salad. Yum 😋
  5. Day 3...... Today was a lazy start and we didn’t hit the bait grounds until 7. The wind was a bit strong from the south which made for a little lumpy conditions than we were hoping! But we pushed on, decided to stay in close and grabbed some bait. I was first up and managed a nice Spanish. We boated another 3 spotties before the wind blew us off the water. Seen a water spout offshore which vindicated our decision to stay close! Back at the ramp before 10 with plenty of filleting to do. Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. It sure is a special place Frank! You don’t need to work as hard for the bite but the fish absolutely give your rod, reel and knots a workout!
  7. It’s something that obviously is of caution but there hasn’t been any reported case lately so I hope I’m not the first! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
  8. Definitely a different environment up here. The locals are saying their sick of mackerel. Haha 😂 (I’m not)
  9. Talica 25 with 15kg mono. About a meter of 80lb leader and 86lb wire trace with a stinger treble! The reel is spooled with about 500m. Scary when you are losing more than half of that!
  10. Thanks for your concerns mate but it’s not the first time fishing here and I think we’ve got things pretty covered!
  11. Cheers Sam! When you talk about epic fishing trips, it’s great to know we are in that moment now! 👍👍👍
  12. That first run was crazy! We measured from hook up to where we ended up was about 360m. Always use wire traces up here!
  13. Sorry rick! No mate, seriously I’m really sorry......... NOT! Haha 😂
  14. Day 2........ Well the seas were much kinder to us today! And what an absolute insane day on the water! Started by catching live bait and having spotties pull them off our rigs. So while we were collecting out went one and hand fed by Dom and in comes a nice spotted mackerel. Then it was my turn, bloody Mac tuna. Then I finally get one. That’s my first spotties so ticked that box. We worked the area for a while and Dom scores a nice 15kg plus longtail which was returned. Now, we only use one live bait at a time and take turns fighting the fish! It’s fair to say today was Doms day and didn’t he score some crackers! Spotties, 15kg longtail, 17kg Spanish, 5-6kg yellow fin tuna and best of all a 30kg wahoo that went berserk. While I scored a Mac tuna on nearly every hook up! 😩 But all in all, who cares! What a cracking day out there!
  15. Thanks guys for all the replies! Day 2 will be up soon!
  16. Gday raiders, Left the beauty of Port Stephens this morning and headed north with my good mate Dom for a weeks fishing in Wooli. Arrived at 11am, and headed straight out to the breakwall to check the bar. Not much water so we checked in, got our gear ready and waited a while. With pretty sloppy seas and breezy conditions we pushed on and gave the bar a crack! This is not for the faint hearted nor the inexperienced but once we got out we were hoping the seas would settle down. This was not the case and we slowly made our way north to target snapper, all the while drifting a livey behind us! Anyway, put in two and half solid hours and managed 2 Mac tuna, I got a solid snapper, Dom managed a screaming longtail and we got dusted a few times by what we think were Spanish! Keep your eye for day 2 tomorrow! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Me too Rick! Hopefully a slight 1.1m southerly swell with a 4-5knot westerly wind please! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
  18. @mrsswordfisherman The enormity of what you and Stewy created on this site will never be forgotten! The community and social aspect is why Fishraider has outlasted all others. The socials over the years will always hold fond memories for me and my family as we attended many especially the hairtail social on the Hawkesbury where I would spend 3 or 4 days fishing and sleeping on my little boat with my kids and using your mothership to freshen up and get a much needed coffee! We still talk about those times and plan to do a trip like that this year too! This “catch up” is just that and I’m blown away by the response It has received. It should be a great weekend to all that attend and it Is my intention to keep it as simple as possible! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. That sounds awesome! Thanks mate! As luck would have it, I’ll get the bread rolls as I’m a baker! Lol Im really looking forward to the weekend too but this week I’m fortunate enough to be heading to Wooli chasing Spanish macs for the week!
  20. Agh, christened the new boat at least. What type of boat did you get? Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. To answer in short, “insurance”. And permission from the owners. I only put up this idea as I’ve had a few people say they should come up! I never expected the response it has received. So thank you all. Regardless of “official” or not! Let’s go fishing!
  22. Beautiful waterway indeed. We are so lucky to be surrounded by stunning oceans that provide fish like that! Well done 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
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