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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. 9 hours ago, GordoRetired said:

    You certainly seem to smash them with your plastics. What weight jig heads do you use? I seem to not get down deep enough when I try.

    Cheers mate! If you read the article I wrote it will answer a lot of questions. But you must adjust your jig to the current. On this day, I was fishing 13-20m usually I use a 1/4oz but with the current ripping hard I changed it to a 3/8 and instantly hooked up! The key is definitely to be working the whole water column! 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Yowie said:

    Thanks Scratchie. 

    Looks like the warm water is heading down the coast according to the Weather Bureau graph. Might bring some tropical species with it, including a cobia or 2. 🤣

    I actually had one circling the boat at Crowdy the other day. It wouldn’t take anything and I’m I gave it a smorgasbord to chose from. 😩

  3. 38 minutes ago, papafish said:

    Any particular type and do they work on the beach??? Thx

    Any prawn imitation sugarpens will work. No particular colour. More productive in estuary than of the beach as there is too much movement. Worked in a walk the dog method they are deadly on the flats! 

  4. It’s that crazy time of year mate! The entitlements of some people amaze me! All we can do is lead by example and stay true to our own morals. If it makes you feel any better, it happens whilst boating too! Have had people anchor literally 10ft in front of me as I drifted. I just move on! Only ever worry about the things you can control. Hopefully your next outing is a better one! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 3
  5. Hey Sam, 

    Been there many times. If they are asking and ready then take them. 
    However, start with little trips offshore and test their sea legs.
    You also need to be experienced yourself at offshore fishing (which you are) and knowing the conditions. 
    I often take the 3 youngest and collect bait which is always fun and then just spend some time trolling. 
    That’s where I’d start anyway! 
    Have fun 🤩 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 1
  6. 22 hours ago, jenno64 said:

    It’s funny how the scream of a reel makes any pain or discomfort disappear! Great effort Jeff and enough delicious fillets for Christmas dinner!

    Cheers Rob! That sound sometimes keeps me awake at night 😂

    21 hours ago, bessell1955 said:

    Once more,

    you prove to be the fish whisperer! 

    Hahahahah cheers mate! 

    16 hours ago, big Neil said:

    Great read, great haul, great angler... you are indeed the Snapper Whisperer. bn

    Thanks BN. I’ll keep whispering as long as it keeps working 😂

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

    I still remember some of your stories from NB on how you would finish work at the we small hours of the morning, go fishing, come home & go straight to work then go straight out fishing again after work the next day 😳


    Good to see your still keen as ever Jeff :thumbup:


    Just take it easy on the roads mate, lack of sleep & long road trips dont mix to well. 

    Life’s short, play hard! 
    I’m used to living off little sleep. Just enjoy making memories 🤙

  8. 14 hours ago, Blackfish said:

    Now that's a good looking box of fish. 

    Great effort.

    Cheers mate! Pretty happy with that lot 

    12 hours ago, Little_Flatty said:

    Great job Jeff! Some people just can't be convinced! Only cure is for them to go out one day - without bait as 'backup' - and succeed. I think you need to spring one on him one of these days...take him out and 'forget' the bait and any bait catching equipment. Then go catch Whiskers and he'll be converted 🤣

    Hahahahahah! Guess plastics ain’t for everyone. He was amazed at how my jigs went on the flatty. With the conditions the way they were, my 60gram knife jig was the same result as his double hook paternoster with 12oz sinker 😂

    11 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

    That looks like some tasty tasty morsels there @Scratchie. Well done.

    Cheers Isaac! 

    11 hours ago, Yowie said:

    A very nice bag of fish there Scratchie. Most of the reds look like a good eating size.

    It gets to the point that sleep is needed. 😴

    Thanks yowie! Just got 10 hours solid and didn’t move a muscle 😂😂

    10 hours ago, Pickles said:

    Great result Jeff - hope you get a “day off” to catch up on some sleep and recharge (and give the snapper a rest).

    Thanks Bob. Did that last night and ready to go again 😂

    9 hours ago, JonD said:

    4am at the ramp😱 How do you get up without an hour of sunshine hitting the bed.

    Hahahahha! Don’t think I’ve ever launched with the sun up! That’s for tourists. Lol 😝 

    By then I’ve already caught a hand full 😂

    8 hours ago, Hoods said:

    Hey Scratchie welcome to the Mid North Coast. I shouldn't tell you this but your old mate Whiskers has some close relies up here. Thanks for sharing.

    Cheers Hoods. 
    Yeah I fished the area a few times and met whiskers relos! Still working the place out though. Good thing is it’s only 2hrs from my place 🤙

    8 hours ago, GoingFishing said:

    Awesome when a plan comes together like that. Great box of fish too !

    Thanks Sam! Bit of fun exploring and landing a decent feed! 

  9. G’day raiders, 

    Talk about burning the candle at both ends! 
    So after yesterdays efforts on some snaps and kings, I was on my way home from the boat ramp when I get a call from a mate asking if I wanted to go fish Crowdy head today. I explain to him that it’s been a big day and that I hadn’t even got home yet! He was pretty insistent lol 😝 So I asked my lovely wife and put some sleep on the back burner and headed up there after finishing school duties. 
    Arrived at caravan park at 730, in bed by 930 and up at 3am and off to the ramp! Coffee in hand we launch around 4am and off to our mark. Now my mate fishes bait and me plastics. I cast first but being a new area I need to work it out. He drops down and hooks up instantly. Then next drop he’s on again. Two pannies from the mate and then I hear him give me some motivation with the call of “2 nil”. 
    Well that was all I needed to make sure my casts were long, I chose the right jig and plastic. Fair to say from that moment I had chosen the right plastic and weight for the current as I began to bring fish in deck pretty consistently and some good ones too! After the second drift he conceded defeat at 9-3 but I still couldn’t convince him to take up the plastics. 
    He thought we’d move out to the deep to even the scores but that didn’t work either as I switched to a few jigs and we had similar success on some flatties and more snapper. 
    Put in a solid effort all day and I didn’t touch a baited hook. We bagged out on snapper and about 10 decent flatties to add to the bag! Left Crowdy at 2pm for the drive home. To say I’m looking forward to tonight’s sleep is understatement. Had a few offers to head out tomorrow but I think I’m done for the week! 
    Or am I???? 😂😂😂

    Thanks for reading, 

    cheers scratchie!!! 




    • Like 23
  10. 23 hours ago, dirvin21 said:

    Nice kingies Jeff

    Cheers Dave

    23 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

    Nice kings mate, love it when a plan comes together. Nice feed for a couple of nights👌.

    It was a good plan! Pretty happy with the results 🤙

    22 hours ago, Pickles said:

    Good work Jeff, a nice pair there mate- gotta love kingies.

    Thanks Bob! They go hard that’s for sure

    22 hours ago, Peter Nelson said:

    Good to see you out there mate.

    theres definitely some big ones swimming around with some new jewellery. That first one I hooked was a horse

    Not wrong Pete! One of them I had full locked drag (10kg) and 120lb leader and didn’t get a wind on it 😂😂😂

    21 hours ago, frankS said:

    Great catch Jeff . When are you going to organize another get together ? now that my savage is almost ready to go I feel the urge to use it no matter what my doctors say.


    Thanks Frank. Every time I start thinking about organising something there seems to be an hurdle. We’ll get there one day! 

    20 hours ago, wizza said:

    Good action in good weather.



    19 hours ago, jenno64 said:

    That's a nice change of pace!

    Was nice cruising around for a change 

    19 hours ago, mrsswordfisherman said:

    It’s been 2 years of restrictions hasn’t it. We are not out of the woods just yet.

    It would be difficult to organise anything just yet. 

    Your not wrong! As much as we’d all like to, at this stage it’s not possible. 

    17 hours ago, Yowie said:

    Nice pair of kingies there Scratchie.

    Change your boat, wear different clothes, grow a beard - maybe the others won't follow you then. 🤣

    Hahahahah tried that yowie! They still find me 😂

    8 hours ago, bessell1955 said:

    Are there any fish that you can not catch?  A great effort, well rewarded.

    Thanks. Yes a COBIA! It has haunted me forever. 

    6 hours ago, Rebel said:

    Great report as usual. Well done.

    Top Kingies.


    Cheers Rebel 

  11. G’day raiders, 

    Just a quick report from up here. 

    Headed out early this morning and the plan was to chase some snapper early then try for a few kings. 
    Landed two snapper on first and second cast. My mate picked up one on third cast. 
    Went to reset the drift and there was about 5-6 boats headed our way! Damn. Moved spots and mate lost a brut first cast in the new area. The crowd began to grow so we moved on. Found a patch of rat kings to play with but had enough of that. So we collected some bait and stuck to the plan. Seen @Peter Nelsonout there. And the poor fella lost two kings. We kept trying and after about two hours, we finally found them. Doubled up we landed both. Then another pass produced two unstoppables on 120lb leader. By then we’d had enough and called it a day! 
    Headed home pretty happy we stuck to the plan! 

    Thanks for reading, 

    cheers scratchie!!! 



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